
More Nickel in the USA: Talon Metals Commences Drilling in Michigan's Upper Peninsula

More Nickel in the USA: Talon Metals Commences Drilling in Michigan's Upper Peninsula

美國鎳更多:Talon Metals在密歇根上半島開始鑽探。
newsfile ·  06/18 19:30

Historic Drilling Suggests Many Targets for High-Grade Nickel and Copper Near the Only Producing Nickel Mine in the USA


Tamarack, Minnesota--(Newsfile Corp. - June 18, 2024) - Talon Metals Corp. (TSX:TLO) (OTC Pink: TLOFF) ("Talon" or the "Company") announces that it has begun mineral exploration drilling in the Upper Peninsula of the State of Michigan, fulfilling one of the key initiatives of its 2024 exploration plan.

明尼蘇達州塔馬拉克——(Newsfile Corp.——2024年6月18日)——Talon Metals Corp.(TSX:TLO)(OTC粉紅:TLOFF)(“鐵峯”“公司”獲獎勵賞並收益爲目標,talent Metals Corp.(TSX:TLO)(OTC粉紅:TLOFF)(

In 2022, Talon entered into an option and earn-in agreement (the UPX Option Agreement") with UPX Minerals Inc. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sweetwater Royalties) ("UPX") to acquire up to an 80% ownership interest in the mineral rights over a land package comprised of approximately 400,000 acres located in the Upper Peninsula of the State of Michigan. The Company also has rights to explore certain other properties in Michigan that are not subject to the UPX Option Agreement, including approximately 23,000 acres of State mineral leases (collectively, the "Talon Michigan Nickel-Copper Properties").

talent Metals Corp.(TSX:TLO)(OTC粉紅:TLOFF)(UPX挖掘權益協議的全資子公司甜水皇室收益公司)("UPX")之間簽訂了選擇和獲得協議UPX以收購位於密歇根州上半島的佔地約400,000英畝的土地包的礦產權的80%。該公司還有權探索密歇根州的其他某些財產,這些財產不受UPX選擇權協議約束,其中包括約23,000英畝的國家礦業租賃權Talon Michigan鎳銅物業").



  • Drilling commenced in Michigan and Ongoing in Minnesota: Talon has mobilized an in-house exploration team of geologists, geophysicists, and drill crew to the Talon Michigan Nickel-Copper Properties, complementing ongoing exploration at the Tamarack Nickel Project in Minnesota. One drill rig is now active in Michigan.

  • Strategic Location: Talon's land package in Michigan is located within 1.7 miles (2.8 km) of the high-grade Eagle Nickel Mine, the only active nickel mine in the USA, and just 0.4 miles (0.6 km) from the Humboldt Mill.

  • Initial Geophysics Completed and Drilling Started at the Roland Target: In May 2024, ahead of schedule, Talon commenced geophysical surveys at three high priority targets. Following this initial geophysical work, Talon has now commenced exploration drilling at the Roland Target (see Figures 1 and 2).

  • High-Grade Potential: Talon will be following up on historic drilling of over 80 holes across the Talon Michigan Nickel-Copper Properties, that resulted in grades similar to the high-grade Eagle Mine and the Tamarack Nickel Project.

  • Nearly 50% funded by the US Department of Defense (DOD): In September 2023, Talon and the US Department of Defense announced that the US Department of Defense would provide US$20.6-million for accelerated exploration in Minnesota and Michigan, nearly doubling Talon's exploration budget. Nearly 50% of the costs Talon is incurring in Michigan will be refunded by the Department of Defense.

  • Community and Tribal Engagement: Talon is committed to engagement, transparency and information sharing with the local communities where the Company operates and with proximate tribal sovereign governments. Talon has kicked off quarterly community meetings in the region where the Company is exploring in Michigan, hired a local Community and Tribal Engagement Liaison (Cody Mayer) and initiated information sharing with the proximate tribal sovereign government. Talon believes that the process of conducting mineral exploration is fundamentally a process of understanding what resources may be in the ground.

