
Ericsson, 3 Denmark, TV 2, and Sony Kick off New Era of Live Sports Broadcasting

Ericsson, 3 Denmark, TV 2, and Sony Kick off New Era of Live Sports Broadcasting

愛立信、3丹麥、TV 2和索尼開啓了直播體育廣播的新時代
愛立信 ·  06/13 12:00

Ericsson, in collaboration with 3 Denmark, TV 2, and Sony, has successfully trialed a live television broadcast of a high-profile football match over a 5G standalone (SA) network, leveraging cutting-edge millimeter wave (mmWave) technology. The landmark trial at Parken Stadium in Copenhagen marks a transformative leap in the production and consumption of live sports entertainment in Denmark.

愛立信與3丹麥、TV 2和索尼合作,利用尖端的毫米波(mmWave)技術,成功試用了通過5G獨立(SA)網絡對一場備受矚目的足球比賽進行電視直播。在哥本哈根帕肯體育場舉行的具有里程碑意義的試驗標誌着丹麥體育直播娛樂的製作和消費取得了變革性的飛躍。

The live broadcast was transmitted over 3's 5G SA infrastructure, which is supplied exclusively by Ericsson and includes the dual-mode 5G Core solution, transport, and radio access network (RAN).

直播通過3的5G SA基礎設施進行傳輸,該基礎設施由愛立信獨家提供,包括 雙模 5G 酷睿 解決方案, 運輸,以及 無線電接入網絡 (跑了)。

The trial was the first of its kind in Denmark utilizing 5G mmWave on a 5G SA network. New Radio-Dual Connectivity (NR-DC) combined 20 MHz of bandwidth in C-band (n78) and 800 MHz in mmWave (n258). The proof of concept tested four 5G broadcast cameras and one drone camera, each demanding 35Mbps and 100% uplink time from the network. However, enough capacity has been provisioned in the stadium to support full arena TV production in the future, supporting many times more 5G cameras to capture the action from a large variety of camera angles.

該試驗是丹麥首次在5G SA網絡上使用5G mmWave的試驗。新的無線電雙連接(NR-DC)結合了C波段(n78)中的20 MHz帶寬和毫米波(n258)中的800 MHz帶寬。概念驗證測試了四臺 5G 廣播攝像機和一臺無人機攝像機,每個攝像機要求網絡提供 35Mbps 和 100% 的上行鏈路時間。但是,體育場已經配置了足夠的容量,可以支持未來競技場電視的全面製作,支持更多的5G攝像機從各種攝像機角度捕捉動作。

Kim Christensen, CTO at 3 Denmark, says: "The power of 5G standalone with millimeter wave technology enables us to deliver exceptional speeds and reduced latency, even in crowded environments like a packed stadium. This trial paves the way for more engaging, uninterrupted live sports broadcasts that fans will love."

3 Denmark首席技術官金·克里斯滕森說:“採用毫米波技術的獨立5G的強大功能使我們能夠提供卓越的速度和更低的延遲,即使在擁擠的體育場等擁擠的環境中也是如此。這項試驗爲更具吸引力、不間斷的體育直播鋪平了道路,粉絲們一定會喜歡。”

Morten Brandstrup, Head of Newstechnology at TV 2, shares the operational benefits of 5G technology for live TV broadcasting. "There are many advantages to producing with 5G. Photographers become much more flexible and mobile when everything is done wirelessly. Setting up a camera for sports matches is faster when you don't have to pull hundreds of meters of cable, and we can use the 5G network that is already there, but now with a completely different security and stability in live production."

TV 2新聞技術主管莫滕·布蘭德斯特魯普分享了5G技術在電視直播中的運營優勢。“使用5G進行生產有很多好處。當一切都以無線方式完成時,攝影師將變得更加靈活和可移動。當你不必拔出數百米的電纜時,爲體育比賽設置攝像機的速度會更快,我們可以使用已經存在的 5G 網絡,但現在在直播製作中具有完全不同的安全性和穩定性。”

5G can greatly reduce barriers and improve efficiency for live broadcasters by removing the need for large onsite crews and tethered equipment, both in arena venues and remote locations. According to the GSMA, this approach can help broadcasters lower their production costs by as much as 90 percent, and could ultimately save the global media industry billions of dollars each year.

5G 可以消除競技場場館和偏遠地區對大型現場工作人員和聯機設備的需求,從而極大地減少障礙並提高直播人員的效率。 根據GSMA的說法,這種方法可以幫助廣播公司將製作成本降低多達90%,最終可以爲全球媒體行業每年節省數十億美元。

Niclas Backlund, Country Manager, Ericsson Denmark, says: "5G is changing the game in live sports entertainment by delivering high-quality, uninterrupted live broadcasting to the viewers. We are excited to join 3, TV 2, and Sony in this groundbreaking achievement, which highlights a key application for the broadcasting industry in capturing the value of 5G with differentiated connectivity, and creating unforgettable fan experiences."

愛立信丹麥區域經理Niclas Backlund表示:“5G通過向觀衆提供高質量、不間斷的直播,正在改變體育娛樂直播的遊戲規則。我們很高興能與3、TV 2和索尼一起取得這一突破性成就,這突顯了廣播行業在通過差異化連接捕捉5G價值以及創造令人難忘的粉絲體驗方面的關鍵應用。”

Sony's advancements in 5G-enabled broadcast camera technology were also showcased during the trial. Claus Pfeifer, Head of Connected Content Acquisition at Sony Professional Europe, says: "The advent of 5G technology has revolutionized TV production, with 5G-enabled cameras now capable of transmitting high-resolution images wirelessly in real-time. This significant advancement paves the way for new possibilities in live broadcasting, offering viewers more captivating and interactive live content through 5G-powered transmissions."


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