
Add Value Machine, ADCB and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Successfully Conclude UAE's First-Ever Generative AI Hackathon in the Banking Sector

Add Value Machine, ADCB and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Successfully Conclude UAE's First-Ever Generative AI Hackathon in the Banking Sector

Add Value Machine、ADCB和亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)成功完成了阿聯酋銀行板塊歷史上第一次生成式人工智能黑客馬拉松比賽。
PR Newswire ·  06/17 19:03

ABU DHABI, UAE, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Add Value Machine (AVM), a leading provider of secure generative AI platforms, and Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB), one of the largest banks in the UAE, have successfully concluded the groundbreaking ADCB Generative AI Hackathon. The event, which took place in Abu Dhabi, marked the first time a UAE bank has conducted a hackathon focused on exploring the potential of generative AI in the banking sector.

阿布扎比,2024年6月17日/ PRNewswire/-- Add Value Machine(AVM)是一家領先的安全生成AI平台供應商,阿布扎比商業銀行(ADCB)是阿聯酋最大的銀行之一,已成功舉行具有開創性的ADCB生成AI黑客馬拉松。這次活動在阿布扎比舉行,標誌着阿聯酋銀行首次舉辦以探索銀行業中生成AI潛力爲重點的黑客馬拉松。

"We are thrilled to have partnered with ADCB and AWS to host this groundbreaking hackathon," said John Shaw, CEO of Add Value Machine. "Our secure generative AI platform has enabled ADCB to explore innovative solutions that can drive meaningful business impact across the bank. This event showcases the immense potential of generative AI in the banking sector, and we look forward to working with ADCB to bring the most impactful use cases into production."

"我們很高興與ADCB和AWS合作舉辦這個開創性的黑客馬拉松,"Add Value Machine首席執行官約翰肖(John Shaw)說。"我們的安全生成AI平台已賦予ADCB探索業務影響的有意義解決方案的創新,這次活動展示了生成AI在銀行業中的巨大潛力,我們期待與ADCB合作,將最有影響力的用例帶入生產中。"

The hackathon brought together nearly 120 participants from ADCB, AVM and Amazon Web Services (AWS) collaborated to structure the event around key business outcomes, focusing on the most relevant ROI generative AI use cases in procurement, engineering, retail banking, and treasury.

黑客馬拉松彙集了來自ADCB、AVM和Amazon Web Services(AWS)的近120名參與者,共同圍繞關鍵業務結果構造了活動,側重於採購、工程、零售銀行和財務等最相關的ROI生成AI用例。

Sean Langton, ADCB's CIO, reflected on the event's success, stating, "Generative AI is the perfect technology for a hackathon - it has unlimited opportunity to improve our business and customer experience but also presents emerging risks we need to be mindful of. Thanks to our partnerships with Added Value Machine and AWS, we've been able to build several AI 'bots' in a safe way in just a day. I can't wait to see the first of these up and running in production in the coming days."

ADCB首席信息官肖恩·朗頓(Sean Langton)回顧了活動的成功,稱,"生成AI是黑客馬拉松的完美技術--它具有無限的機會來提高我們的業務和客戶體驗,但也呈現出我們需要謹慎考慮的新興風險。感謝我們與Add Value Machine和AWS的合作,我們已經能夠在短短的一天內以安全的方式構建了幾個AI '機器人',我迫不及待地想看到這些的首次投產將在未來幾天內投入使用。"

All use cases developed during the hackathon were built on AVM's observability, governance and compliance generative AI platform. AVM and AWS are now working closely with ADCB to accelerate the most impactful use cases into production, ensuring that the bank can quickly realize the benefits of generative AI technology.


Ravi Singh, President and CTO of Add Value Machine, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating, "It's inspiring to witness the passion and unity of purpose at ADCB. The combination of visionary leadership and technical expertise has resulted in a thoughtful, measured approach to generative AI adoption. We are proud to be part of this transformative journey."

Add Value Machine總裁兼首席技術官拉維·辛格(Ravi Singh)表示他對合作的熱情,稱,"目睹ADCB的激情和目標的統一是激勵人心的。遠見卓識的領導和技術專業知識導致了對生成AI採納的思考深度和去分寸。我們很自豪能成爲這個變革性的旅程的一部分。"

ADCB plans to conduct regular hackathons to foster a culture of innovation and explore new applications of generative AI technology across its business operations.


About Add Value Machine:
AVM is a leading Generative AI security company that provides 360-degree observability, enabling enterprises to monitor all of the Generative AI usage no matter where it happens. The accelerated use of generative AI at large corporations has also accelerated customer data leakage and presents new challenges for companies looking to maintain security compliance. At AVM, we believe that the accelerated adoption of Generative AI needs the strict adoption of advanced security protocols.

關於Add Value Machine:

Julie Kehoe
[email protected]

[email protected]

SOURCE Add Value Machine

來源:Add Value Machine

