
安能物流(09956.HK)擬進一步於市場購買股份 以作員工獎勵

Aneng Logistics (09956.HK) plans to further purchase shares in the market as an employee incentive.

AASTOCKS ·  Jun 14 08:22

ANENG Logistics (09956.HK) announced that the company bought shares on the market to better reward employees who have contributed to the company's success and development, and motivate them to stay in the company and work hard for future development and expansion. From January 1, 2024 to yesterday (13th), the company has instructed the trustee to purchase approximately 3 million shares on the market, which will be held by the trustee and used to achieve rewards according to the share plan. The total price for purchasing the shares through the company's own idle funds is approximately 14 million yuan.

The company plans to further purchase shares on the market, and the total price for purchasing shares related to the annual period ending on December 31, 2024 will not exceed 150 million yuan. The board of directors will review the number of shares granted to participants in the share plan and the number of shares purchased on the market from time to time.

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