
Avenue7Media Acquires Leading Walmart-Focused Agency, ECom Creative Team, LLC to Expand Ecommerce Expertise and Global Reach

Avenue7Media Acquires Leading Walmart-Focused Agency, ECom Creative Team, LLC to Expand Ecommerce Expertise and Global Reach

Accesswire ·  06/18 19:00

SAN ANTONIO, TX / ACCESSWIRE / June 18, 2024 / Avenue7Media, (Ave7), an industry-leading, innovative ecommerce agency, is thrilled to announce its acquisition of eCom Creative Team, LLC., a top-tier agency renowned for its exceptional support of sellers. This strategic acquisition supercharges Ave7's capabilities, positioning the combined Company to deliver unmatched client success across both Amazon and Walmart marketplaces.

2024年6月18日,德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧/ACCESSWIRE/--業界領先的創新電子商務機構Avenue7Media(簡稱Ave7)很高興地宣佈收購雄踞Walmart.com賣家支援之巔的頂級機構eCom Creative Team,從而激發Ave7的能力,將合併後的公司定位爲在Amazon和Walmart兩個市場中實現無與倫比的客戶成功的領袖。 Avenue7Media興奮地宣佈收購eCom Creative Team,LLC,一家以其對Walmart.com賣家的傑出支援而聞名的頂級機構。Ave7的能力大大提升,將合併後的公司定位爲在Amazon和Walmart市場上實現無與倫比的客戶成功。

A New Era of Ecommerce Excellence


The integration of eCom Creative Team into Ave7's operations marks a significant milestone in their journey to provide unparalleled ecommerce solutions. With this acquisition, Company leaders believe they are well positioned to deliver even greater value to their Clients by leveraging the strengths and expertise of their teams across multiple marketplaces. This combined knowledge and skilled resources will empower brands to achieve exceptional growth and success on the two leading ecommerce platforms, and

eCom Creative Team整合到Ave7的運營中,標誌着他們在全球提供無與倫比的電子商務解決方案之旅中邁出了重要的一步。通過這次收購,公司領導人相信,藉助團隊在多個市場上的力量和專業知識,他們已經爲客戶提供了更大的價值。這種結合的知識和技能資源將使品牌在兩個領先的電子商務平台Amazon.com和Walmart.com上實現卓越的增長和成功。

"We are thrilled to welcome eCom Creative Team into the Avenue7Media family," said Jason Boyce, CEO of Avenue7Media. "This acquisition is a testament to our commitment to excellence and our vision and mission to be the best ecommerce agency globally, changing the lives of sellers and brand-owners everywhere! The alignment of our cultures and the synergy in our operations will enable us to offer much needed sales diversification to our clients and drive success on both Amazon and Walmart. Michal is as passionate about Walmart as we are about Amazon, and we love that about her and her team."

"我們很高興歡迎eCom Creative Team加入Avenue7Media大家庭,"Avenue7Media的CEO Jason Boyce說。"這次收購證明了我們對卓越的承諾以及我們的願景和使命,即成爲全球最佳電子商務機構,改變全球賣家和品牌所有者的生活!我們的文化相一致,運營的協同作用將使我們能夠爲客戶提供非常需要的銷售多樣化,並在Amazon和Walmart上取得成功。米歇爾和我們一樣熱愛Walmart,我們和她以及她的團隊都很喜歡這一點。"

Michal Chapnick, CEO of eCom Creative Team, expressed similar enthusiasm: "Joining forces with Avenue7Media is a natural fit for us. Our shared values and dedication to client success make this partnership incredibly exciting. Together, we are well-equipped to help brands navigate and thrive in the competitive ecommerce landscape. We look forward to combining our strengths and delivering exceptional results for our clients."

Michal Chapnick,eCom Creative Team的首席執行官,表達了類似的熱情:"加入Avenue7Media對我們來說是一個自然的選擇。我們分享的價值觀和致力於客戶成功的精神使這個合作伙伴關係非常令人興奮。我們很好地裝備了一起幫助品牌在競爭激烈的電子商務領域中導航和繁榮的能力。我們期待着結合我們的力量,爲我們的客戶帶來卓越的結果。"

A Unified Vision for the Future


According to Boyce, this acquisition underscores Ave7's dedication to expanding their reach and enhancing their capabilities. Angela Murphy, Ave7's Chief Strategy Officer added, "With the combined strengths of Avenue7Media and eCom Creative Team, we are uniquely positioned to offer comprehensive ecommerce solutions that drive growth and success for brands across the globe. Our clients will benefit from a seamless experience and the collective knowledge of two leading agencies. The future is bright, and we are committed to leading the way in redefining ecommerce success for our clients globally."

