
Domino Data Lab Modernizes Navy Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Program, Receives Success Memo From Defense Innovation Unit

Domino Data Lab Modernizes Navy Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Program, Receives Success Memo From Defense Innovation Unit

PR Newswire ·  06/18 00:03

AI platform leader's successful prototype accelerates Automatic Target Recognition model retraining from months to weeks, enabling higher trust in mine countermeasure intelligence


Achieves "Awardable" status through the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office's (CDAO) Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace

通過首席數字和人工智能官(CDAO)Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace達到“可獎勵”狀態

SAN FRANCISCO, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Domino Data Lab, provider of the leading Enterprise AI platform trusted by the largest AI-driven enterprises and major government agencies, today announced the successful completion of a prototype for the U.S. Department of Defense. The company's technology helps to close a critical gap by using Domino's platform to deploy and retrain Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) models dozens of times faster than before — enabling naval decision-makers to have higher confidence in field-generated insights from Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs).

舊金山,2024年6月17日 /美通社/ -- 達美樂數據實驗室最大的人工智能驅動企業和主要政府機構信賴的領先企業AI平台提供商今天宣佈成功完成一個原型美國國防部。該公司的技術通過使用Domino平台比以前更快地部署和重新培訓自動目標識別(ATR)模型——使海軍決策者對無人駕駛水下車輛(UUVs)的現場生成的見解更加信任。水下作戰對太平洋和其他爭議環境的成功至關重要,支持艦隊進行自動水下地雷探測是必需的。爲此,美國海軍的遠征任務團隊與國防創新單位(DIU)合作,尋找能夠在由摩托機器人開展的全球海上行動中產生潛在變革的商業技術,包括Domino。

Undersea warfare is critical to success in the Pacific and other contested environments, and supporting the fleet with automated underwater mine detection is essential. To solve this, the U.S. Navy's Expeditionary Missions team partnered with the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) to identify commercial technology, including Domino, that delivers a potentially transformative effect in these maritime scenarios carried out by Automated Machine Learning for Mine Countermeasures Operations (AMMO).

在Domino的企業AI平台作爲現代MLOps管道的一個關鍵組成部分,用於在雲中爲地雷反制(MCM)AI模型開發和部署,Team AMMO能夠將硬件和軟件更新分離以顯著加快在邊緣更新ATR模型的速度,從而產生更準確的圖像和聲納情報,這些情報可以得到海軍決策者的信任,併爲下一代戰爭優勢採取行動

With Domino's Enterprise AI Platform serving as an integral component of a modern MLOps pipeline for mine countermeasures (MCM) AI-based model development and deployment in the cloud, Team AMMO was able to decouple hardware and software updates to dramatically accelerate updates to ATR models at the edge. This results in more accurate imagery and sonar-based intelligence that can be trusted and actioned by naval decision-makers for next-generation warfare advantage.

“DIU通過非常快速的加速過程,幫助海軍通過一個原型在水中下降了30個申請,” DIU主任道格·貝克(Doug Beck)於2024年3月在國防工業協會太平洋操作科學技術會議上說。 “通過這個過程我們發現,在這些無人機做他們該做的事情時,當他們回來時,我們需要能夠根據他們剛剛學到的知識更新他們的軟件。”

"DIU helped the Navy down-select 30 proposals through a very rapid, accelerated process, eventually putting prototypes in the water," DIU Director Doug Beck said at the National Defense Industrial Association's Pacific Operational Science and Technology Conference in March 2024. "One of the things that we discovered through that process was that as these unmanned vessels were out there doing what they did, [when] they came back, we needed to be able to update their software based on what they just learned."


Using Domino as the factory for integrating four other commercial technologies, three different contracted teams were able to accelerate their work, reducing the time to deploy AI models at the edge to two weeks down from six months and retraining the models in two weeks rather than 12 months.

作爲在AWS GovCloud中託管的模塊化,開放和可擴展的平台,Domino可以爲AMMO支持的分佈式團隊提供內置可觀察性的更快的部署模型,並減少時間到達效果。用戶可以在一個平台上使用他們選擇的最佳開源和商業工具,在任何本地,GovCloud和混合/多雲環境中使用,生成和分析ATR現場生成的見解。Domino的內置模型可移植性允許這些團隊輕鬆地將模型轉換和導出到外部格式,並允許用戶從任何地方安全地訪問和共享結構化和非結構化數據。

As a modular, open, and extensible platform hosted in AWS GovCloud, Domino enables Project AMMO's distributed teams to deploy models faster with built-in observability, and reduced time-to-impact. Users can leverage the best open source and commercial tools of their choice in a highly governed way, on one platform, to generate and analyze ATR field-generated insights. Domino's built-in model portability allows these teams to easily convert and export models into external formats to far-edge platforms, and it allows users to securely access and share structured and unstructured data from anywhere.

