
POSCO INTERNATIONAL Speeds Up Natural Gas Expansion Plan in Australia via Subsidiary Senex Energy

POSCO INTERNATIONAL Speeds Up Natural Gas Expansion Plan in Australia via Subsidiary Senex Energy

浦項鋼鐵國際通過其子公司Senex Energy加速在澳洲的天然氣擴張計劃。
浦項鋼鐵 ·  06/17 12:00

On the 31st, the company decided to participate in a capital increase worth KRW 300 billion to triple its natural gas production


Drilling of additional production wells and expansion of infrastructure is in full swing to triple production


The company plans to operate an annual 60 petajoule (PJ) production system starting in 2026


Stable demand has already been secured through the signing of long-term local supply contracts


In addition to production expansion, the company will also focus on securing potential reserves through drilling for exploration mines


POSCO INTERNATIONAL (CEO Lee Kye-In) is speeding up its expansion of the natural gas business in Australia by making timely investments in its subsidiary, Senex Energy, to boost its production expansion plan.

POSCO國際(首席執行官李奎仁)通過對其子公司Senex Energy的適時投資,加快了其在澳大利亞天然氣領域的擴張計劃。

On March 31, the company decided through its board of directors to participate in a capital increase for its subsidiary, Senex Energy, jointly with its partner Hancock Energy. The two companies will invest a total of AUD 650 million (approximately KRW 600 billion) to build an annual 60 petajoule* (PJ: international unit of measurement of energy consumption) production system by 2026.

3月31日,公司通過其董事會決定聯同合作伙伴Hancock Energy,參與其子公司Senex Energy的資本增加計劃。兩家公司將共同投資6.5億澳元(約合6千億韓元),以建造一個年產60PJ的生產系統,預計於2026年前完成。

POSCO INTERNATIONAL will contribute AUD 326 million (approximately KRW 300 billion) to this capital increase, based on its 50.1% stake in Senex Energy. 60 petajoules (PJ) is enough to produce 1.2 million tons of LNG.

POSCO國際將根據其在Senex Energy中的50.1%股份,爲此次資本增加計劃提供3.26億澳元(約合3千億韓元)的資金。60個PJ足以生產120萬噸液化天然氣。

The approved investment will be used to drill additional gas production wells and build gas field production facilities, including gas processing facilities and pipelines.


This investment aims to speed up the company's plan to triple natural gas production, which was announced in July 2022, as the supply of natural gas in eastern Australia is expected to gradually decrease. The Australian government also released its Future Gas Strategy on the 9th of last month, emphasizing the importance of natural gas in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and committing to its continued development.


Additionally, Senex Energy has secured long-term gas supply contracts with Australia's largest electricity generation company, AGL, as well as with BlueScope, Liberty Steel, and other companies for 151 PJ of gas to ensure profitability after increased production.

此外,Senex Energy已經與澳大利亞最大的發電公司AGL以及BlueScope、自由鋼鐵等公司簽訂了長期的燃氣供應合同,確保在生產增加後獲得利潤。

Senex Energy, an energy company that produces and develops natural gas in eastern Australia, has experienced rapid growth since becoming a subsidiary of POSCO INTERNATIONAL in April 2022. Before the acquisition, Senex Energy was producing 19.6 PJ of natural gas, gaining AUD 26 million in operating profit in 2021, but in 2023, it produced 26.9 PJ of natural gas achieving AUD 58 million (approximately KRW 53 billion) in operating profit, thus contributing to improving its parent company's performance.

Senex Energy是一家在東澳大利亞生產和開發天然氣的能源公司,自2022年4月成爲POSCO國際的子公司以來,經歷了快速增長。在收購之前,Senex Energy的天然氣產量爲19.6PJ,2021年實現了2600萬澳元的營業利潤,但在2023年,通過產出26.9PJ的天然氣實現了5800萬澳元(約合530億韓元)的營業利潤,從而對其母公司的業績改善作出貢獻。

By 2026, when the incremental gas will be supplied to eastern Australia, Senex Energy is expected to generate more than KRW 600 billion annually in sales, contributing significantly to the parent company's increased profit.

到2026年,隨着增量天然氣向東澳大利亞供應,預計Senex Energy每年將創造超過6千億韓元的銷售收入,對母公司利潤的增長做出重要貢獻。

Furthermore, Senex Energy plans to focus on securing additional reserves by not only expanding production from existing gas fields but also drilling exploration wells. In July of this year, drilling will be conducted in the Rockybar exploration mine in eastern Australia, and with its 50% stake in the Range evaluation, Senex Energy is expected to maintain a stable gas business through further continuous development even after this development for expansion.

此外,Senex Energy計劃通過不僅擴大現有燃氣田的產量,而且鑽探勘探井,以確保以後的產量穩定。今年7月,將在東澳大利亞的Rockybar勘探礦區進行鑽探,並具有50%的股權,預計在進行拓展和擴張開發後,將保持穩定的燃氣生意。

Meanwhile, Hancock, an Australian resource development company partnered with POSCO INTERNATIONAL as well as an owner of the Roy Hill mine, has been successfully operating its business through a joint investment with POSCO and is expanding its collaborative partnership into energy business by jointly acquiring Senex Energy with POSCO INTERNATIONAL in 2022.

同時,與POSCO國際合作並擁有Roy Hill礦山的澳大利亞資源開發公司Hancock,在與POSCO成功進行合資運營業務的同時,通過聯合收購Senex Energy,進一步擴大了合作伙伴關係。

Last month, Hancock executives visited POSCO INTERNATIONAL's office in Songdo and met with key executives, including CEO Lee Kye-In, to support the expansion of investment for production and to have in-depth discussions on joint investment in energy projects in Australia and overseas, building on the trust between the two companies.


