
GrowthLoop Launches Computed Attributes Generative AI Feature Powered by AWS to Increase Productivity and Deliver Hyper-Personalized Campaigns

GrowthLoop Launches Computed Attributes Generative AI Feature Powered by AWS to Increase Productivity and Deliver Hyper-Personalized Campaigns

GrowthLoop推出由AWS提供支持的Computed Attributes生成AI功能以增加生產力和提供超個性化的活動。
PR Newswire ·  06/17 21:00

NEW YORK, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GrowthLoop, a leading composable customer data platform (CDP) provider, today announced their new, advanced Computed Attributes generative AI feature, powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). The solution, built using Amazon Bedrock and activated with GrowthLoop's composable CDP, allows marketers to execute highly-personalized, data-driven marketing campaigns in a fraction of the time with significantly less overhead.

2024年6月17日紐約/美通社 - GrowthLoop是一家領先的可組合客戶數據平台(CDP)提供商,今天宣佈他們的新的先進的計算屬性生成人工智能功能,由亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)提供支持。該解決方案使用亞馬遜Bedrock構建,並通過GrowthLoop的可組合CDP激活,允許營銷人員在更短的時間內使用更少的開銷執行高度個性化的數據驅動型營銷活動。受Amazon Web Services(AWS)支持的GrowthLoop的計算屬性解決方案現已上市。

GrowthLoop's Computed Attributes solution, powered by AWS, is available now
GrowthLoop的新計算屬性解決方案使營銷人員可以直接輸入他們希望用於受衆細分或個性化的屬性,系統將自動使用Amazon Bedrock創建他們正在尋找的精確計算字段。例如,如果營銷人員需要定位在過去12個月內購買一到五次商品的客戶,無需花費時間和資源編寫定製SQL以查找他們的正確廣告目標受衆細分。使用生成的AI驅動計算的屬性,營銷人員可以簡單地輸入“在過去的12個月中購買了1到5次商品”,計算出來的字段將立即生成,供他們用於受衆細分或客戶旅程活動。

The new Computed Attributes solution from GrowthLoop enables marketers to simply type out the attributes they hope to use for audience segmentation or personalization and the system will automatically create the exact computed fields they are looking for using Amazon Bedrock. For example, if a marketer needs to target customers that have between one and five purchases over the last 12 months, it can be challenging to analyze their first party data without having to dedicate time and resources to write custom SQL to find their correct advertising audience segment. With the launch of generative AI-powered Computed Attributes, a marketer can simply type in, "has between 1 and 5 purchases over the last 12 months," and the computed field will be immediately generated for them for use in their audience segment or campaign customer journey.


"With Computed Attributes powered by AWS, we are putting marketers in the driver seat when they need to quickly launch campaigns with sophisticated derived fields and highly personalized customer experiences," said Anthony Rotio, Chief Data Strategy Officer at GrowthLoop. "This eases pressure on data teams by providing them with transparency into the generated SQL for the new computed fields that the team requires. With GrowthLoop Audience Builder and AI capabilities, customers can increase the number of quarterly campaigns by up to 10x. This is a win-win for data and marketing teams and helps build trust across enterprise organizations."


Key features of the Computed Attributes solution include:


  1. Simplified Campaign Activation: Previously, users had to sync all of their customer data into a marketing tool in order to analyze it and extract insights to create campaign customer segments. With Computed Attributes, now marketers can simply define prompts that represent the desired relevant data for a campaign activation such as the total count of purchases made by a customer, the sum of dollars spent by each customer, or subscriptions that are about to expire along with subscription ID numbers. This reduces the need to write complex SQL by hand.

  2. Journey Orchestration Enablement: Complex customer journey orchestration requires the ability to manipulate and analyze data across multiple sources to ensure that only relevant information is loaded into activation tools. The Computed Attributes solution allows users to pull in only the relevant personalized information they need, send it to all of their desired channels, and activate it into a cohesive cross-channel customer experience.
  1. 營銷活動的簡化啓動:以前,用戶必須將所有客戶數據同步到營銷工具中,以便分析並提取見解以創建活動客戶細分。使用計算屬性,現在營銷人員可以僅定義代表活動所需相關數據的提示,例如每位客戶購買的商品總數、每位客戶花費的總金額或即將到期的訂閱以及訂閱ID號碼。這減少了手動編寫複雜SQL的必要性。旅程編排啓用:複雜的客戶旅程編排需要在多個源之間操縱和分析數據,以確保只加載所需的相關信息到激活工具中。計算屬性解決方案允許用戶僅提取他們需要的相關個性化信息,並將其發送到所有所需的渠道中,並將其激活爲一個具有協調的跨渠道的客戶體驗。