  • 密歇根州開始鑽探並持續在明尼蘇達州進行:Talon已經動員了內部勘探團隊,包括地質學家、地球物理學家和鑽探隊,前往Talon Michigan鎳銅物業,同時也在明尼蘇達州的Tamarack Nickel項目進行持續勘探。現在密歇根已經開採了一臺鑽機

  • 戰略位置:Talon在密歇根的土地包距高品位的Eagle Nickel礦只有1.7英里(2.8公里),該礦是美國唯一的活動鎳礦,距 Humboldt Mill僅有0.4英里(0.6公里)。

  • Roland目標的初步地球物理勘探已經完成並開始鑽探:2024年5月,talent提早開始了三個高優先級目標的地球物理勘探。在這項初步的地球物理勘探工作後,Talon現在開始在Roland目標進行勘探鑽探(見圖1和2)。

  • 有高品位潛力:Talon將跟蹤Talon Michigan鎳銅物業上80多個孔洞的歷史鑽探,這些孔洞的品位與高品位Eagle礦和Tamarack鎳礦項目相似。

  • 美國國防航空幾乎負擔了近50%的費用:2023年9月,Talon和美國國防部宣佈,美國國防部將爲明尼蘇達州和密歇根州的加速探礦提供2060萬美元的資金,將talent的探礦預算幾乎翻番。Talon在密歇根州承擔的費用中,將有近50%獲美國國防部退回。

  • 社區和部落參與:Talon致力於與公司所在的當地社區以及附近部落主權政府進行接觸、透明和信息共享。Talon已在密歇根州開展季度社區會議,聘請了當地社區和部落接觸聯絡員(Cody Mayer)並啓動了與附近部落主權政府的信息共享。Talon認爲進行礦物勘探的過程,本質上是了解地下可能存在的資源的過程。

Brian Goldner, COO and Chief Exploration Officer of Talon, commented on the exploration in Michigan: "Our team in Michigan is excited to have kicked off our first exploration drill program in Michigan, home to America's only currently operating nickel mine. Our strategy is to leverage both the historic data from the Talon Michigan Nickel-Copper Properties and the new insights we've gathered from our extensive exploration around the Tamarack Nickel Project and other projects in the region. By integrating this wealth of knowledge with our new exploration model, we are confident in our ability to unlock the high-grade nickel potential of the Talon Michigan Nickel-Copper Properties. Our team's proven expertise and innovative approach will be instrumental in driving the success of this exploration program."

Talon的首席運營官兼首席勘探官Brian Goldner談到了在密歇根的勘探: “我們在密歇根的團隊很高興地啓動了我們在密歇根的第一次勘探鑽探計劃,密歇根是美國目前唯一正在運營的鎳礦。我們的策略是利用Talon Michigan鎳銅地產的歷史數據和我們在Tamarack Nickel項目和區域其他項目進行廣泛勘探獲得的新見解。通過將這些豐富的知識與我們新的勘探模型相結合,我們有信心解鎖Talon Michigan鎳銅地產的高品位鎳潛力。我們團隊的成熟專業知識和創新方法將對推動該勘探計劃的成功功不可沒。”

Talon's Community and Tribal Engagement Liaison Cody Mayer commented: "Information is power. Knowing what valuable resources are in the ground empowers society to decide in the future if those resources, that society needs for clean energy, defense related manufacturing and everyday products, should be extracted. But the first step is knowing what is in the ground. Talon is committed to doing this exploration responsibly, sharing the information we obtain with the public and state, federal and tribal sovereign government officials. We are excited to have started."

Talon的社區和部落接觸聯絡員科迪·梅耶評論道: “信息就是力量。了解地下有什麼寶貴的資源,能夠使社會在未來決定是否提取那些爲清潔能源、國防相關製造和日常產品等所需的資源。但第一步是了解地下有什麼。Talon致力於負責任地進行這項勘探,與公衆和州、聯邦、部落主權政府官員分享我們所得到的信息。我們很高興已經開始了。”

Figure 1: Location of the Roland Target and Talon's Michigan controlled mineral rights are contained approximately within the white boundary line


Drill Rig Mobilization at Roland Target: Historical Target with New Potential


Historical drilling at the Talon Michigan Nickel-Copper Properties was successful in intersecting high-grade nickel mineralization; however the Roland Target and other known target areas were never followed-up on after the discovery of the Eagle East high-grade nickel mineralization at the Eagle Mine. This Eagle East discovery changed the understanding of what controls the nickel-copper mineralization within the Michigan Upper Peninsula geology and provides Talon with a new exciting thesis for discovery.