“自治是下一代戰鬥能力的關鍵特徵,可信AI使這些系統成爲可能,而像達美樂這樣的商業AI解決方案對於加速跨域部署自主能力至關重要,特別是在水下方面,” Domino公共事業總裁喬爾·邁耶(Joel Meyer)說。 “作爲一個開放且可擴展的平台,但高度可控,Domino幫助美國海軍的項目AMMO快速部署領先的商業技術,以使得艦隊擁有能夠更快速更新的模型,從而提供更高級別的信任度,以推動他們的任務。”

"Autonomy is a key feature of next-generation warfighting, with trusted AI enabling those systems, and commercial AI solutions like Domino are critical to accelerating the DoD's ability to field autonomous capabilities across domains, particularly underwater," said Domino President of Public Sector Joel Meyer. "As an open and scalable, yet highly governable platform, Domino helps the U.S. Navy's Project AMMO deploy cutting-edge commercial tech to enable the fleet with rapidly updated models that deliver a higher level of trust in intelligence to power their missions."

“信任的AI成爲下一代戰爭的關鍵特徵,而像Domino這樣的商業AI解決方案則對於加速跨域部署自主能力至關重要,特別是在水下方面,” Domino總裁公共事業部喬爾·邁耶說。 “作爲一個開放和可擴展,但高度可控的平台,Domino幫助美國海軍的項目AMMO快速部署領先的商業技術,從而產生更快速更新的模型,這些模型提供更高級別的信任度,以推動他們的任務。”

"It's highly encouraging to see Domino, the Navy, and DIU partnering to rapidly field commercial tech sector capabilities in order to deter conflict," said Brig. Gen. Bobby Kinney. "This type of teaming, with Domino's core MLOps technology at its center, is an example of a rapid, repeatable, and scalable template that will significantly improve our nation's defenses."

“看到Domino、海軍和DIU合作,快速地推出商業技術解決方案以避免衝突是鼓舞人心的,” Brig. Gen. Bobby Kinney說。 “這種合作,以Domino的核心MLOps技術爲中心,是一個快速,可重複和可擴展的模板示例,將顯着提高我們國家的防禦能力。“

Domino Assessed "Awardable" for DoD Work in the CDAO's Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace

Domino在CDAO的Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace中被評爲“可獎勵”

Domino also announced that it has achieved "Awardable" status through the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office's (CDAO) Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace, enabling a rapid procurement pathway for DoD customers to access Domino's market-leading enterprise AI capabilities. The Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace is the premier offering of Tradewinds, the Department of Defense's (DoD's) suite of tools and services designed to accelerate the procurement and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML), data, and analytics capabilities. Government customers can access Domino's five-minute video solution on Tradewinds:

Domino還宣佈,通過首席數字和人工智能官(CDAO)Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace,它已經在DoD客戶快速採購途徑中實現了“可獎勵”狀態,以訪問Domino的市場領先企業AI能力。Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace是Tradewinds的主要提供,Tradewinds是國防部(DoD)的工具和服務套件,旨在加速人工智能(AI)/機器學習(ML),數據和分析能力的採購和採用。政府客戶可以訪問Tradewinds上的Domino的五分鐘視頻解決方案

Domino's Enterprise AI and MLOps Platform helps government agencies integrate AI into their missions rapidly, safely, and cost-effectively. Domino makes building, deploying, and managing AI at scale on a unified platform easy. Data scientists, contractors, and collaborators can access on-demand compute infrastructure and commercial and open-source data, tools, models, and projects—across any on-prem, GovCloud, and hybrid/multi-cloud environments. With Domino, agencies can improve collaboration and governance while establishing AI standards and best practices that accelerate their missions.


Additional Resources


  • Read more about Domino's Enterprise AI Platform and Public Sector solutions.
  • Read Domino's case study on its work with the U.S. Navy and DIU.
  • See our latest blog posts to learn more about Domino's capabilities to quickly, economically, and responsibly build and operate enterprise AI.
  • Follow Domino on LinkedIn and Twitter/X.
  • 閱讀更多關於Domino的 企業人工智能平台和頁面。公共部門解決方案.
  • 閱讀達美樂案例研究關於其與美國海軍和DIU的工作。
  • 查看我們最新的博客文章了解達美樂快速、經濟、負責任地構建和運營企業人工智能的能力。
  • 關注達美樂LinkedIn和頁面。Twitter/X.

About Domino Data Lab
Domino Data Lab empowers the largest AI-driven enterprises to build and operate AI at scale. Domino's Enterprise AI Platform unifies the flexibility AI teams want with the visibility and control the enterprise requires. Domino enables a repeatable and agile ML lifecycle for faster, responsible AI impact with lower costs. With Domino, global enterprises can develop better medicines, grow more productive crops, develop more competitive products, and more. Founded in 2013, Domino is backed by Sequoia Capital, Coatue Management, In-Q-Tel, NVIDIA, Snowflake, and other leading investors. Learn more at .

關於Domino Data Lab
Domino Data Lab賦能最大的以人工智能驅動的企業,以搭建和運營高規模AI爲主要目標。Domino的企業級人工智能平台融合了AI團隊所需要的靈活性和企業所需的可見性和控制力,使全球企業可以以更低的成本創新發展,例如:開發更好的藥品、提高農業生產效率、開發更具競爭力的產品等。成立於2013年,Domino獲得Sequoia Capital、Coatue Management、In-Q-Tel、英偉達、Snowflake等領先投資者的支持。了解更多信息請訪問:.

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