
7-Eleven, Inc. and MTN DEW Join Forces for a Swirling Fusion of Summer Refreshment

7-Eleven, Inc. and MTN DEW Join Forces for a Swirling Fusion of Summer Refreshment

7-Eleven, Inc.和MTN DEW聯手推出夏季清涼飲料
PR Newswire ·  06/18 19:11

The new and exclusive MTN DEW flavors are only available at 7-Eleven, Speedway, and Stripes stores nationwide

全新、獨家MTN DEW口味僅在全國7-Eleven、Speedway和Stripes商店銷售。

IRVING, Texas, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- 7-Eleven, Inc., the world's largest convenience retailer, and MTN DEW are teaming up to bring customers two new refreshing beverages just in time for summer. From iconic Slurpee drinks to on-the-go bottles, there's something for everyone to beat the heat. These limited-time flavors will be exclusively sold at 7-Eleven, Speedway and Stripes stores now through the end of the year:

2024年6月18日, 德克薩斯州歐文 /PRNewswire/--全球最大的便利店零售商7-Eleven, Inc.和MTN DEW合作,推出兩種清新的飲品給顧客,正適逢夏季。從標誌性的Slurpee飲品到隨身攜帶的瓶裝飲料,人人都能夠享受這些用於抗擊炎熱的飲品。這些限時口味現僅在7-Eleven、Speedway和Stripes店鋪獨家銷售直至年底:

The new and exclusive MTN DEW flavors are only available at 7-Eleven, Speedway, and Stripes stores nationwide.
全新、獨家MTN DEW口味僅在全國7-Eleven、Speedway和Stripes商店銷售。
  • MTN DEW INFINITE SWIRL: A new tropical punch flavor with a delicious combination of pineapple and berry in a vibrant blue color. MTN DEW INFINITE SWIRL is available in 20-ounce bottles and for a limited time, customers can grab 2 MTN DEW INFINITE SWIRL 20-ounce bottles for $4.*
  • MTN DEW FREEDOM FUSION Slurpee Drink: Everyone's favorite frozen beverage is getting a new flavor in town: MTN DEW FREEDOM FUSION, a lemonade peach flavored Slurpee in a frosty white color arrives in stores on June 26, 2024.
  • MTN DEW INFINITE SWIRL: 一種新的熱帶水果口味,融入菠蘿和莓子,色澤鮮豔的藍色。MTN DEW INFINITE SWIRL是20盎司的瓶裝飲料,在有限的時間內,顧客可以享受到2瓶MTN DEW INFINITE SWIRL20盎司的飲料,售價4美元*。MTN DEW INFINITE SWIRL 是20盎司的瓶裝飲料,在有限的時間內,顧客可以享受到2瓶MTN DEW INFINITE SWIRL20盎司的飲料,售價4美元*。
  • MTN DEW FREEDOM FUSION Slurpee飲料: 衆人喜歡的冰沙飲料現有了新口味,每個人都能品嚐到新口味的MTN DEW,配上檸檬和桃子口味的Slurpee,伴隨着清涼與美味,現在在門店有售。MTN DEW FREEDOM FUSION, 是一種檸檬口味的Slurpee,配上桃子,呈現冰沙般的白色,將於2024年6月26日在門店上市。

"7-Eleven and MTN DEW both share a passion for innovation and this summer we're giving fans not one – but TWO bold new flavors to add to their roster of favorite drinks," said Dennis Phelps, Senior Vice President of Merchandising (Vault & Proprietary Beverages) at 7-Eleven, Inc. "These are a perfect summer addition to our beverage vault and Slurpee machine and we can't wait for fans to give them a try."

"7-Eleven和MTN DEW都非常追求創新,這個夏天我們給粉絲們帶來了不僅是一個,而是兩種新的精彩口味,以此添加到他們喜歡的飲品中,"7-Eleven公司高級副總裁(Vault & Proprietary Beverages) Dennis Phelps說道。"這是我們飲料庫和Slurpee機器的完美夏季補充計劃,我們迫不及待地想讓粉絲們品嚐一下。"

Get a taste of these new MTN DEW flavors by having them delivered straight to your door via 7NOW Delivery, available throughout the nation. 7NOW Delivery allows for real-time tracking that lets customers know when to expect their orders, typically in about 30 minutes. The 7NOW Delivery app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play, or by visiting

想立刻品嚐這些新口味的MTN DEW嗎?搭乘7NOW配送飛車,立刻送達給您,同時可以全國範圍內的實時追蹤訂單,一般在30分鐘之內即可送達。想要使用7NOW配送服務,請從App Store或Google Play下載7NOW配送應用程序,或訪問。

*Valid thru 6/26/24 - 8/27/24. Discount only valid on multiples of two. Plus tax. 7-Eleven, Inc. All rights reserved.

*有效期至2024年6月26日 - 8月27日。折扣僅限於購買兩份及其倍數。稅額附加。7-Eleven, Inc.保留所有權利。

About 7-Eleven, Inc.