在Talon Michigan鎳銅地產的歷史鑽探中,成功地揭示了高品位的鎳礦化物;然而,在發現Eagle East高品位鎳礦物化後,Roland目標和其他已知目標區域並沒有得到進一步探索。這個Eagle East的發現改變了人們對密歇根上半島地質控制鎳銅礦化物的認識,併爲Talon提供了一個新的令人興奮的發現論點。

Talon's drilling program has commenced at the Roland Target, leveraging both significant historical data from previous exploration and the new model from the Eagle East discovery.

Talon的鑽探計劃已經在Roland目標啓動,同時利用了以往勘探的顯著歷史數據和從Eagle East的發現中得到的新模型。

Figure 2: Drilling by Talon has commenced at the Roland Target in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan


UPX Option Agreement


In 2022, Talon entered into the UPX Option Agreement with UPX (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sweetwater Royalties) to acquire up to an 80% ownership interest in the mineral rights over a land package comprised of approximately 400,000 acres located in the Upper Peninsula of the State of Michigan. Talon has the right to acquire up to an 80% ownership interest in these properties from UPX. Talon will earn a 51% undivided interest upon completing 25,000 meters of drilling by August 2027. Subsequently, Talon can earn an additional 29% interest by delivering a Feasibility Study prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 within eight years. See the 2022 press release for more details on the UPX Option Agreement.

2022年,Talon與UPX(Sweetwater Royalties的全資子公司)簽訂了UPX期權協議,以收購位於密歇根州上半島約400,000英畝的土地包的礦權,Talon有權從UPX那裏收購這些物業的高達80%的所有權。Talon將在2027年8月之前完成25,000米的鑽探後,獲得51%的不可分割利益。隨後,Talon可以在八年內提供符合《43-101國家規定》的可行性研究,進而獲得額外的29%權益。有關UPX期權協議的更多細節,請參見2022年的新聞稿。

Additional Michigan Properties


On January 30, 2024, the Company received confirmation from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources that its Administrative Board approved Talon Michigan LLC's application for 23,000 acres of additional mineral leases in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (the "State Leases"). The Company also has rights to explore certain other properties in Michigan that are not subject to the UPX Option Agreement.

2024年1月30日,公司收到密歇根自然資源部的確認,批准了Talon Michigan LLC在密歇根上半島申請的2.3萬英畝的額外礦業租約(“州租賃”)。除了UPX期權協議外,公司還有權探索密歇根的某些其他物業。“州租賃”

Strategic Advantages of Dual Exploration Efforts in Michigan and Minnesota


As the Tamarack Nickel Project progresses its detailed engineering and permitting efforts, Talon's simultaneous exploration efforts in Michigan and Minnesota provide significant strategic advantages. This approach is made possible by Talon's robust in-house capabilities, including five dedicated drill rigs and specialized exploration and geophysics teams.


  • Maximizing Resource Potential: Exploring both regions allows Talon to uncover the full district potential of the Lake Superior region. By leveraging both historical data and new insights learned from the Tamarack Nickel Project, Talon can apply proven techniques on the Talon Michigan Nickel-Copper Properties, increasing the likelihood of discovering more high-grade nickel.

  • Operational Efficiencies: In-house drill rigs and expert technical teams enable Talon to efficiently conduct parallel exploration programs. This operational flexibility ensures continuous progress across multiple projects, minimizing downtime and accelerating the overall timeline for resource identification and development.

  • Diversification: Engaging in exploration across two different yet geologically similar regions helps Talon spread its exploration risk. Further success in either location can significantly boost Talon's resource base, providing multiple pathways to secure the supply chain for critical battery minerals.

  • Building a Nickel Inventory in the USA: With detailed engineering and environmental review in progress at the Tamarack Nickel Project, the exploration activities in Michigan ensure that Talon remains on the forefront of nickel discovery and development in the USA. This strategic timing allows Talon to build a robust inventory of projects, ready to advance to development as market conditions and regulatory approvals align.

