
Novavax Submits Application to U.S. FDA for Updated Protein-based 2024-2025 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine

Novavax Submits Application to U.S. FDA for Updated Protein-based 2024-2025 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine

諾瓦瓦克斯醫藥 ·  06/14 12:00
  • Novavax's updated JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine is active against current circulating strains, including KP.2 and KP.3
  • Novavax's JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine would be the only protein-based option available in the U.S.
  • Novavax's filing is aligned with FDA, EMA and WHO global recommendations on vaccine composition
  • Novavax intends to have its vaccine in pre-filled syringes available in the U.S. for immediate release post-authorization and following recommendation by the U.S. CDC
  • 諾瓦瓦克斯醫藥更新的JN.1 COVID-19生物-疫苗針對目前流行的毒株具有活性,包括KP.2和KP.3。
  • Novavax的JN.1 COVID-19疫苗將是美國唯一的蛋白質疫苗選擇。
  • 諾瓦瓦克斯醫藥的申報符合全球貨幣(FDA、EMA和WHO)對疫苗組成的建議。
  • 諾瓦瓦克斯醫藥打算在獲得授權並在美國CDC建議後,提供其預先裝有疫苗的針筒以供立即發行。

GAITHERSBURG, Md., June 14, 2024/PRNewswire/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX), a global company advancing protein-based vaccines with its Matrix-M adjuvant, today announced that it has submitted an amendment to its Emergency Use Authorization to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its updated JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine (NVX-CoV2705) for individuals aged 12 and older. The submission is in line with guidance from the U.S. FDA, European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to target the JN.1 lineage this fall.1-3

馬里蘭州蓋瑟斯堡,2024年6月14日/ PRNewswire /-全球生物製品企業Novavax,Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) 通過其強效的Matrix-M佐劑不斷推廣蛋白質疫苗,今天宣佈已向美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)提交NVX-CoV2705 JN.1 COVID-19疫苗的授權修訂,以供12歲及以上的個人使用。這一提交符合美國FDA、歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)和WHO的指南,針對JN.1系統進行調整。世界衛生組織和歐洲藥品管理局一致推薦並獲得VRBPAC今天的一致推薦,升級至 JN.1 系譜或 JN.1 可在今年秋季提供對 COVID-19 的保護所需。(WHO)在今年秋天將針對JN.1系列進行調整。1-3

Novavax's JN.1 vaccine has demonstrated broad cross-neutralizing antibodies against multiple variant strains, including KP.2 and KP.3, indicating the potential to protect against forward drift variants. As discussed at the recent FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting, there is a public health benefit to target JN.1, the parent strain of the most common currently circulating variants.


"Novavax is committed to having a protein-based COVID-19 option available at the start of the vaccination season, which is critical because research suggests that providing vaccine choice, along with healthcare provider recommendations, may help improve vaccination rates," said John C. Jacobs, President and Chief Executive Officer, Novavax.

“Novavax致力於在疫苗季開始時提供蛋白質基COVID-19選項,這是至關重要的,因爲研究表明,提供疫苗選擇與醫療保健提供者的建議一起,可能有助於提高接種率。”Novavax首席執行官John C. Jacobs表示。

Nonclinical data have demonstrated that Novavax's JN.1 vaccine induces broad neutralization responses to JN.1 lineage viruses including those containing the F456L and R346T mutations, and to "FLiRT" and "FLuQE" variants.2,4,5 Novavax's vaccine also produces conserved polyfunctional, Th1-biased CD4+ T cell responses to a range of JN.1 lineage variants.2 Novavax's updated JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine targets the "parent strain" of KP.2 and KP.3.2

非臨床數據表明,Novavax的JN.1疫苗引起廣泛的對JN.1系列病毒的中和反應,包括那些含有F456L和R346T突變的變體以及“FLiRT”和“FLuQE”變體。2,4,5Novavax的疫苗也產生保守的多功能、Th1偏向的CD4+ T細胞反應,對一系列JN.1系列變種具有廣泛的作用。2Novavax更新的JN.1 COVID-19疫苗針對KP.2和KP.3的“父系中心株”。2

Novavax intends to have doses in the U.S. for distribution by mid-July. Upon FDA authorization and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendation, Novavax is preparing to promptly deliver to U.S. customers. Novavax is also working with other regulatory authorities globally on authorization or approval of its JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine.

