
Jury Awards $122M in Advertising Patent Case Following Testimony of Quandary Peak Experts

Jury Awards $122M in Advertising Patent Case Following Testimony of Quandary Peak Experts

因Quandary Peak公司專家的證言,陪審團判決在廣告專利案件中賠償122百萬美元。
PR Newswire ·  06/17 22:18

LOS ANGELES, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A week-long patent trial in Waco, Texas, concluded on Friday with a jury verdict against Amazon and an award of $122 million in damages. Two software experts affiliated with Quandary Peak Research, Dr. Eric Koskinen and Jason Frankovitz, testified during the trial. Koskinen and Frankovitz were retained on behalf of the plaintiff, an advertising technology company.

洛杉磯,2024年6月17日 /PRNewswire/ — 在德克薩斯州韋科進行的爲期一週的專利審判於週五結束,陪審團對亞馬遜作出裁決,並裁定賠償1.22億美元。隸屬於Quandary Peak Research的兩位軟件專家埃裏克·科斯基寧博士和傑森·弗蘭科維茨在審判中作證。科斯基寧和弗蘭科維茨是代表原告(一家廣告技術公司)被聘用的。

Two software experts affiliated with Quandary Peak Research, Dr. Eric Koskinen and Jason Frankovitz, testified during the trial. Koskinen and Frankovitz were retained on behalf of AlmondNet.
隸屬於Quandary Peak Research的兩位軟件專家埃裏克·科斯基寧博士和傑森·弗蘭科維茨在審判中作證。科斯基寧和弗蘭科維茨是代表 AlmondNet 留住的。

The case, AlmondNet, Inc. v., Inc., et al., was presided over by Judge Alan D. Albright in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas. As is common in patent trials, the jury was asked to consider whether the patents were valid and also whether Amazon infringed them by making, selling, or using the patented inventions.

案例, AlmondNet, Inc. 訴亞馬遜公司等,由美國德克薩斯州西區地方法院的艾倫·奧爾布賴特法官主持。與專利審判中常見的情況一樣,陪審團被要求考慮專利是否有效,以及亞馬遜是否通過製作、銷售或使用專利發明侵犯了這些專利。

The first patent at issue in the case, U.S. Patent No. 8,671,139, describes a system for directing electronic advertisements. The system facilitates the "selection of media properties on which to display an advertisement." The other patent asserted by the plaintiff, AlmondNet, was U.S. Patent No. 7,822,639, which describes a method of securing revenue from "offsite targeted Internet advertising."

該案中第一項有爭議的專利,即美國專利號8,671,139,描述了一種用於導演電子廣告的系統。該系統有助於 “選擇要在其中顯示廣告的媒體屬性”。原告AlmondNet主張的另一項專利是美國專利號7,822,639,該專利描述了一種從 “異地定向互聯網廣告” 中獲得收入的方法。

The patented methods include various steps for displaying ads to website visitors after they have visited some other site first. For example, claim 37 of the '139 patent includes automatically authorizing the second site to display an ad to a user who previously visited the first site. Claim 24 of the '639 patent involves both websites receiving some revenue by showing ads to users who visited both sites.


Koskinen was the first expert witness called in the trial. On the afternoon of the first day, Koskinen testified that the two AlmondNet patents were infringed by Amazon's Sponsored Display and Amazon DSP technology. Koskinen described the Amazon systems to the jury, enabling them to understand how the complex systems implemented the patented technology. His explanations set the foundation for the trial's proceedings throughout the week.


Frankovitz took the stand on Thursday to answer questions on the patents' validity. Frankovitz rebutted the testimony of Amazon's experts that the patents were not valid. During his testimony, Frankovitz employed a metaphor to help the jury understand how AlmondNet's inventions work. Frankovitz said that, prior to AlmondNet's inventions, advertising on websites was analogous to a series of castles, with each castle only able to reach an audience within its own walls. The inventions allowed each castle to send messages to people inside other castles, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the ads.


