
Shell Secures Major LNG Deal With Temasek's Pavilion Energy: Details

Shell Secures Major LNG Deal With Temasek's Pavilion Energy: Details

Benzinga ·  06/18 17:22

Shell Eastern Trading Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of Shell PLC (NYSE:SHEL), has finalized a deal to purchase Pavilion Energy Pte. Ltd. from Carne Investments Pte. Ltd., a fully owned entity of Temasek.

Shell PLC(紐交所股票代碼:SHEL)的子公司殼牌東方貿易私人有限公司已經完成了從Temasek的全資子公司Carne Investments Pte. Ltd.手中購買Pavilion Energy Pte. Ltd.的交易。

This acquisition covers the entirety of Pavilion Energy, which is noted for its expansive liquefied natural gas (LNG) operations, with about 6.5 million tonnes per annum of contracted supply.

此次收購涵蓋了Pavilion Energy的全部業務,該公司以其廣泛的液化天然氣(LNG)業務而聞名,每年約有650萬噸的合同供應。

Positioned in Singapore, Pavilion Energy is a key player in the global energy sector, managing a range of activities, including LNG trade, shipping, and the marketing of natural gas across Asia and Europe.

總部位於新加坡的Pavilion Energy是全球能源領域的重要參與者,承擔着一系列活動,包括LNG貿易、航運以及在亞洲和歐洲各地的天然氣營銷。

"We will acquire Pavilion's portfolio of LNG offtake and supply contracts, which includes additional access to strategic gas markets in Asia and Europe," stated Zoë Yujnovich, Shell's Integrated Gas and Upstream Director.

Shell的集成氣體和上游事業董事Zoë Yujnovich說:“我們將收購Pavilion的LNG備貨和供應合同組合,其中包括在亞洲和歐洲等地的戰略性天然氣市場的額外接觸。"

The financial terms of the deal align with Shell's existing cash capital expenditure forecasts and surpass the internal rate of return (IRR) benchmarks for its Integrated Gas segment.


This acquisition is in line with Shell's ambitious growth plans, aiming for a 15-25% increase in purchased volumes compared to 2023, which were detailed during the Capital Markets Day earlier this year.

此次收購符合Shell的雄心勃勃的增長計劃,旨在實現購買量比2023年增加15-25%,這些計劃在Capital Markets Day中進行了詳細說明。

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The integration of Pavilion's assets with Shell's operations is scheduled to begin following the deal's finalization, anticipated by the first quarter of 2025.


The completion hinges on obtaining necessary regulatory approvals and satisfying other conditions precedent. Notably, Pavilion's pipeline gas business and its 20% interest in two blocks in Tanzania are excluded from this transaction.


Shell anticipates that the global demand for LNG will surge over 50% by 2040, driven by increased industrial coal-to-gas conversion in regions like China and Southeast Asia.


This acquisition is poised to position Shell at the forefront of LNG supply, especially in markets transitioning towards cleaner energy sources.


Shell is committed to expanding its LNG capacity by 20-30% by 2030 from its 2022 levels, in line with its outlined targets during the 2023 Capital Markets Day.

殼牌致力於在2030年前將其LNG產能由2022年的水平提高20-30%,這與其在2023年Capital Markets Day期間概述的目標一致。

Shell stock has gained more than 14% in the last 12 months. Investors can gain exposure to the stock via Direxion Hydrogen ETF (NYSE:HJEN) and VanEck Natural Resources ETF (NYSE:HAP).

殼牌股價在過去12個月中上漲了14%以上。投資者可以通過Direct Hydrogen ETF(紐交所股票代碼:HJEN)和VanEck Natural Resources ETF(紐交所股票代碼:HAP)獲得該股票的曝光。

Price Action: SHEL shares closed higher by 0.22% at $69.15 on Monday.


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Image by siam.pukkato via Shutterstock