Novavax計劃在7月中旬提供美國劑量。在FDA授權和美國疾病控制和預防中心(CDC)的建議下,Novavax正在準備及時交付給美國客戶。同時,Novavax還與全球其他監管當局合作,授權或批准其JN.1 COVID-19疫苗。

About the Novavax COVID-19 2024-2025 Formula (NVX-CoV2705)
NVX-CoV2705 is an updated version of Novavax's prototype COVID-19 vaccine (NVX-CoV2373) formulated to target the JN.1 variant. It is a protein-based vaccine made by creating copies of the surface spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19. With Novavax's unique recombinant nanoparticle technology, the non-infectious spike protein serves as the antigen that primes the immune system to recognize the virus, while Novavax's Matrix-M adjuvant enhances and broadens the immune response. The vaccine is packaged as a ready-to-use liquid formulation and is stored at 2° to 8°C, enabling the use of existing vaccine supply and cold chain channels.

關於Novavax COVID-19 2024-2025配方(NVX-CoV2705):

About Matrix-M Adjuvant
When added to vaccines, Novavax's patented saponin-based Matrix-M adjuvant enhances the immune system response, making it broader and more durable. The Matrix-M adjuvant stimulates the entry of antigen-presenting cells at the injection site and enhances antigen presentation in local lymph nodes.


About Novavax
Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) promotes improved health by discovering, developing and commercializing innovative vaccines to help protect against serious infectious diseases. Novavax, a global company based in Gaithersburg, Md., U.S., offers a differentiated vaccine platform that combines a recombinant protein approach, innovative nanoparticle technology and Novavax's patented Matrix-M adjuvant to enhance the immune response. The Company's portfolio includes its COVID-19 vaccine and its pipeline includes a vaccine for COVID-19 and influenza combined. In addition, Novavax's adjuvant is included in the University of Oxford and Serum Institute of India's R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine. Please visit and LinkedIn for more information.

Novavax,Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) 通過發現、開發和銷售用於預防嚴重傳染性疾病的創新疫苗,促進健康的改善。總部位於美國馬里蘭州蓋瑟斯堡的全球企業Novavax提供一種不同於衆多疫苗平台的產品,結合了重組蛋白製備方法、創新的納米粒子技術和Novavax的Matrix-M佐劑,從而提高了免疫反應。該公司的產品組合包括COVID-19疫苗,其管線包括針對COVID-19和流感的疫苗。此外,Novavax的佐劑被包含在英國牛津大學和印度血清研究所的R21 / Matrix-M瘧疾疫苗中。詳見官網:novavax.com和頁面。LinkedIn

Forward-Looking Statements
Statements herein relating to the future of Novavax, its operating plans and prospects, the immunogenic response of its vaccine technology against variant strains and the scope, timing and outcome of future regulatory filings and actions, including any FDA or CDC recommendations, the intention to be ready to deliver a JN.1 protein-based non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine by mid-August, are forward-looking statements. Novavax cautions that these forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, antigenic drift or shift in the SARS-CoV2 spike protein, challenges satisfying, alone or together with partners, various safety, efficacy, and product characterization requirements, including those related to process qualification and assay validation, necessary to satisfy applicable regulatory authorities; difficulty obtaining scarce raw materials and supplies; resource constraints, including human capital and manufacturing capacity, on the ability of Novavax to pursue planned regulatory pathways; challenges or delays in obtaining regulatory authorization for its product candidates, including an JN.1 protein-based non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine or for future COVID-19 variant strain changes; challenges or delays in clinical trials; manufacturing, distribution or export delays or challenges; Novavax's exclusive dependence on Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. for co-formulation and filling and the impact of any delays or disruptions in their operations on the delivery of customer orders; challenges meeting contractual requirements under agreements with multiple commercial, governmental, and other entities; and those other risk factors identified in the "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" sections of Novavax's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). We caution investors not to place considerable reliance on forward-looking statements contained in this press release. You are encouraged to read our filings with the SEC, available at and, for a discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date of this document, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any of the statements. Our business is subject to substantial risks and uncertainties, including those referenced above. Investors, potential investors, and others should give careful consideration to these risks and uncertainties.

