
Texas Cannabis Company Secures $2B Valuation From LA Financial Firm

Texas Cannabis Company Secures $2B Valuation From LA Financial Firm

Benzinga ·  06/18 03:25

Cannabis Bioscience International Holdings (OTCPK: CBIH), a Texas-based cannabis company providing services for clinical research studies, announced Monday it received a $2 billion valuation following a rigorous assessment by StoneBridge Advisory, a Los Angeles financial advisory firm.

總部位於德克薩斯州的大麻生物科學國際控股(OTCPK:CBIH)爲臨床研究提供服務的大麻公司宣佈,經由洛杉磯財務諮詢公司StoneBridge Advisory的嚴格評估,其估值已達到20億美元。

Evaluation Supporting $2B Valuation


StoneBridge Advisory employed due diligence practices and financial modeling techniques to ensure the valuation's accuracy. This in-depth analysis involved a deep dive into CBIH's financial performance, its ability to capture market share, the competitive landscape it faces and its future plans. Additionally, the assessment took into account CBIH's team of experts, which combines expertise in legal and financial matters, creative design, scientific research and various medical fields. CBIH noted the 15 years of experience this team has, resulting in a range of innovative therapies that address gaps in traditional treatments and provide natural solutions for global health issues.

StoneBridge Advisory採用盡職調查實踐和財務建模技術以確保估值的準確性。這項深入的分析涉及大深度研究CBIH的財務表現、其獲取市場份額的能力、它所面臨的競爭格局以及未來的計劃。此外,該評估還考慮了CBIH的專家團隊,該團隊結合了法律和財務事務,創造性設計,科學研究和各種醫學領域的專業知識。CBIH指出,這個團隊有15年的經驗,產生了一系列創新療法,解決了傳統治療中存在的漏洞,併爲全球衛生問題提供了自然的解決方案。

CBIH's New Treasurer And Director Comment


John Jones, the recently named treasurer and director of CBIH, highlighted the company's strategic restructuring efforts. "We have been meticulously reconstructing our company and reinforcing its foundations. Given the promising opportunities we've identified, obtaining a valuation became the next logical step to gauge our progress and plan for future growth."

剛剛任命爲CBIH財務主管和董事的John Jones強調了公司的戰略重組努力。"我們一直在精心重構公司,加強其基礎設施。考慮到我們已經發現的有希望的機遇,獲得估值成爲衡量我們進展和規劃未來增長的下一個邏輯步驟。"

"Being positioned in rapidly evolving sectors like medical cannabis, clinical research, and biotechnology, coupled with our unparalleled expertise, positions us uniquely to seize advantageous opportunities that will benefit both our company and shareholders," Jones added.


Valuation Spurs Growth Plans


This $2 billion valuation, which follows the company's public listing announced in December last year, places CBIH among the select group of companies that have surpassed that milestone. This achievement empowers CBIH to pursue strategic alliances, explore investment opportunities and embark on expansion plans.


CBIH Price Action
CBIH's shares were trading at $0.0013 per share at the time of this writing around 11:30 AM ET Monday.


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