
Broadcom's Cutting-Edge AI Networking Technology Leaves Nvidia, Marvell, Cisco Behind: JPMorgan

Broadcom's Cutting-Edge AI Networking Technology Leaves Nvidia, Marvell, Cisco Behind: JPMorgan

Benzinga ·  06/17 20:04

Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ) is not only holding its position in the datacenter and AI Ethernet switching market but is also making significant strides forward. With its stock currently trading at $1,735.04, Broadcom is expected to achieve notable gains, targeting a price of $2,000 by December, according to JPMorgan.


Dominating With 80% Market Share


According to analyst Harlan Sur of JPMorgan, Broadcom holds a commanding 80% market share in the $5-7 billion datacenter/AI Ethernet switching and routing chipset market. This dominance is largely due to its relentless innovation. Sur highlights the company's flagship Tomahawk series, which has consistently doubled performance every two years. The team continues to drive "a 2x Moore's Law like performance boost with its Tomahawk switching chipset," said Sur.

根據摩根大通的分析師Harlan Sur稱,Broadcom在50億至70億美元的數據中心/AI以太網交換和路由芯片市場上擁有80%的市場份額。這種優勢主要歸功於其不懈的創新。Sur報道了該公司的旗艦Tomahawk系列,該系列每兩年就能穩定將性能提升一倍。Sur說: “該團隊在其Tomahawk交換芯片組中繼續推動“像Moore定律一樣的2倍性能提升”。

Broadcom's lead is not just about performance. Sur points out that the company is ahead of competitors like Nvidia Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA), Marvell Technology Inc (NASDAQ:MRVL) and Cisco Systems Inc (NASDAQ:CSCO) in delivering cutting-edge networking silicon. "We believe 9-12 months ahead of NVIDIA and 12monthts+ ahead of Marvell and Cisco," the analyst said.

Broadcom的領先地位不僅僅是性能方面。Sur指出,該公司在交付尖端網絡硅方面領先於競爭對手,如NVIDIA Corp(NASDAQ: NVDA),Marvell Technology Inc(NASDAQ: MRVL)和思科系統公司(NASDAQ: CSCO)。分析師說:“我們認爲比NVIDIA快9-12個月,比Marvell和思科還要快12個月以上。”

This lead is fortified by Broadcom's robust R&D scale and intellectual property, creating significant barriers to entry for competitors.


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Next-Gen Marvel: Tomahawk 6

下一代英偉達:Tomahawk 6

Sur notes that Broadcom will ship initial Tomahawk 6 chipsets in the second half of 2024, with full production ramping in 2025 and 2026. This 3nm chipset boasts a staggering 102.4Tbps switching throughput and 1.6Tbps optical connectivity.

Sur指出,Broadcom將在2024年下半年發貨最初的Tomahawk 6芯片組,並在2025年和2026年全面投產。這款3納米芯片組具有102.4Tbps的交換吞吐量和1.6Tbps的光學連接能力。

Such capabilities are critical for supporting the next generation of AI clusters, which include major players like Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL), Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN), Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ:META), Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE:BABA) (NYSE:BABAF), Oracle Corp (NYSE:ORCL), ByteDance, and Tencent Holdings Ltd (OTCPK:TCEHY).

這些能力對於支持包括Alphabet Inc(NASDAQ: GOOG)(NASDAQ: GOOGL), Inc(NASDAQ: AMZN),Meta Platforms Inc(NASDAQ: META),Alibaba Group Holding Limited(NYSE: BABA)(NYSE: BABAF),Oracle Corp(NYSE: ORCL),字節跳動和騰訊控股有限公司(OTCPK: TCEHY)在內的下一代人工智能集群至關重要。

Sur expects Broadcom's AI networking silicon revenues to triple to over $3 billion in 2024, with a 50% growth projection for 2025. The 800Gbps optical upgrade cycle currently underway, along with the upcoming 1.6Tbps cycle starting with the Tomahawk 6 ramp, drives this surge.

Sur預計,Broadcom的人工智能網絡硅收入將在2024年翻三倍,2025年增長50%。目前正在進行的800Gbps光學升級週期以及即將開始的1.6Tbps週期,與Tomahawk 6的推出一起推動了這一增長。

'Two Steps Ahead Of Its Competitors'


Broadcom's roadmap extends beyond the Tomahawk 6. Sur mentions that the company is already in the design phase of its 2nm Tomahawk 7, ensuring it remains "one/two steps ahead of its competitors."

Broadcom的路線圖超越了Tomahawk 6。Sur提到這家公司已經處於其2納米的Tomahawk 7的設計階段,確保其始終“比競爭對手領先一步/兩步”。

As the cloud and hyperscale datacenter market grows at a projected 20-30% CAGR, Broadcom is well-positioned to retain its market leadership.


Broadcom's relentless innovation and strategic foresight make it a standout in the rapidly evolving AI and datacenter networking landscape. Investors should take note of this powerhouse as it continues to shape the future of technology.


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