  2. 計算屬性實際案例應用: 複雜的客戶旅程編排需要在多個源之間操縱和分析數據,以確保只加載所需的相關信息到激活工具中。計算屬性解決方案允許用戶僅提取他們需要的相關個性化信息,並將其發送到所有所需的渠道中,並將其激活爲一個具有協調的跨渠道的客戶體驗。要滿足特定職位招聘需求的全球招聘網站Indeed每個月擁有350多萬獨立訪問者。以前,Indeed的營銷人員需要加載大量的數據到營銷激活工具中,即使只有某些數據子集與活動相關。計算屬性將使Indeed團隊能夠定義特定的、個性化的數據,以滿足客戶的需求,例如客戶的最新職位發佈列表,包括職位名稱、ID和職位類型,並快速將數據裝入所需的渠道中,以用於激活。“Indeed的團隊一直在努力將海量數據移入我們的市場平台,以便及時、快速地啓動我們的活動營銷。”Indeed的高級工程經理Ranjith Rameth表示。“即使只有一部分數據與活動相關,我們也需要推進多個下游營銷系統的容量極限,並不斷面對將數據轉移至我們的聯繫金流和電子郵件營銷平台時所面臨的挑戰。我們爲由AWS支持的GrowthLoop推出的新計算屬性功能感到非常興奮,它將使我們的團隊更具靈活性,並大大減少需要向我們的下游營銷平台傳輸的數據量。”

Computed Attributes in Action: Indeed


Indeed, a global job site with 350M+ unique visitors every month, often looks to communicate with their users about specific jobs that they have posted. Previously, Indeed's marketers were bogged down by the sheer amount of data they needed to load into marketing activation tools, even when only certain subsets of that data are relevant to the campaign. Computed Attributes will enable Indeed's teams to define the specific, personalized data they need to speak to a customer – for example, a list of latest job posts by a customer with the job post name, ID, and job type – and quickly ingest the date into their desired channel for activation.


"At Indeed, our team has struggled to move massive amounts of data into our marketing platforms in order to activate our campaigns in a timely and responsive fashion," said Ranjith Rameth, Senior Engineering Manager at Indeed. "We've pushed the capacity of several downstream marketing systems to their limits and still faced challenges moving data at the scale required by our initiatives. We're very excited for the new Computed Attributes feature from GrowthLoop, powered by AWS, which will allow our teams to work with more flexibility, and drastically reduce the overall volume of data that needs to be egressed to our downstream marketing platforms."

“在Indeed,我們的團隊一直在努力將海量數據移入我們的營銷平台,以便及時、快速地啓動我們的活動營銷。”Indeed的高級工程經理Ranjith Rameth表示。“即使只有某些數據子集與活動相關,我們也需要推進多個下游營銷系統的容量極限,並不斷面對將數據轉移至我們的聯繫金流和電子郵件營銷平台時所面臨的挑戰。我們非常期待由AWS支持的GrowthLoop推出的新計算屬性功能,它將使我們的團隊更具靈活性,並大大減少需要向下遊營銷平台傳輸的數據總量。”

"GrowthLoop's Computed Attributed feature, powered by AWS, leverages Amazon Bedrock to enable businesses to improve campaign outcomes for marketing teams using generative AI," said Lisa Hopkins, Global Lead, Advertising and Marketing Partners at AWS. "We look forward to continuing to work with GrowthLoop to find more ways to enable marketers to better connect with the right audiences and deliver more personalized campaign experiences."

“由AWS支持的GrowthLoop計算屬性功能利用Amazon Bedrock,使企業使用生成人工智能來改善營銷團隊的活動結果,”AWS廣告和營銷合作伙伴全球負責人Lisa Hopkins表示。“我們期待繼續與GrowthLoop合作,尋找更多的方式來使營銷人員更好地連接合適的受衆,並提供更個性化的活動體驗。”

Learn More


GrowthLoop's Computed Attributes solution, powered by AWS, is available now. You can learn more about how GrowthLoop and AWS are improving marketing and data activation at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity from Monday, June 17 to Friday, June 21, 2024.


About GrowthLoop


GrowthLoop provides the leading composable customer data platform (CDP) for marketers to build audience segments, orchestrate cross-channel journeys, and assess campaign results through the data cloud. It offers centralized control over data and intelligence, freeing teams from vendor lock-in and fostering an environment of channel innovation. For more information, please visit .

GrowthLoop提供了領先的可組合的客戶數據平台(CDP)爲營銷人員構建受衆群體、編排跨通道旅程和評估數據雲中的活動結果提供了支持。它提供了對數據和智能的集中控制,使團隊擺脫了供應商鎖定,並促進了渠道創新的環境。有關更多信息,請訪問跨渠道旅程和通過數據雲評估活動結果。它提供了對數據和智能的集中控制,使團隊擺脫了供應商鎖定,並促進了渠道創新的環境。有關更多信息,請訪問 .

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