


PR Newswire ·  06/14 19:00

CALGARY, AB, June 14, 2024 /CNW/ - Lucero Energy Corp. ("Lucero" or the "Company") (TSXV: LOU) (OTCQB: PSHIF) is pleased to announce that the TSXV Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") has accepted the Company's Notice of Intention to renew its Normal Course Issuer Bid (the "Bid") to purchase for cancellation, from time to time, as the Company considers advisable, up to a maximum of 31,918,128 common voting shares in the capital of the Company (the "Common Shares"). The maximum number of Common Shares to be purchased pursuant to the Bid represents 5.0% of the Company's 638,362,567 Common Shares outstanding as at May 30, 2024.

Lucero能源公司(簡稱Lucero)(TSXV:LOU)(OTCQB:PSHIF)很高興宣佈,TSXV創業公司交易所已接受公司提交的關於續期其日常股票回購計劃的意向通知(簡稱“回購計劃”)。公司將在合適時間內通過交易所和/或其它允許的交易系統在公開市場上購買普通股最多不超過31,918,128股,佔公司截至2024年5月30日爲止的已發行普通股股數的5.0%。根據回購計劃可購買的普通股最大數量,代表公司638,362,567股發行在外的普通股的5.0%。公司按市場價格購買的每一股普通股數將由公司決定。此份文件包含信息。這些信息涉及到未來事件和公司未來的表現。所有並非明顯以歷史事件爲背景的信息和聲明均屬於前瞻性信息,其中包括了“可能”、“將會”、“應該”、“可能會”、“期待”、“計劃”、“打算”、“預計”、“相信”、“估算”、“建議”、“預測”、“潛在”、“繼續”、“針對”等措辭或其他可比較的術語,一般旨在識別前瞻性信息。這些信息代表了公司對未來事件或表現的內部預測、估計、期望、信念、計劃、目標、假設、意圖或陳述。這些信息涉及到已知或未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果或事件與該前瞻性信息所預測的結果或事件存在相當程度的不同。公司認爲,該前瞻性信息所反映的預期是合理的,但不應過度依賴於此前瞻性信息,因爲無法保證其所基於的計劃、意圖或預期事件將會發生。本新聞稿包含了前瞻性信息,其中包括了對回購計劃有利於公司股東和公司業務戰略的預測。讀者應該注意到,儘管該信息被公司認爲是合理的,但可能被證明是不正確的。許多風險和其他因素可能導致實際結果與包含在本文件中的前瞻性信息所表達的結果存在相當的不同。讀者應該注意到,上述因素的列表並不詳盡。雖然本文件中所包含的前瞻性聲明是基於公司管理層認爲是合理的假設,公司不能保證投資人會獲得與這些前瞻性聲明一致的實際結果。關於本文件中所包含的前瞻性聲明,公司已經做出了以下假設,包括公司融資能力以支應回購計劃和其業務戰略。這些前瞻性聲明是在本文件發佈之日作出的,公司否認有任何意圖或責任來公開更新任何前瞻性聲明,無論是因爲有到達新信息、未來事件和結果或其他原因,除了適用的證券法規定。“公司”TSXV創業公司交易所(簡稱“交易所”)同意接受Lucero能源公司(以下簡稱“公司”)提交的續期公司日常回購計劃的意向通知(以下簡稱“回購計劃”)。回購計劃將使公司從適當的渠道購買一些普通股並通過取消這部分股份以增加每股普通股的價值和所有股東的利益。因此,公司決定在2019年6月19日至2024年6月18日期間,在盤中就公司股票進行股票回購。回購的每一股普通股的回購價格爲公司當時的市場價格。TSXV")已接受公司續訂正常股份回購通知 (即 "買盤回購計劃普通股份。31,918,128股發行在外的普通股

Purchases of Common Shares will be made on the open market through the facilities of the TSXV and/or permitted alternative trading systems. The price that the Company will pay for any Common Shares purchased by it will be the prevailing market price of the Common Shares at the time of such purchase. The actual number of Common Shares that may be purchased for cancellation and the timing of any such purchases will be determined by the Company.


The Bid will commence on June 19, 2024 and will terminate on June 18, 2025 or at such earlier time as the Bid is completed or terminated at the option of the Company. The Company has retained Peters & Co. Limited as the broker to conduct the Bid on Lucero's behalf.

