
FNB Enhances Bank Operations With New Structure

FNB Enhances Bank Operations With New Structure

F.N.B. Corp ·  06/17 12:00

June 17, 2024 - Pittsburgh, PA

2024年6月17日 - 賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡

FNB Enhances Bank Operations With New Structure
Justin Kurth Leads Streamlined Operations Organization Focused on Risk Management, Efficiency and Innovation

賈斯汀•科思(Justin Kurth)領導精簡的運營組織,專注於風險管理、效率和創新

F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE: FNB), the parent Company of First National Bank, today announced it has enhanced its Bank Operations with a single, streamlined reporting structure. The updates are designed to enable FNB to more effectively apply automation, drive efficiency and innovation, further strengthen FNB's focus on risk management and create a superior customer experience.紐約證券交易所:FNB)是第一國家銀行的母公司,今天宣佈通過單一、簡化的報告結構強化了其銀行運營。這些更新旨在使FNB能夠更有效地應用自動化、提高效率和創新能力,進一步加強FNB的風險管理重點,創造卓越的客戶體驗。

Justin Kurth leads the merged Bank Operations organization in his new role as Executive Vice President, Director of Banking Enterprise Operations. In addition to his oversight of the Customer Contact Center, Retail Branch Operations and Compliance and Emergent Risk, he adds responsibility for Loan Operations and Efficiencies as well as Deposit Operations and Processing. This comprehensive view of Bank Operations positions Kurth to implement process improvements to foster productivity, resilience and stability as FNB prepares for heightened regulatory standards that apply when financial institutions cross $50 billion in assets.

賈斯汀•科思(Justin Kurth)在他的新職位——銀行企業運營總監兼執行副總裁的角色中,領導合併的銀行運營組織。除了對客戶聯繫中心、零售分行營運和合規性以及緊急風險的監督外,他還負責貸款營運和效率以及存款營運和處理。這種全面的銀行運營視圖使科思能夠實施流程改進,促進生產力、彈性和穩定性,爲FNB爲跨越500億美元資產的金融機構制定的更嚴格的監管標準做好準備。

"FNB is focusing on being competitive in a rapidly changing environment where our effective adoption of emerging technology and ability to meet heightened risk management expectations are critical to our continued success, especially as we reach new milestones in our growth," said Vincent J. Delie, Jr., Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of F.N.B. Corporation and First National Bank. "Justin has used innovation to increase efficiency and accuracy while leading Retail Operations and our Contact Center, resulting in an improved customer experience overall. His analytical mindset and proven capacity to drive transformation make him a strong fit to lead our operations within this new structure."

“FNB正專注於在快速變化的環境中保持競爭力,在這種環境下,我們對新興技術的有效採用和滿足高度風險管理期望是我們持續成功的關鍵,尤其是在我們達到增長的新里程碑時,”F.N.B.公司和第一國家銀行的董事長、總裁和首席執行官文森特•J•德利(Vincent J. Delie, Jr.)說。“賈斯汀在領導零售營運和我們的聯繫中心的過程中使用創新提高了效率和準確性,從而改善了整體的客戶體驗。他的分析思維方式和已被證明能夠推動變革的能力使他成爲領導我們在這個新結構下的運營的強有力人選。”

FNB also has hired James Craske as Director of Operational Risk and Support Services. Reporting to Kurth, Craske is responsible for executing strategies to effectively manage operational risk throughout the Company, including continuing to enhance FNB's processes for identifying, assessing and mitigating risk.

FNB還聘請詹姆斯•克拉斯克(James Craske)擔任運營風險和支持服務主管。作爲Kurth的下屬,Craske負責執行策略,有效地管理公司內的運營風險,包括持續改善FNB的識別、評估和減輕風險的流程。

Delie added, "James will focus on building enhancements to FNB's operational reporting and tracking systems, which will enable our support teams to improve efficiency, productivity, customer satisfaction and risk management. These tools will be instrumental as we continue to build out our first line of defense within our enterprise risk management framework."