  • 最大化資源潛力在兩個地區進行勘探,可以讓Talon發現整個蘇必利爾湖地區的全部潛力。通過利用歷史數據和從Tamarack Nickel項目中獲得的新見解,Talon可以在Talon Michigan鎳銅地產上應用經過驗證的技術,從而增加發現高品位鎳的可能性。

  • 運營效率:內部鑽機和專業技術團隊使Talon能夠有效地開展並行勘探計劃。這種運營靈活性確保了多項目的持續進展,最大程度地減少停機時間,加快了資源識別和開發的整體進程時間。

  • 多元化:在兩個不同但地質類似的地區進行勘探有助於Talon分散勘探風險。在任何一個地區的更進一步成功都可以顯著增加Talon的資源基礎,爲關鍵電池材料的供應鏈提供多種途徑。

  • 在美國建立鎳庫存:由於Tamarack鎳項目的詳細工程和環境審查正在進行中,密歇根州的勘探活動確保了Talon在美國鎳的發現和開發方面保持領先地位。這個戰略性的時機讓Talon建立了一個堅實的項目庫存,隨時準備在市場條件和監管批准得到保證時推進開發。



Talon is a TSX-listed base metals company in a joint venture with Rio Tinto on the high-grade Tamarack Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project located in central Minnesota. Talon's shares are also traded in the US over the OTC market under the symbol TLOFF. The Tamarack Nickel Project comprises a large land position (18km of strike length) with additional high-grade intercepts outside the current resource area. Talon has an earn-in right to acquire up to 60% of the Tamarack Nickel Project, and currently owns 51%. Talon is focused on (i) expanding and infilling its current high-grade nickel mineralization resource prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 to shape a mine plan for submission to Minnesota regulators, and (ii) following up on additional high-grade nickel mineralization in the Tamarack Intrusive Complex. Talon has a neutrality and workforce development agreement in place with the United Steelworkers union. Talon's Battery Mineral Processing Facility in Mercer County was selected by the US Department of Energy for US$114.8 million funding grant from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the US Department of Defense awarded Talon a grant of US$20.6 million to support and accelerate Talon's exploration efforts in both Minnesota and Michigan. Talon has well-qualified experienced exploration, mine development, external affairs and mine permitting teams.

Talon是一家在多明尼加州中部與Rio Tinto合作的TSX上市基礎金屬公司,共同開發Tamarack高品位鎳-銅-鈷項目。Talon的股票還在美國OTC市場上以TLOFF爲代號進行交易。Tamarack鎳項目包括具有18公里敲擊長度的大型土地區域,另有高品位截獲產品存量資源領域。Talon擁有獲取Tamarack鎳項目高達60%的賺取權,並目前擁有51%的股權。Talon專注於擴大和填密其按照NI 43-101準備的高品位鎳礦化資源,以形成提交給明尼蘇達監管機構的採礦計劃,並繼續跟進Tamarack岩漿成分中的額外的高品位鎳礦化。Talon與美國鋼鐵工人聯合會簽訂了中立性和勞動力發展協議。美國國防部授予Talon,以支持並加速Talon在密歇根州和明尼蘇達州的勘探活動。Talon在Mercer County的電池礦物加工廠被美國能源部選中,獲得了來自兩黨基礎設施法和美國國防部的1,1480萬美元資助。Talon擁有經驗豐富的探礦、礦業開發、外部事務和礦業許可團隊。

For additional information on Talon, please visit the Company's website at


Media Contact:


Todd Malan
1 (202) 714-8187

1 (202) 714-8187

Investor Contact:


Sean Werger
1 (416) 500-9891

1 (416) 500-9891



This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements". All statements, other than statements of historical fact that address activities, events or developments that the Company believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect the current expectations or beliefs of the Company based on information currently available to the Company. Such forward-looking statements include statements relating to future exploration, drilling and the results thereof; geological and geophysical interpretations; and the potential for high-grade nickel-copper mineralization. Forward-looking statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements, and even if such actual results are realized or substantially realized, there can be no assurance that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on the Company.


Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. Although the Company believes that the assumptions inherent in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly undue reliance should not be put on such statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.