7-Eleven, Inc. is the premier name in the U.S. convenience-retailing industry. Based in Irving, Texas, 7-Eleven operates, franchises and/or licenses more than 13,000 stores in the U.S. and Canada. In addition to 7-Eleven stores, 7-Eleven, Inc. operates and franchises Speedway, Stripes, Laredo Taco Company and Raise the RoostChicken and Biscuits locations. Known for its iconic brands such as Slurpee, Big Bite and Big Gulp, 7-Eleven has expanded into high-quality sandwiches, salads, side dishes, cut fruit and protein boxes, as well as pizza, chicken wings and mini beef tacos. 7-Eleven offers customers industry-leading private brand products at outstanding value. Customers can earn and redeem points on various items in stores nationwide through its 7Rewards and Speedy Rewards loyalty programs with more than 80 million members, place an order in the 7NOW delivery app in over 95% of the convenience retailer's footprint, or rely on 7-Eleven for other convenient services. Find out more online at .

是美國便利店零售業的第一品牌。總部位於德克薩斯州的歐文,7-Eleven在美國和加拿大經營、特許和/或授權13000多家商店。除了7-Eleven商店之外,7-Eleven,Inc.還經營和特許經營Speedway商店,Stripes商店和Laredo Taco Company。 Raise the RoostChicken and Biscuits 門店。以 Slurpee 等標誌性品牌聞名,Big Bite和 Big Gulp,7-Eleven 已擴展到高質量的三明治、沙拉、配菜、切水果和蛋白質盒子,以及披薩、雞翅和小牛肉玉米卷。7-Eleven 提供客戶領先行業的私人品牌產品,價格優惠。客戶可以通過其 7Rewards 積分商城在全國各地的商店獲取購買,兌換積分。同時還有 Speedy Rewards 忠誠度計劃,擁有超過 8000 萬註冊用戶。客戶可通過 7NOW 應用程序在便利店覆蓋 95% 的地區下訂單,或在其他便利的服務中依賴 7-Eleven。了解更多信息,請登錄官網。和 Speedy Rewards 忠誠度計劃,擁有超過 8000 萬註冊用戶,在 7NOW 應用程序中下訂單,依賴 7-Eleven 提供的其他便利服務。欲了解更多信息,請登錄官網。



MOUNTAIN DEW, a product of PepsiCo Beverages North America, is the No. 1 flavored carbonated soft drink in the U.S. With its one-of-a-kind citrus taste, MOUNTAIN DEW exhilarates and quenches with every sip. For more information, check out, or follow on X @mountaindew.

百事可樂旗下品牌 MOUNTAIN DEW 是美國暢銷的無酒精碳酸飲料,擁有獨特的柑橘口味,每一口都讓人沁爽解渴。欲了解更多信息,請訪問,或在 上關注官方賬號。或在 X 上關注 @mountaindew。

About PepsiCo

關於百事可樂 百事可樂是零食和飲料領域的全球領導者,擁有衆多知名品牌,包括百事、懷特汽水、運動飲料Gatorade、樂事、奇多和多力多滋等。該公司佔據全球鹹味零食市場的主導地位,也是全球第二大飲料供應商(僅次於可口可樂),具有涉及碳痠軟飲料、水、運動飲料及能量飲料等多元化的產品系列。便利食品約佔其總收入的55%,飲料佔其餘部分。百事可樂在美國和境外擁有大部分製造和銷售能力。國際市場佔其總銷售額的40%,運營利潤的三分之一。

PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

百事公司的產品在全球 200 個國家和地區每天被消費者購買超過 10 億次。2023 年,百事公司的淨收入超過 910 億美元,推動了辣條、薯片、奶酪味脆片、運動飲料、百事可樂、MOUNTAIN DEW、奇力果和 SodaStream 等便利食品和飲料產品的組合。產品組合包括多種頗受青睞的食品和飲料品牌,每個品牌估計每年在零售市場上的銷售額都超過 10 億美元。

Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Beverages and Convenient Foods by Winning with pep+ (PepsiCo Positive). pep+ is our strategic end-to-end transformation that puts sustainability and human capital at the center of how we will create value and growth by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for planet and people. For more information, visit , and follow on X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @PepsiCo.

百事可樂的願景是通過贏得 pep+(百事可樂積極)來成爲飲料和便利食品的全球領導者。pep+ 是我們的全面戰略轉型,將可持續性和人力資本放在價值和增長的核心位置,通過按照行星界限(planetary boundaries)運營並激勵積極變革來創造價值和增長。了解更多信息,請訪問官網,在 Twitter、Instagram、Facebook 和 LinkedIn 上關注官方賬號。


7-Eleven, Inc.
Corporate Communications
[email protected]


7-Eleven, Inc.
[email protected]

SOURCE 7-Eleven, Inc.

資料來源:7-Eleven, Inc。

