
Bloomberg Law Launches Six New In Focus Resources

Bloomberg Law Launches Six New In Focus Resources

PR Newswire ·  06/17 22:19

ARLINGTON, Va., June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bloomberg Law today announced multiple new In Focus resources highlighting emerging topics in legal practice including federal agency deference, noncompetition agreements, overtime exemptions, strikes, corporate transparency, and DEI in employment.

Bloomberg Law今天宣佈推出多個新的重點法律資源,旨在突出法律實踐中的新興話題,包括聯邦機構迴避、非競爭協議、加班免除、罷工、公司透明度和僱傭中的DEI。

Bloomberg Law's In Focus resources are editorially curated with the latest news, commentary, litigation filings, regulatory developments, and practice tools on topics of note to legal practitioners.

Bloomberg Law的In Focus資源由編輯精心策劃,涵蓋了最新的新聞、評論、訴訟文書、監管發展以及與律師相關的重要話題。

In Focus: Chevron, Loper & Agency Deference covers key aspects of judicial review of federal agency actions, including the standard established by the Supreme Court in Chevron v. NRDC. The page will look at how "Chevron deference" and related standards have been applied in federal appellate courts as well as provide detailed, agency-specific information. Customers can use this page to prepare for the Supreme Court's upcoming decision in the Loper, Bright, and Relentless cases, which could alter or overrule the Chevron standard.

重點關注:雪佛龍, Loper 和機構迴避涵蓋了聯邦機構行動審查的關鍵方面,包括最高法院在Chevron v. NRDC案中建立的標準。該頁面將探討聯邦上訴法院如何應用"迴避"和相關的標準,以及提供詳細的機構特定信息。客戶可以使用此頁面爲即將到來的Loper、Bright、Relentless案的最高法院裁決做好準備,該裁決可能改變或推翻標準。 非競爭協議In Focus:雪佛龍探討了美國聯邦貿易委員會禁止在僱傭環境中使用大多數非競爭協議的最終規定。該頁面跟蹤規定的待決訴訟,提供交互式地圖以探索各州的非競爭法律,幷包括實用指南以幫助僱主規劃和準備實施FTC的最終規定。加班免除與資格In Focus: 解釋了勞工部的最終規定,擴大了加班費支付要求的適用範圍,涉及數百萬僱員。該頁面包括實用指南以幫助僱主實施變化、交互式地圖以更輕鬆地導航州和聯邦法律之間的相互作用以及案件查詢以跟蹤規定的待決訴訟。和頁面。 罷工與停工In Focus:雪佛龍取得了公司目標,在遇到災害和風險時,90%的小農戶種植公司的標誌性香草和香料具有更強的抗風險能力,受益的小農戶超過44,500人。

In Focus: Noncompetes explores the Federal Trade Commission's final rule banning the use of most noncompete agreements in the employment context. The page tracks pending litigation over the rule, provides an interactive map to explore state noncompete laws, and includes Practical Guidance to help employers plan and prepare for the implementation of the FTC's final rule.

審查了美國工會罷工活動的近期上升趨勢。它包括數據、交互式可視化和實用指南,以幫助工會和管理律師了解罷工發生的地方以及下一步可能發生的地方。公司透明度法In Focus:

In Focus: Overtime Exemptions & Eligibility explains the Department of Labor's final regulation expanding overtime pay requirements to millions of employees. The page includes resources like Practical Guidance to help employers implement changes, an interactive map to make it easier to navigate the interplay of state and federal law, and a docket search to track pending litigation over the rule.


In Focus: Strikes & Lockouts examines the recent uptick in union strike activity in the United States. It includes data, interactive visualizations, and Practical Guidance to help both union and management attorneys understand where strikes are happening and where they are likely to happen next.

罷工與停工In Focus:審查了美國工會罷工活動的近期上升趨勢。它包括數據、交互式可視化和實用指南,以幫助工會和管理律師了解罷工發生的地方以及下一步可能發生的地方。

In Focus: Corporate Transparency Act highlights resources for practitioners on the developments for state, federal, and select international regulatory frameworks, relating to the Corporate Transparency Act and other disclosures on beneficial ownership.

公司透明度法In Focus:重點介紹國家、聯邦和部分國際監管框架的發展情況,涉及《企業透明法》和其他對有益所有權披露的法規,以幫助實務人員了解相關業務知識。

In Focus: DEI in Employment provides the resources employers need to navigate DEI after the Supreme Court's Harvard affirmative action decision. Resources include Practical Guidance on governing DEI initiatives and policies, risk mitigation and tracking, pay equity, ESG, and corporate governance.


"Bloomberg Law's In Focus resources are designed to be a one-stop-shop for legal practitioners, offering immediate updates and comprehensive resources on emerging issues," said Alex Butler, vice president of content and analysis, Bloomberg Law. "Bloomberg Law customers count on these resources for the most current guidance and information they need to advise their clients effectively."

"Bloomberg Law的專題資源旨在成爲法律實務人員的一站式服務,提供新興問題的即時更新和全面資源," Bloomberg Law的內容和分析副總裁Alex Butler說。"Bloomberg Law的客戶依靠這些資源獲取最新的指導和信息,以有效地爲其客戶提供建議。"

To learn more about Bloomberg Law's latest In Focus resources, request a demo at

了解有關Bloomberg Law最新專題資源的更多信息,請請求演示。

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SOURCE Bloomberg Law

來源:Bloomberg Law

