
Lucid Vs. Tesla: CEO Says Company's Technology Is 'A Number Of Years Ahead' Of EV Leader

Lucid Vs. Tesla: CEO Says Company's Technology Is 'A Number Of Years Ahead' Of EV Leader

Benzinga ·  06/18 03:03

The battle for dominance in the electric vehicle sector could include range of batteries and overall technology, something multiple companies are looking to differentiate themselves on in the sector.


A rivalry between Lucid Group In. (NASDAQ:LCID) and Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) could intensify with one CEO saying their technology is significantly better.

Lucid Group In(納斯達克:LCID)和Tesla Inc(納斯達克:TSLA)之間的競爭可能會因爲一位CEO說他們的技術明顯更好而加劇。

What Happened: When it comes to electric vehicle production and deliveries, Tesla is years ahead of Lucid as the top company in the sector.

發生了什麼:在電動汽車的生產和交付方面,Tesla作爲該行業的領先公司處於領先地位,而Lucid則在生產和交付方面沒有那麼精通,但其技術得到了該行業的一些人的稱讚。Lucid CEO Peter Rawlinson並沒有避讓他對該公司技術的看法。

Lucid, while not as proficient in production and deliveries, has been praised by some in the sector for its technology. Lucid CEO Peter Rawlinson did not shy away from his thoughts about the company's technology.

Rawlinson是前Tesla員工,他說Lucid在技術方面“領先了幾年”。這些評論是在Rawlinson接受Fox Business採訪期間發表的,按Teslarati分享。

Rawlinson, a former Tesla employee, said Lucid is "a number of years ahead" of Tesla in technology. The comments came during an interview with Rawlinson on Fox Business, as shared by Teslarati.

採訪由福克斯主持人Liz Claman試駕Lucid Air並由Rawlinson強調即將推出的Gravity SUV。

"Well, I think that if we look back in time 10-15 years ago, Tesla was the tech leader," Rawlinson said. "I think there's a degree of distraction now, and I think that Lucid has taken that mantle. I believe we're a number of years ahead in terms of our core technology from Tesla."


The interview featured Fox anchor Liz Claman test-driving the Lucid Air and Rawlinson highlighting the upcoming Gravity SUV.

採訪中,福克斯主播Liz Claman試駕了Lucid Air,Rawlinson則重點介紹了即將推出的Gravity SUV。

"I announced earlier this week that we've hit a landmark level of capability, and we're hitting the magic five miles per kilowatt-hour. No one else is even close. So this is a tech race; it's yet to run its course, and we are taking the mantle of leadership — make no mistake."


For EV batteries, miles per kilowatt hour is used to show how efficient the car's battery is, much like a traditional car and its miles per gallon for gas.


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Why It's Important: The comments from Rawlinson come after a recent interview with BBC where he said Tesla was "distracted."


Rawlinson and Lucid have had a building rivalry with Tesla. Rawlinson's previous role at Tesla as a chief engineer and working on the Tesla Model S has often been discredited for his role at the company by Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

Rawlinson和Lucid與特斯拉之間有着激烈的競爭。Rawlinson在特斯拉的前任首席工程師和負責特斯拉Model S的工作曾經因在該公司的角色而受到特斯拉CEO Elon Musk的質疑。

With Lucid facing cash concerns as its losses mount, Musk has said the company will face bankruptcy.


The technology of Lucid could be a differentiating factor against competitors and could also lead to some partnerships. Hyundai Motor Company (OTC:HYMTF) is considering a partnership with Lucid for its motors, according to a recent report.


Lucid entered into a partnership with Aston Martin for an electric vehicle powertrain back in June 2023.

Lucid在2023年6月曾與Aston Martin達成合作關係,共同開發一種電動汽車動力系統。

The Lucid Air has a maximum estimated range of up to 516 miles, which could draw interest from other companies for Lucid's technology.

Lucid Air的最大估計行駛里程爲516英里,這可能會吸引其他公司對Lucid技術的興趣。

LCID Price Action: Lucid shares are up 2.98% to $2.60 on Monday versus a 52-week trading range of $2.29 to $8.37. Lucid stock is down 61% over the last year.


