
New SAS GenAI Tools for Marketers Leverage Amazon Bedrock

New SAS GenAI Tools for Marketers Leverage Amazon Bedrock

新的SAS GenAI工具爲營銷人員利用亞馬遜基礎設施提供支持。
PR Newswire ·  06/17 21:27

Enhanced SAS Customer Intelligence 360 accelerates value from generative AI


CANNES, France, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SAS, a global leader in data and AI, is adding new generative AI (GenAI) capabilities to its MarTech solution SAS Customer Intelligence 360.


In a new integration with Amazon Bedrock from Amazon Web Services (AWS), these capabilities help organizations transform data into business insights that enhance business operations to elevate the customer experience.

在與Amazon Web Services(AWS)的Amazon Bedrock的新集成中,這些功能有助於將數據轉化爲提升客戶體驗的業務見解。

With GenAI, marketers can better plan campaigns, improve audience selection and generate more relevant content.


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New GenAI capabilities in SAS Customer Intelligence 360 help marketers elevate the customer experience.

New GenAI capabilities for SAS Customer Intelligence 360
SAS Customer Intelligence 360 already offers GenAI assistance to marketers and advertisers for streamlining marketing planning, journey design, content generation and creative development.


The solution's new capabilities, leveraging Amazon Bedrock, include:

該解決方案的新功能,利用Amazon Bedrock,包括:

  • Better campaigns through precise audience recommendations – With this new capability, marketers can create audiences and pair them with precise, personalized messages and offers. Campaign teams can use simple text to describe the people they want to reach, and the software will use natural language prompts in the description to recommend and refine each audience.
  • An intelligent self-service assistant – SAS Customer Intelligence 360's new audience copilot provides a guided GenAI-powered chat experience that uses natural language generation to better interpret audience data. With the copilot, marketers and advertisers can more easily select the right data source, create a schedule, specify the lifecycle of the data, and ultimately improve campaigns by better understanding their included audiences. This leads to improved targeting and personalization, ensuring the right people receive the best message or offer for them.
  • Enhanced emails for improved response – Marketers continue to rely on email to reach new and existing customers. As people deal with an increasing deluge of messages, getting customers to open an email and peruse the offer is an obstacle. SAS Customer Intelligence 360's new generative AI-powered service suggests email subject lines that are compelling and effective. And marketers can test and compare subject lines to choose the best performers.
  • 通過精確的受衆推薦更好地進行廣告活動--通過這種新功能,營銷人員可以爲受衆創建並與之匹配精確、個性化的信息和提供。廣告團隊可以使用簡單的文本描述他們想要觸達的人群,軟件將在描述中使用自然語言提示推薦和改進每個受衆。智能自助助手--SAS客戶智能360的新受衆副駕駛員提供了一種引導型的GenAI驅動聊天體驗,該體驗使用自然語言生成更好地解釋受衆數據。藉助副駕駛員,營銷人員和廣告商可以更輕鬆地選擇正確的數據源、創建時間表、指定數據的生命週期,並通過更好地理解其包含的受衆來改善廣告活動。這導致了更好的定位和個性化,確保合適的人群接收到最適合他們的信息或推薦。
  • 通過改進響應而增強的電子郵件--營銷人員繼續依賴電子郵件來達到新的和現有的客戶。隨着人們不斷接收大量的信息,讓客戶打開電子郵件並瀏覽提供的內容是一個障礙。SAS客戶智能360的新生成AI驅動的服務建議有吸引力和有效的電子郵件主題行。營銷人員可以測試和比較主題,以選擇最佳表現者。"有了GenAI,營銷人員可以更好地計劃廣告活動、改進受衆選擇、生成更相關的內容,並做出更好的業務決策,提高客戶體驗。" SAS首席營銷官Jennifer Chase表示。"SAS客戶智能360的新GenAI增強功能--由我們與AWS的強有力合作和使用Amazon Bedrock技術的推動--將使營銷和廣告專業人士更容易有效地使用GenAI。而這些新的功能也是SAS繼續努力幫助組織負責任和公平應用人工智能,同時讓人類保持在環路中的努力成果。"
  • 增強型的電子郵件以提高響應--營銷人員繼續依賴電子郵件來針對新客戶和老客戶。隨着人們應付越來越多的信息,讓消費者打開電子郵件並查看提供的產品更爲困難。SAS客戶智能360的新生成AI技術提供了令人信服和有效郵件主題行的建議。營銷人員可以測試和比較不同的主題行以選擇最佳的表現者。全球廣告和營銷解決方案組合負責人AWS的Craig Miller表示:"廣告計劃是生成AI的主要用途,這強調了當創建支持各種營銷活動的工具時,模型選擇的重要性。通過利用Amazon Bedrock爲其客戶智能360解決方案提供服務,SAS爲全球營銷人員提供了最新的生成AI技術工具的訪問。此外,SAS對Amazon Bedrock的警戒措施的早期採用,將有助於確保其客戶繼續負責任地開發有價值、個性化和值得信賴的客戶體驗。"

"With GenAI, marketers can better plan campaigns, improve audience selection, generate more relevant content, and make better business decisions that elevate customer experiences," said Jennifer Chase, Chief Marketing Officer at SAS. "The new GenAI enhancements to SAS Customer Intelligence 360 – powered by our strong collaboration with AWS and the use of Amazon Bedrock technology – will make it easier for marketing and advertising pros to use GenAI effectively. And these new capabilities add to SAS' continued effort to help organizations apply AI responsibly and equitably while keeping humans in the loop."