根據博伊斯的說法,這次收購突顯了Ave7擴大業務範圍和增強能力的決心。Ave7的首席策略官安吉拉·默菲補充說:"有了Avenue7Media和eCom Creative Team的聯合實力,我們獨特地定位爲能夠爲全球品牌提供綜合電子商務解決方案,推動品牌增長和成功。我們的客戶將從無縫的體驗和兩個領先機構的集體知識中受益。未來充滿希望,我們致力於引領全球電子商務成功的重新定義。"

About Avenue7Media, LLC

關於Avenue7Media, LLC

Avenue7Media is a software-enabled managed service business that provides every aspect of Amazon, Walmart, and other eCommerce marketplace managed services supporting its clients' growth and online sales strategy. The company leverages its deep experience in Amazon selling, comprehensive managed services, and innovative strategies to dramatically improve brand presentation and sales conversion performance for both challenger brands and billion dollar brands. Avenue7Media's mission is to harness the power of ecommerce to launch products, create sales, and build lasting brands.


Jason Boyce, founder and CEO of Avenue7Media, is a former U. S. Marine, a former top 200 Amazon Seller, a former Top 1000 direct-to-consumer eCommerce seller, and co-author of the bestselling book, The Amazon Jungle. He started Avenue7Media with the mission to change Sellers' lives by harnessing the power of Amazon for direct-to-consumer product brands. His proven methods, informed by over 20 years of top-ranking eCommerce and online marketplace success, put the organization in the shoes of the talented leaders and entrepreneurs they represent. Avenue7Media's high-performing teams dramatically improve brand presentation and sales performance for companies from startups to billion dollar brands.

Avenue7Media的創始人兼CEO Jason Boyce是一名前美軍士兵,曾是前200名的亞馬遜賣家、前1000名的直銷電子商務賣家、暢銷書《The Amazon Jungle》的共同作者。他創立了Avenue7Media,旨在通過利用亞馬遜的力量爲直銷產品品牌改變賣家們的生活。他已經成功地在電子商務和在線市場領域擁有20多年的排名靠前的經驗,將該組織置身於那些他們代表的才華橫溢的領導者和企業家的角度。Avenue7Media的高績效團隊極大地改善了初創公司到千億品牌公司的企業品牌展示和銷售表現。《The Amazon Jungle》。他成功的方法是在過去20多年的電子商務和在線市場的排名領先地位的基礎上形成的,使這個組織站在代表他們的才華橫溢的領導和企業家們的位置。Avenue7Media的高績效團隊極大地改善了初創公司到千億品牌公司的企業品牌展示和銷售表現。

About eCom Creative Team, LLC.

關於eCom Creative Team, LLC.

eCom Creative Team, LLC. has been a trailblazer in supporting sellers with tailored solutions since its inception. The agency is renowned for its expertise in Walmart marketplace strategies, creative services, and comprehensive account management. Their mission focuses on helping brands grow revenue, optimize marketing messages, and tackle complex compliance issues on Walmart's platform. This merger with Avenue7Media aligns both companies' dedication to providing superior service and innovative solutions to ecommerce sellers

自成立以來,eCom Creative Team,LLC一直是支持Walmart.com賣家定製解決方案的開拓者。該機構以其在Walmart市場戰略、創意服務和全面的帳户管理方面的專業知識而聞名。他們的使命專注於幫助品牌增加營業收入,優化營銷信息,解決Walmart平台上的複雜合規問題。這次與Avenue7Media的合併將兩家公司致力於爲電子商務賣家提供卓越服務和創新解決方案的理念統一起來。

Find out more about how Avenue7Media can help you on Amazon, Walmart and all of your ecommerce channels by booking a discovery call
Follow Avenue7Media on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and engage with them on LinkedIn. Learn more at .

關注Avenue7Media,在推特上與他們互動。推特, Facebook, Instagram通過推特與Avenue7Media互動。LinkedIn了解更多信息,請訪問。.

For more information about this acquisition and how Avenue7Media and eCom Creative Team are redefining ecommerce excellence, please contact:

有關此收購及Avenue7Media和eCom創新科技團隊如何重新定義電子商務卓越的更多信息,請聯繫: Angela Murphy,CSO Avenue7Media,LLC

Angela Murphy, CSO
Avenue7Media, LLC

Avenue7Media的首席戰略官Angela Murphy

SOURCE: Avenue 7 Media

消息來源:Avenue 7 Media

