


PR Newswire ·  06/18 20:47

Developers Michael and Chris Keiser Announce Plans for Sandy Site North of Nacogdoches

開發商Michael和Chris Keiser宣佈在Nacogdoches北部計劃建設項目。

CHICAGO, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dream Golf today announced plans to establish a world-class destination golf resort in East Texas. Wild Spring Dunes will be a public golf resort and community developed by Michael and Chris Keiser, featuring world-class golf, accommodations, homesites and dining facilities. Current Dream Golf properties include the award-winning Bandon Dunes in Oregon and Sand Valley in Wisconsin, along with Rodeo Dunes, under construction in Colorado.

芝加哥,2024年6月18日 /PRNewswire/ -- Dream Golf今天宣佈在東部德克薩斯州建立世界一流的高爾夫度假勝地。Wild Spring Dunes將是由Michael和Chris Keiser開發的公共高爾夫度假勝地和社區,提供世界一流的高爾夫、住宿、房地產和餐飲設施。當前的Dream Golf物業包括位於俄勒岡州的屢獲殊榮的Bandon Dunes、威斯康星州的Sand Valley和在科羅拉多州建設中的Rodeo Dunes。

Rendering by Peter Flory
Peter Flory的渲染圖片。
Photo by Jeff Marsh, courtesy of Wild Spring Dunes
Wild Spring Dunes的照片,由Jeff Marsh提供,照片出自Wild Spring Dunes。

Wild Spring Dunes occupies 2,400 sandy, secluded acres with 120 feet of elevation change and varied topography and ecosystems including towering pines and hardwood forest; open, grassy meadows; rolling hills; and steep ravines carved by spring-fed creeks. An ideal site for world-class golf, two course routings are complete, with plans established for a short course and practice center.

Wild Spring Dunes佔地2400英畝,地勢高差爲120英尺,地形和生態系統各異,包括巍峨的松樹和落葉林、開闊的草地、起伏的山丘和被噴泉溪流雕刻出的陡峭峽谷。這是一個理想的世界級高爾夫球場場地,其中有兩條球道路線已經完成,並計劃建設一個短球道和練習中心。

"We were so fortunate to get a shot at this site," Michael Keiser says, of being invited to Texas by Dallas businessman Brett Messerall, who had pored over more than 1,000,000 acres via satellite and on foot, and had ultimately secured the land. "It was so good, so unexpected, we just had to go for it. The golf courses here will have such great diversity and character – I expect them to be among the best in the country."

"我們非常幸運有機會得到這個場地的機會," Michael Keiser說到,他們是受到達拉斯商人Brett Messerall的邀請來到德克薩斯州的,後者通過衛星和步行查看了超過100萬英畝的土地,並最終佔有了這塊土地。 "這是一塊好地方,出乎意料地好,我們只好去試試了。這裏的高爾夫球場將有如此多的多樣性和特色 - 我希望它們成爲全國最好的球場之一。"

Renowned golf course designer Tom Doak will build the first of two planned 18-hole courses. Bill Coore and Austin, Texas, native Ben Crenshaw, one of the top design duos in the history of the game, have routed a second course.

著名的高爾夫球場設計師Tom Doak將建造第一條兩條計劃的18洞球場中的一條。比爾·科爾和得克薩斯州奧斯汀市本·克倫肖是歷史上最好的設計師之一,在遊戲設計的領域裏境界是非常高的,他們已經爲第二條球場租用了一個場地。

"This land just has a different feel from anything I've worked on in the past," Doak says. "That's the attraction for me, and I think the course will be unique and interesting for golfers."

"這個土地與我之前所做過的任何土地都有不同的感覺," Doak說道。 "這是我所吸引的,我認爲這個好地方獨一無二,對高爾夫球手來說會很有趣。"

Wild Spring Dunes is located in historic East Texas, approximately 20 miles north of Nacogdoches, the oldest city in the state. Both Dallas and Houston are two hours by car from the resort site, and Shreveport Regional Airport is just 73 miles away. Flanked by National Forests, the land is secluded, peaceful, and an easy day drive from a wide variety of neighboring cities and states, such as Oklahoma City, Tulsa, St Louis, Little Rock, Memphis, Birmingham, Jackson, and New Orleans.


"It's just a wonderful coincidence that this site is accessible to so many people," Keiser says. "The reason we're doing it is because of the quality of the site. If it were 10 hours, 15 hours from Dallas or Houston, we'd still be doing it because the site is just that good."

"我們之所以要做這件事,是因爲地質的優勢。如果它距達拉斯或休斯頓還有10或15個小時的車程,我們仍然會做到這一點,因爲它只有那麼好。" Keiser說。

Golf construction on the Doak course is expected to begin in Fall of 2024, with opening projected for 2026.


About Wild Spring Dunes
Wild Spring Dunes will be a public golf resort and refuge developed by Michael and Chris Keiser, owners of Sand Valley Resort, featuring world-class golf, accommodations, homesites and dining. Two courses are routed with plans established for a short course and practice center.

關於Wild Spring Dunes
Wild Spring Dunes將是由Michael和Chris Keiser開發的公共高爾夫度假勝地和社區,提供世界一流的高爾夫、住宿、房地產和餐飲設施。兩條球道已經確定,還計劃建設一個短球道和練習中心。

Set on over 2,400 sandy, secluded acres, the site includes dramatic elevation changes that highlight four distinct and diverse ecosystems: towering pines and hardwood forest; open, grassy meadows; rolling hills; and steep ravines carved by spring-fed creeks that crawl through the secluded site. Wild Spring Dunes is an escape, a destination, a place to come together in community – a home for golf and wilderness lovers alike.

分佈在2400英畝的砂質隱蔽的場地上,包括高低起伏的四個截然不同的生態系統:高大的松樹和落葉林,開闊的草地,起伏的山丘和由泉水噴湧而成的峭壁峽谷。Wild Spring Dunes是一個逃脫的地方,一個目的地,一個社區聚集的場所 - 高爾夫和野外愛好者的家園。

About Dream Golf
Dream Golf is a growing collection of destination golf resorts developed by the Keiser family. At our resorts you will find soul-stirring golf built in harmony with the land, employees that welcome you like family, and destinations that embrace the rugged beauty of their natural environment. Current properties include Bandon Dunes in Oregon, Sand Valley in Wisconsin and Rodeo Dunes, under construction in Colorado.

關於Dream Golf
Dream Golf是Keiser家族開發的越來越多的高爾夫目的地度假村組合。在我們的度假村,您會發現與土地和諧相處的令人心動的高爾夫,員工會像家人一樣歡迎您,並迎接自然環境的崎嶇之美的旅行目的地。當前物業包括俄勒岡州班登沙丘、威斯康星州卡爾·桑德和位於科羅拉多州建設中的Rodeo Dunes。

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SOURCE Dream Golf

資源來自Dream Golf