在此聲明與Novavax未來的經營計劃和前景,其疫苗技術對變異株的免疫反應,以及範圍、時間和未來監管申報及行動的結果,包括FDA或CDC的任何建議,意圖在8月中旬準備就緒交付JN.1基礎非mRNA COVID-19疫苗,均爲前瞻性聲明。 Novavax提醒,這些前瞻性聲明可能面臨諸多風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際結果與這些聲明所表達的情況存在不同之處。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於SARS-CoV2削峯蛋白的抗原漂移或飄移、滿足各種安全、有效性和產品特性要求(包括與合作伙伴共同滿足的要求),包括與多個商業、政府和其他實體簽訂的協議的需要,必要的過程資格和試驗驗證,資源約束(包括人力資源和製造能力)對Novavax追求計劃的監管途徑的能力的影響;挑戰或拖延獲得其產品候選藥物包括基於JN.1蛋白的非mRNA COVID- 19疫苗 或針對未來COVID-19變異株變化的產品申報的監管授權;挑戰或拖延在臨床試驗中;製造、分銷或出口方面的延遲或挑戰;Novavax完全依賴印度血清研究所Pvt. Ltd.(SIIPL)進行共同製劑和灌裝,以及他們的運營對客戶訂單交付的影響;在與多個商業、政府和其他實體的協議中滿足合同要求的挑戰;以及其他在2023年12月31日年度報告10-K和隨後的季度報告10-Q中發現的風險因素,如提交到證監會(SEC)。我公司提醒投資者不要在本新聞稿中對前瞻性聲明非常依賴。建議您閱讀我們在證監會的申報文件,詳見: www.sec.gov和頁面。www.novavax.com本新聞稿中的前瞻性聲明僅限於本文件日期,並且我們不承諾更新或修訂任何聲明。我們的業務受到重大風險和不確定因素的影響,包括上述引用的因素。投資者、潛在投資者和其他人應認真考慮這些風險和不確定因素。其他風險和不確定性的討論請參閱本文檔和其他報告和文件的披露部分。

Erika Schultz

Erika Schultz

Giovanna Chandler




  1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Updated COVID-19 Vaccines for Use in the United States Beginning in Fall 2024. June 13, 2024. Available at:
  2. World Health Organization. Statement on the antigen composition of COVID-19 vaccines. April 26, 2024. Available at:
  3. European Medicines Agency. ETF recommends updating COVID-19 vaccines to target new JN.1 variant. April 30, 2024. Available at:
  4. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Variant Proportions [Data set]. In COVID Data Tracker. 2024. Available at:
  5. Focosi D, Spezia PG, Gueli F, Maggi F. The Era of the FLips: How Spike Mutations L455F and F456L (and A475V) Are Shaping SARS-CoV-2 Evolution. Viruses. 2023;16(1):3. Published 2023 Dec 19. doi:10.3390/v16010003.
  1. 美國食品藥品監督管理局。2024年秋季開始使用的更新COVID-19疫苗。2024年6月13日。在:
  2. 世界衛生組織。 COVID-19 疫苗抗原組成聲明。2024 年4月26日。可在:
  3. 歐洲藥品管理局。ETF 建議升級 COVID-19 疫苗以針對新的 JN.1 變異體。 2024 年 4 月 30 日。可在:
  4. 美國疾病控制和預防中心。變種比例【數據集】。在 COVID 數據跟蹤器中。2024。可在:
  5. Focosi D, Spezia PG, Gueli F, Maggi F。FLips 時代:突刺蛋白 L455F 和 F456L(以及 A475V)如何塑造 SARS-CoV-2 進化。《病毒》。2023 年;16(1):3。2023 年 12 月 19 日發佈。DOI:10.3390/v16010003。病毒。2023年; 16 (1): 3。發佈於2023年12月19日。doi:10.3390/v16010003。

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SOURCE Novavax, Inc.


