
Top Honor for PermitUsNow: Named Among Top 25 Subcontractors at 2024 Awards Luncheon

Top Honor for PermitUsNow: Named Among Top 25 Subcontractors at 2024 Awards Luncheon

PR Newswire ·  06/14 20:32

HOUSTON, June 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PermitUsNow, a leading building permitting firm, proudly announces its recognition as one of the Top 25 Subcontractors of the Year at the SubContractors USA Awards Luncheon held on June 14, 2024, in Houston, Texas. This prestigious event celebrates excellence in the construction industry, encouraging small businesses, including women and veteran-owned enterprises, to leverage partnerships and collaborate with large prime contractors, unlocking billions of dollars in construction opportunities across Texas.


Keith Davis "Mr. Dmars", Founder of Subcontractors USA (far left), Helen Callier, president and founder of PermitUsNow, Moruf Jimoh, Technical Manager of PermitUsNow receiving Top 25 Subcontractors Year Recognition in the construction industry in Houston, Texas at the Junior League Building the Houston Galleria area.
Subcontractors USA(創辦人Keith Davis“Mr. Dmars” 位於最左邊),PermitUsNow(總裁及創始人Helen Callier),PermitUsNow(技術經理Moruf Jimoh)在2024年6月14日位於休斯頓Galleria區的Junior League Building建築物中參與建造行業並獲得25佳承包商獎項的認可。
Subcontractors USA Award Luncheon key agency and large construction prime participants and sponsors for event on June 14, 2024.
Subcontractors USA頒獎典禮的關鍵機構和大型建築總承包商參會和贊助於2024年6月14日舉行的這一盛事。

PermitUsNow has been instrumental in streamlining the building permitting process across Houston, saving valuable time and resources for architects, contractors, and project owners. Notable projects include managing permits for the new United Airlines Operational Facility at Bush Intercontinental Airport and the $1 billion Harris Health LBJ Hospital Expansion.

PermitUsNow在精簡休斯頓市建築許可流程方面起到了積極的作用,爲建築師,承包商和項目所有者省下了寶貴的時間和資源。值得一提的項目包括管理Bush Intercontinental機場的新聯合航空公司運營設施以及價值10億美元的Harris Health LBJ醫院擴建的許可證。

"It is an honor to be recognized by SubContractors USA this year," said Helen Callier, President of PermitUsNow. "SubContractors USA is a leader in the construction industry, with keen insight into the pulse of the industry in Houston and across Texas. This award truly speaks volumes about our team's dedication and hard work."

“PermitUsNow很榮幸今年獲得Subcontractors USA頒發的獎項,”PermitUsNow總裁Helen Callier說,“Subcontractors USA是建築行業的領導者,對休斯敦和德克薩斯州的建築行業有着敏銳的洞察力。這個獎項真正體現了我們團隊的奉獻和努力。”

Moruf Jimoh, Technical Manager at PermitUsNow, added, "We have pulled a significant number of permits so far this year, including for HCCS bond projects, new restaurants, H-E-B grocery stores, and even EV charging stations. We understand the importance of pulling permits on time, every time, as promised to our clients. This Top 25 Subcontractors Award reflects our ability to consistently deliver for our clients."

PermitUsNow的技術經理Moruf Jimoh補充道:“今年我們已經完成了大量的許可證,其中包括HCCS債券項目,新餐廳,H-E-B雜貨店,甚至是EV充電站的許可證。我們明白準時獲取許可證的重要性,每次都以我們向客戶承諾的承諾爲準。25佳承包商獎項反映了我們持續爲客戶提供卓越服務的能力。”

This annual event also includes a networking expo with multiple government agencies like Houston METRO Transit and Dallas Community College System participating along with several of this year's award recipients. The event also features workshop sessions where attendees can learn about new construction project opportunities in the Houston metroplex, North Texas, and other regions in Texas.

這項年度活動還包括一個網絡博覽會,衆多政府機構如休斯頓METRO Transit和達拉斯社區學院系統以及今年的多位獎項得主參與其中。活動還設有研討會,與會者可了解關於休斯敦大都市區,北德克薩斯地區和德克薩斯州其他地區的新建築項目機遇。

As PermitUsNow continues to lead in the building permitting space, the company looks forward to forging new partnerships and exploring further opportunities to contribute to the growth and development of Texas's construction landscape. For more information about PermitUsNow and its services, visit


About PermitUsNow


PermitUsNow is a dynamic firm that is transforming the state of building permitting nationwide. PermitUsNow helps architects, contractors, and project owners to do what they love to do best and that is helping them to fulfill their customers' goals. PermitUsNow staff are permitting process and code experts who have worked with more than 700 jurisdictions in Texas and in other cities in North America. PermitUsNow staff write and contribute articles for industry publications and have published a Building Permitting Daily Tracking Log Book to assist Contractors in managing their permits.

PermitUsNow是一個充滿活力的公司,正在改變全國建築許可證的狀況。 PermitUsNow幫助建築師,承包商和項目所有者做他們最喜歡做的事情,幫助他們實現客戶的目標。 PermitUsNow的工作人員是許可過程和規範的專家,他們在德克薩斯州的700多個轄區以及北美的其他城市工作。 PermitUsNow的員工編寫併爲行業出版物做出貢獻,並出版《建築許可日常跟蹤日誌》幫助承包商管理其許可證。

Companies such BRIZO, H-E-B, United Airlines, CVS, ATKINS, and McCarthy Construction have saved time and money during the pre-construction phase of their projects with support from PermitUsNow. Because of these operational efficiencies, these PermitUsNow clients were able to open new locations, connect with more customers, and achieve profitability sooner.

BRIZO,H-E-B,聯合航空,CVS,ATKINS和McCarthy Construction等公司通過PermitUsNow的支持在其項目的前期建設階段節省了時間和金錢。由於這些運營效率,這些PermitUsNow的客戶能夠開設新的位置,接觸更多的客戶,並更快地實現盈利。

For more information about Callier and PermitUsNow, please visit or call 1.844.PERMIT.4


Media Contact: Len Cal
Tel: 281.312.9981 | Email: [email protected]

媒體聯繫人:Len Cal
電話:281.312.9981 | 電子郵件:[email protected]

SOURCE PermitUsNow