股票回購計劃將於2024年6月19日開始,並將於2025年6月18日結束,或在公司自行選擇時提前完成或終止。公司聘請Peters& Co. Limited代表Lucero進行股票回購。

The Company is of the view that at times the trading price of the Common Shares may not fully reflect the underlying value of the Company's business. The ability of the Company to repurchase its Common Shares for cancellation may at times represent an attractive opportunity to enhance the Company's per Common Share metrics and thereby increase the underlying value of the Common Shares for all shareholders.


Under Lucero's previous notice of intention to conduct a normal course issuer bid, the Company sought and received approval of the TSXV to purchase 33,120,534 Common Shares for the period from June 19, 2023, to June 18, 2024. From June 19, 2023 to June 12, 2024, the Company purchased 32,851,200 Common Shares on the open market at a weighted-average price of $0.63 per Common Share.

根據公司之前的普通 course issuer bid 的通知,公司獲得了創業公司交易所的批准,該公司可以在 2023年6月19 日至2024 年 6月18日期間買入33,120,534股普通股。自2023年6月19日至2024年6月12日,公司以加權平均價格爲每股 $0.63購買了32,851,200股普通股。



Forward-looking Information: This document contains forward-looking information. This information relates to future events and the Company's future performance. All information and statements contained herein that are not clearly historical in nature constitute forward-looking information, and the words "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "propose", "predict", "potential", "continue", "aim", or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology are generally intended to identify forward-looking information. Such information represents the Company's internal projections, estimates, expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions, intentions or statements about future events or performance. This information involves known or unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information. The Company believes that the expectations reflected in this forward-looking information are reasonable; however, undue reliance should not be placed on this forward-looking information, as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which they are based will occur. This press release contains forward-looking information concerning, among other things, the anticipated advantages of the Bid to the Company's shareholders and the Company's business strategy. The reader is cautioned that such information, although considered reasonable by the Company, may prove to be incorrect. A number of risks and other factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking information contained in this document including, but not limited to, the risk that the anticipated benefits of the Bid may not be achieved and the risk that the Company may not be able to successfully execute its business strategy. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this document are based upon assumptions which management of the Company believes to be reasonable, the Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. With respect to forward-looking statements contained in this document, the Company has made assumptions regarding, among other things, the ability of the Company to fund purchases of Common Shares under the Bid and its business strategy. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this document and the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

前瞻性 信息: 文件 包含 聲明 信息。 該信息涉及到未來事件和公司未來的表現。所有不明顯與歷史背景相關的信息和聲明均屬於前瞻性信息,其中包括了“可能”、“將會”、“應該”、“可能會”、“期待”、“計劃”、“打算”、“預計”、“相信”、“估算”、“建議”、“預測”、“潛在”、“繼續”、“針對”等措辭或其他可比較的術語,一般旨在識別前瞻性信息。這些信息代表了公司對未來事件或表現的內部預測、估計、期望、信念、計劃、目標、假設、意圖或陳述。這些信息涉及到已知或未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果或事件與該前瞻性信息所預測的結果或事件存在相當程度的不同。公司認爲,該前瞻性信息所反映的預期是合理的;然而,不應過度依賴於該前瞻性信息,因爲無法保證其所基於的計劃、意圖或預期事件將會發生。本新聞稿包含了前瞻性信息,其中包括了對回購計劃有利於公司股東和公司業務戰略的預測。讀者應該注意到,儘管該信息被公司認爲是合理的,但可能被證明是不正確的。許多風險和其他因素可能導致實際結果與包含在本文件中的前瞻性信息所表達的結果存在相當的不同。讀者應該注意到,上述因素的列表並不詳盡。雖然本文件中所包含的前瞻性聲明是基於公司管理層認爲是合理的假設,公司不能保證投資人會獲得與這些前瞻性聲明一致的實際結果。關於本文件中所包含的前瞻性聲明,公司已經做出了以下假設,包括公司融資能力以支應回購計劃和其業務戰略。這些前瞻性聲明是在本文件發佈之日作出的,公司否認有任何意圖或責任來公開更新任何前瞻性聲明,無論是因爲有到達新信息、未來事件和結果或其他原因,除了適用的證券法規定。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(在TSX Venture Exchange的政策中定義爲該術語)不對此新聞發佈的充分性或準確性負責。

SOURCE Lucero Energy Corp.

源頭 Lucero能源公司。

