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PR Newswire ·  06/18 20:03

BRECKENRIDGE, Texas, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --, a leading recycler in the sustainable energy sector, announced a strategic partnership with Texas Green Energy, a prominent solar energy provider in operation for 17 years and serving Texas and other regions throughout the US. This collaboration offers responsible and efficient recycling solutions for solar panels and equipment decommissioned from Texas Green Energy projects.

2024年6月18日,德克薩斯州佈雷肯裏奇 /美通社/,可持續能源領域領先的回收公司,宣佈與Texas Green Energy建立了戰略合作伙伴關係,Texas Green Energy是一家運營17年,服務於德克薩斯州和美國其他地區的傑出太陽能供應商。此次合作提供了太陽能電池板和設備的負責和高效回收解決方案,這些設備是從Texas Green Energy項目中退役下來的。

Through this partnership Texas Green Energy gains a dedicated recycling partner with multiple owned and operated facilities across the U.S. for residential, C&I, and utility solar projects. In return, will continuously invest in eco-friendly solar recycling technologies and facilities throughout the United States to lower the carbon footprint associated with transporting panels from solar sites to its recycling facilities. This commitment includes striving to ensure its generated commodities from recycling processes have global demand by diversifying supply chain uses.

通過此次合作,Texas Green Energy獲得了一個專業的回收合作伙伴,在美國的多個自有和營運設施中提供居民,C&I和公用事業太陽能項目的服務。作爲回報,SolarPanelRecycling.com將持續投資於環保太陽能回收技術和設施,降低將電池板從太陽能站點運輸到其回收設施所產生的碳足跡。包括通過多樣化供應鏈使用,努力確保其回收工藝產生的市場需求具有全球性。

"We're partnering with because we, and our customers, believe in recycling rather than polluting our landfills," said Adam Burke, Owner of Texas Green Energy. "This partnership supports green jobs, supply chain resiliency, and a circular clean energy economy, while aligning with our core value of responsible environmental stewardship."

“我們與SolarPanelRecycling.com建立合作,因爲我們和我們的客戶相信回收而不是污染我們的垃圾填埋場,”Texas Green Energy的業主Adam Burke表示。“這種合作支持綠色就業,供應鏈彈性和循環清潔能源經濟,同時符合我們負責任的環境管理核心價值觀。” was chosen for this partnership due to its ability to meet Texas Green Energy's rigorous sustainability and compliance goals for retired solar panels. These goals include low-cost, eco-friendly recycling to extract core materials, and advanced tracking and reporting of sustainability metrics such as the number of recycled panels and pounds of material diverted from landfills. The proprietary technology of allows for the extraction of nearly 100% of the value from recycled panels, including silver, silicon, copper, aluminum, and glass, significantly higher than the industry standard, which is currently below 20%.

SolarPanelRecycling.com之所以被選擇參與此合作,是因爲其有能力滿足Texas Green Energy對退役太陽能電板的苛刻的可持續性和合規目標。這些目標包括低成本、環保的回收,提取核心材料和對可持續性預算指標的先進跟蹤和報告,例如回收的電池板數量和轉移自垃圾填埋場的材料重量。SolarPanelRecycling.com的專有技術可以從回收電池板中提取近100%的價值,其中包括白銀、硅、銅、鋁和玻璃等材料,明顯高於現行行業標準,現行標準目前低於20%。

"By committing to this partnership with Texas Green Energy, we've created a cost reduction roadmap that aligns with the long-term owner-operator mindset," said Brett Henderson, CEO of "Texas Green Energy gains access to advanced solar equipment recycling at cost-effective rates right here in Texas because we share a core mission - empowering clean energy support in the U.S."

“通過與Texas Green Energy的合作,我們創建了一個長期經營者的成本減少路線圖,”SolarPanelRecycling.com的首席執行官Brett Henderson表示。“Texas Green Energy因爲共同的使命——在美國支持清潔能源——獲得了在德克薩斯州提供高效太陽能設備回收的低成本解決方案。”

Henderson continued, "We commend Texas Green Energy's proactive commitment to responsible end-of-life recycling of solar equipment, setting a strong example ahead of any mandated regulations. We are confident that Texas Green Energy and other forward-thinking EPCs, O&Ms, and asset owners who prioritize recycling will gain competitive advantages and access to substantial grants."

亨德森繼續說:“我們讚揚Texas Green Energy在太陽能設備壽命週期的負責任回收方面的積極承諾,爲實施任何指令規定之前樹立了一個強有力的示範。我們有信心,像Texas Green Energy等具有前瞻性的EPC、O&M和資產所有者,藉助優先考慮回收的優勢將獲得競爭優勢和大量津貼。”

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, Texas is the leading state in renewable electricity generation, including solar and wind. This makes Texas a focal point for delivering's innovative solutions.

根據美國能源部的數據,德克薩斯州的可再生電力發電量在美國的各州中位居首位,包括太陽能和風能。這使得德克薩斯州成爲向SolarPanelRecycling.com提供創新解決方案的焦點。 will implement tailored recycling solutions at various Texas Green Energy locations throughout Texas and across the country. Given's national footprint servicing all 50 states, this partnership will serve as a model for the solar industry and other stakeholders on how to build a low-cost and sustainable circular supply chain.

SolarPanelRecycling.com將在德克薩斯州各地和全國各地的不同Texas Green Energy場所實施量身定製的回收解決方案。鑑於SolarPanelRecycling.com服務於所有50個州的國家範圍,此次合作將成爲太陽能行業和其他利益相關方建立低成本、可持續循環供應鏈的模範。

With a flagship facility in Salisbury, North Carolina and state-of-the-art regional facilities in Georgia and Texas, has recently expanded its infrastructure footprint through high-volume partnerships, leveraging cutting-edge research and development (R&D) to enhance the separation and re-introduction of high-purity materials back into the supply chain. This rapid national expansion has created economies of scale, ensuring that committed partners like Texas Green Energy have a turnkey solution for true solar equipment recycling.

SolarPanelRecycling.com在北卡羅萊納州索爾茲伯裏擁有旗艦設施,並擁有佐治亞州和德克薩斯州的先進區域設施,最近通過高容量合作伙伴關係擴大了其基礎架構,利用尖端研究和開發(R&D)增強了高純度材料的分離和再引入到供應鏈中的能力。這種快速的全國性擴張創造了規模經濟,確保像Texas Green Energy這樣的承諾合作伙伴具有真正的太陽能設備回收解決方案。

About is a leading recycler in the sustainable energy sector, specializing in the recycling of solar panels and related equipment. Through advanced R&D and strategic partnerships, SPR provides efficient and eco-friendly recycling solutions, ensuring high-purity materials are reintroduced into the supply chain. SPR currently operates facilities in NC, GA and TX with several more regional recycling plants coming online in the next 24 months.


About Texas Green Energy
Texas Green Energy is a leading solar energy provider in Texas and across the US, offering comprehensive solutions for commercial, utility, and residential solar projects. Committed to sustainability and innovation, Texas Green Energy strives to advance the adoption of clean energy technologies.

關於Texas Green Energy
Texas Green Energy是德克薩斯州和美國全境的一流太陽能供應商,爲商業、公用事業和住宅太陽能項目提供全面解決方案。致力於可持續性和創新,Texas Green Energy努力推進清潔能源技術的採用。



