
Ford To Allow All US Dealers To Sell Electric Vehicles, Scraps Model E Program

Ford To Allow All US Dealers To Sell Electric Vehicles, Scraps Model E Program

Benzinga ·  06/14 04:20

Ford Motor Co. (NYSE:F) is allowing all of its dealerships in the U.S. to sell electric vehicles (EVs) from July 1.


This decision comes as the automaker discontinues its voluntary Model e certification program.

這個決定是在這家汽車製造商停止其自願的Model e認證項目後做出的。

What Happened: The Model e program, introduced in 2022, required dealers to make substantial investments in charging stations, training, and other equipment to support the sales and service of EVs. Dealers who didn't meet these requirements were ineligible to sell EVs.

事件經過:Model e項目於2022年推出,要求經銷商在充電站、培訓和其他設備方面進行大量投資,以支持EVs的銷售和服務。未滿足這些要求的經銷商將無法銷售EVs。

The program was implemented during a surge in EV demand due to the global microchip shortage, which disrupted the production of traditional vehicles.


The Model e program faced legal challenges, and EV sales didn't grow as expected due to customer concerns about pricing, access to charging stations, and lifestyle changes. The decision to discontinue the program will double the number of U.S. Ford dealers eligible to sell EVs to 2,800.

Model e項目面臨法律挑戰,由於顧客對價格、充電站使用的便捷性和生活方式改變的擔憂,EV銷售量沒有達到預期。停止該項目的決定將使有資格銷售EV的美國福特經銷商數量翻倍至2,800家。

Marin Gjaja, Ford's Chief Operating Officer of the Model e EV business division, said, "We're getting into the tough innings. We're getting into the early majority customer who isn't in it just for technology and willing to pay a premium. They want a practical, usable vehicle."

福特Model e EV業務部門首席運營官Marin Gjaja表示:“我們正在進入艱難的環節,我們正在接觸早期的大多數顧客,他們不僅關注科技,還想要一輛實用的車,而且願意爲此支付相應的價格。”

He added, "We need Ford and our dealers pulling together to help bring the market along."


Why It Matters: The decision to allow all dealers to sell EVs comes as Ford has been making significant strides in its EV strategy. In June, it was reported that Ford was recruiting top talent from Rivian, Tesla, and Apple to bolster its low-cost EV team. This move was part of Ford's efforts to build a flexible platform that could be used for various types of vehicles.


Despite the challenges, Ford's EV sales have seen an 88% increase this year.


The decision to allow all dealers to sell EVs is expected to further boost EV sales. Gjaja also mentioned that the company will require its dealers to install two Level 2 charging stations by March 31, 2025, to sell EVs and have their employees participate in EV training.


Despite the challenges, Ford's EV sales have seen an 88% increase this year.


The decision to allow all dealers to sell EVs is expected to further boost EV sales. Gjaja also mentioned that the company will require its dealers to install two Level 2 charging stations by March 31, 2025, to sell EVs and have their employees participate in EV training.