"有了GenAI,營銷人員可以更好地計劃廣告活動、改進受衆選擇、生成更相關的內容和做出更好的業務決策,提高客戶體驗。" SAS首席營銷官Jennifer Chase說。"SAS客戶智能360的新GenAI增強功能--由我們與AWS的強有力合作和使用Amazon Bedrock技術的推動--將使營銷和廣告專業人士更容易有效地使用GenAI。而這些新的功能也是SAS繼續努力幫助組織負責任和公平應用人工智能,同時讓人類保持在環路中的努力成果。"

SAS and Amazon Bedrock
The new GenAI capabilities in Customer Intelligence 360 take advantage of Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed service from AWS that helps customers build and scale GenAI applications with foundation models. With SAS Customer Intelligence 360 and Amazon Bedrock, marketers don't have to worry about underlying AI models and can focus on quickly and easily leveraging GenAI capabilities instead. For example, new email subject-line tools in SAS Customer Intelligence 360 offer content-generation features that can recommend language, adjust for tone and offer translations.

SAS和Amazon Bedrock--客戶智能360中的新GenAI功能利用了AWS的Amazon Bedrock,這是一項完全託管的服務,可幫助客戶使用基礎模型構建和擴展GenAI應用程序。使用SAS客戶智能360和Amazon Bedrock,營銷人員無需擔心底層的AI模型,可以專注於快速輕鬆地利用GenAI功能。例如,SAS客戶智能360中的新電子郵件主題行工具提供了內容生成功能,可以推薦語言、調整語氣並提供翻譯服務。
使用全球託管的SAS解決方案,用戶可以輕鬆調用世界各地的分析模型。除了SAS的負責任的參與功能外,客戶還可以從Amazon Bedrock的Guardrails中受益,這些Guardrails支持負責任的GenAI應用程序。Guardrails通過用於可能含有有害或偏見內容過濾器來爲用戶應用程序的AI安全程度帶來一致的水平。

With SAS' solutions hosted globally, users can call on analytical models from around the world with ease. In addition to SAS' responsible engagement capabilities, customers can also benefit from customized safeguards in Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock that support responsible GenAI applications. Guardrails help bring a consistent level of AI safety across user applications with filters for potentially harmful or biased content.

"廣告計劃是生成AI的主要用途,這強調了當創建支持各種營銷活動的工具時,模型選擇的重要性。"AWS全球廣告和營銷解決方案組合負責人 Craig Miller 說。"通過利用 Amazon Bedrock 爲其客戶智能 360 解決方案提供服務,SAS爲全球營銷人員提供了最新的生成 AI 技術工具的訪問。此外,SAS對 Amazon Bedrock 的警戒措施的早期採用,將有助於確保其客戶繼續負責任地開發有價值、個性化和值得信賴的客戶體驗。"

"Campaign planning is a top use case for generative AI, which underscores the importance of model choice when creating tools to support various marketing activities," said Craig Miller, Global Advertising and Marketing Solutions Portfolio Lead at AWS. "By leveraging Amazon Bedrock for its Customer Intelligence 360 solution, SAS is providing access to the latest generative AI-powered tools for marketers across the globe. Additionally, SAS' early adoption of Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock will help ensure that its customers continue to develop valuable, personalized and trustworthy customer experiences responsibly."

營銷人員可以更好地規劃廣告活動、改善受衆選擇,生成更相關內容,從而做出更好的業務決策並提高客戶體驗。SAS首席營銷官Jennifer Chase表示:"SAS客戶智能360的新GenAI增強功能 -- 由我們與AWS強有力的合作以及利用Amazon Bedrock技術的推動--將使營銷和廣告領域的從業人員更容易有效地使用GenAI。同時,這些新功能也是SAS繼續努力幫助組織負責任和公平應用人工智能,同時讓人類保持在環路中的努力成果”。

The collaboration between SAS and AWS, the world's most broadly adopted cloud provider, empowers brands with technology and flexibility that put data and AI to work to deliver insights that improve lives.


Today's announcement came at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in Cannes, France. SAS remains steadfast in its commitment to innovation, a hallmark of creativity.


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