Prior to joining FNB in 2020 as Executive Director of Retail Banking Operations, Kurth served as Director of Retail Lending and Head of Branch Transformation at Investors Bank and in a variety of retail banking leadership roles at Citi. A graduate of the University of California, Riverside, Kurth reports to Vince Calabrese, Chief Financial Officer of F.N.B. Corporation and First National Bank.

在2020年加入FNB之前,Kurth曾擔任投資者銀行(Investors Bank)的零售貸款主管和分行改革負責人,還擔任花旗銀行(Citi)的各種零售銀行領導職務。Kurth畢業於加利福尼亞大學河濱分校,報告給F.N.B.公司和第一國家銀行的首席財務官文斯•卡拉布雷斯(Vince Calabrese)。

Craske brings more than 25 years of financial services experience to the role, having spent the past seven years at Citi, most recently as Senior Vice President of Citi Global Wealth, Strategic Investments. He earned his bachelor's degree from Whitman College and a master's degree from Carnegie Mellon University.


About F.N.B. Corporation
F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE: FNB), headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a diversified financial services company operating in seven states and the District of Columbia. FNB's market coverage spans several major metropolitan areas, including: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; Cleveland, Ohio; Washington, D.C.; Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham and the Piedmont Triad (Winston-Salem, Greensboro and High Point) in North Carolina; and Charleston, South Carolina. The Company has total assets of nearly $46 billion and approximately 350 banking offices throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, D.C. and Virginia.

F.N.B. Corporation (紐交所:FNB)的總部位於賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡,是一家在七個州和哥倫比亞特區經營的多元化金融服務公司。FNB的市場範圍涵蓋幾個主要都市區域,包括賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡、馬里蘭州巴爾的摩、俄亥俄州克利夫蘭、華盛頓特區、北卡羅來納州的夏洛特、羅利和達勒姆以及南卡羅來納州的查爾斯頓。公司總資產近460億美元,在賓夕法尼亞州、俄亥俄州、馬里蘭州、西弗吉尼亞州、北卡羅來納州、南卡羅來納州、華盛頓特區和弗吉尼亞州擁有大約350個銀行辦事處。
FNB通過其子公司網絡提供完整的商業銀行、個人銀行和财富管理解決方案,其最大的子公司是成立於1864年的First National Bank of Pennsylvania。商業銀行解決方案包括公司銀行、小企業銀行、投資房地產融資、政府銀行、商業信貸、資本市場和租賃融資。消費銀行業務提供全線消費銀行產品和服務,包括存款產品,抵押貸款,個人貸款和完整的移動和網上銀行服務套件。FNB的财富管理服務包括資產管理、私人銀行和保險。

FNB provides a full range of commercial banking, consumer banking and wealth management solutions through its subsidiary network, which is led by its largest affiliate, First National Bank of Pennsylvania, founded in 1864. Commercial banking solutions include corporate banking, small business banking, investment real estate financing, government banking, business credit, capital markets and lease financing. The consumer banking segment provides a full line of consumer banking products and services, including deposit products, mortgage lending, consumer lending and a complete suite of mobile and online banking services. FNB's wealth management services include asset management, private banking and insurance.

F.N.B. Corporation普通股在紐約證券交易所上市,股票代碼爲"FNB",幷包括標準普爾中市400指數和全球行業分類標準(GICS)區域銀行子行業指數。客戶、股東和投資者可以通過訪問F.N.B. Corporation網站了解更多關於這家地區金融機構的信息。

The common stock of F.N.B. Corporation trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "FNB" and is included in Standard & Poor's MidCap 400 Index with the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) Regional Banks Sub-Industry Index. Customers, shareholders and investors can learn more about this regional financial institution by visiting the F.N.B. Corporation website at




Justin Kurth was promoted to Director of Banking Enterprise Operations for FNB.


FNB hired James Craske as Director of Operational Risk and Support Services.