In closing arguments on Friday morning, AlmondNet's attorney took the jury back through Koskinen's testimony, saying "We brought Dr. Koskinen to explain Amazon's infringing system. [Dr]. Koskinen was so thorough and careful in analyzing Amazon's crazy complex system and describing it to you, that [Amazon's] VP of technology, and [Amazon's expert witness] ultimately admitted that Koskinen's description of how Amazon's system was accurate. Dead on."

在週五上午的閉幕辯論中,AlmondNet的律師帶領陪審團回顧了科斯基寧的證詞,他說:“我們請科斯基寧博士來解釋亞馬遜的侵權系統。[博士]。科斯基寧在分析亞馬遜瘋狂的複雜系統並向你描述時非常透徹和謹慎,以至於 [亞馬遜] 技術副總裁和 [亞馬遜的專家證人] 最終承認了科斯基寧對亞馬遜系統的描述是準確的。死定了。”

The jury's verdict came back later on Friday. First, the jury found that AlmondNet proved, by a preponderance of the evidence, that both patents were infringed by Amazon. Second, the jury found that Amazon had not proven, by clear and convincing evidence, that the asserted claims of the two patents were invalid or that those claims involved only activities or technologies that were obvious at the time. Finally, the jury found that AlmondNet had proven that it was entitled to $121.95 million.


Eric Koskinen is an Endowed Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology, where he teaches, advises PhD students, and conducts research on reliable software supported by grants from the federal government in excess of $6M. He is an expert in computer systems, concurrency, programming languages, and formal methods.

埃裏克·科斯基寧 是史蒂文斯理工學院計算機科學特聘副教授,他在那裏爲博士生提供教學、諮詢和研究可靠的軟件,這些軟件由聯邦政府超過600萬美元的撥款支持。他是計算機系統、併發、編程語言和形式方法方面的專家。

Jason Frankovitz joined Quandary Peak in 2014 and has testified in numerous trials since then. His background in Internet marketing technology and knowledge of his own patented ad targeting system were useful assets during the case. While his considerable experience spans various areas, his work at Quandary Peak often draws heavily on his expertise in web applications, Internet technologies, open-source software, and best practices in software development.

傑森·弗蘭科維茨 於2014年加入Quandary Peak,此後已在多次審判中作證。他在互聯網營銷技術方面的背景和對自己的專利廣告定位系統的了解在案件中是有用的資產。儘管他在各個領域都有豐富的經驗,但他在Quandary Peak的工作往往在很大程度上借鑑了他在網絡應用程序、互聯網技術、開源軟件和軟件開發最佳實踐方面的專業知識。

About Quandary Peak Research


Quandary Peak Research provides expert analysis of complex technology to companies, law firms, and investors. Clients leverage Quandary Peak's expertise in computer and software technology for various types of civil litigation, including cases alleging patent infringement, copyright infringement, trade secret misappropriation, and breach of contract. Software experts at Quandary Peak perform source code analysis, technical due diligence, software quality audits, and forensic investigations. Quandary Peak experts also testify as expert witnesses at hearings and trials in U.S. District Court, state courts, the International Trade Commission (ITC), the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and other venues.

困境峯值研究 爲公司、律師事務所和投資者提供複雜技術的專家分析。客戶利用Quandary Peak在計算機和軟件技術方面的專業知識進行各種類型的民事訴訟,包括指控專利侵權、版權侵權、商業祕密盜用和違反合同的案件。Quandary Peak 的軟件專家進行源代碼分析、技術盡職調查、軟件質量審計和取證調查。Quandary Peak專家還作爲專家證人在美國地方法院、州法院、國際貿易委員會(ITC)、美國專利商標局(USPTO)和其他場所的聽證會和審判中作證。

For media inquiries, please contact:
Jeremiah Deasey
Manager of Digital Marketing, Media, and Brand
[email protected]


SOURCE Quandary Peak Research

來源 Quandary Peak 研究

