
Simply Healthcare Funds Mental Health Services for Families of Nicklaus Children's Hospital ICU Patients

Simply Healthcare Funds Mental Health Services for Families of Nicklaus Children's Hospital ICU Patients

PR Newswire ·  06/14 03:19

Simply Healthcare's $175,000 gift has benefited hundreds of families from one-on-one psychology sessions that address mental health concerns and instill hope

Simply Healthcare的17.5萬美元禮物已經從一對一的心理課堂中受益,解決了精神健康問題並灌輸了希望。

MIAMI, June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- More than 120 families of patients who have been admitted to the Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) this year have benefited from extra mental health support services being offered, thanks to two recent gifts from Simply Healthcare Plans totaling $175,000. The funds help Nicklaus Children's reinforce its commitment to a family-centered approach in delivering expert pediatric care in Florida and beyond.

MIAMI,2024年6月13日 /PRNewswire/ --今年已有120多個患者的家庭從Simply Healthcare Plans的兩項最近總額達175,000美元的禮品中獲得額外的心理支持服務。這些基金有助於Nicklaus Children的專家在佛羅里達和其他地方提供家庭爲中心的方法,提供專業的兒科護理。

Silvia Sommers, PsyD, clinical psychologist, provides essential mental health support for families who have a child recently admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit or cardiac intensive care unit. This work is funded by Simply Healthcare Plans.
Silvia Sommers, PsyD臨床心理學家,爲剛剛入住新生/心臟重症監護室的家庭提供基本的精神健康支持。這項工作得到了Simply Healthcare Plans的資助。
Simply Healthcare Plans team presents a $175,000 check to Nicklaus Children's Hospital to support the one-on-one psychology sessions conducted by licensed psychologist Silvia Sommers to support families who have a child recently admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit or cardiac intensive care unit.
Simply Healthcare Plans團隊向尼古拉斯兒童醫院遞交了價值17.5萬美元的支票,以支持持牌心理學家Silvia Sommers進行的一對一心理學課堂,爲剛剛入住新生/心臟重症監護室的家庭提供支持。

The Simply Healthcare Plans grant enables Nicklaus Children's licensed psychologists like Dr. Silvia Sommers to expand the delivery of tailored support services for families whose child is facing a life-threatening illness. Psychologists are able to support parents, siblings and other immediate family members through one-on-one sessions for families to explore their feelings, help address any stressors and improve family communication. The goal is to provide a listening ear, coping strategies and, ultimately, instill hope.

Simply Healthcare Plans的資助讓Nicklaus Children's的持牌心理學家(如Silvia Sommers博士)能夠擴大爲將面臨生命威脅的病患之家庭提供量身定製支持服務的範圍。心理學家能夠通過一對一課程支持父母、兄弟姐妹和其他家庭成員,探索他們的感受,幫助解決任何壓力源並改善家庭溝通。目標是提供傾聽、應對策略和,最終是灌輸希望。

Since January, Nicklaus Children's psychologists have met with 121 families in more than 550 sessions. Nearly every family that has received psychological support services so far has reported a positive experience working with the psychologist, according to anonymous survey results.

自1月以來,Nicklaus Children's的心理學家已經與121個家庭進行了超過550次的會面。據匿名調查結果顯示,幾乎每一個接受心理支持服務的家庭都報告了與心理學家合作的積極經驗。

Nicklaus Children's NICU and CICU are renowned for providing highly specialized pre- and post- operative care for newborns and children, treating some of the most acute and complex pediatric cases, with patients often undergoing surgery for life-threatening conditions. This is a critical moment for the child, but also for the child's family.

Nicklaus Children's的新生/心臟重症監護室在提供高度專業化的新生兒和兒童手術前後護理方面享有盛譽,處理一些最嚴重和最複雜的兒科病例,病人經常因面臨生命威脅的情況而接受手術。這是一個關鍵時刻,不僅是對孩子,也是對孩子的家庭。

"When a child is admitted to one of our intensive care units, we do everything possible to provide the best possible care so that the child can go home healthy. For parents, guardians, siblings and other family members who are impacted by that child's hospitalization, it can be a stressful time for them too and we want to be sure they are part of our compassionate care model," said Dr. Sara Rivero-Conil, a pediatric psychologist and associate director of the Department of Clinical Psychology. "We thank Simply Healthcare Plans for putting the mental health needs of families first. Because of their support, we are able to bring calm, comfort and hope to many more families."

"當孩子被送往我們的重症監護室時,我們會盡一切可能提供最好的護理,以使孩子能夠健康回家。對於那些受到孩子住院的影響的父母、監護人、兄弟姐妹和其他親屬,他們也會感到壓力,因此我們希望他們成爲我們同情護理模式的一部分,"臨床心理學部門的副主任、兒科心理學家Sara Rivero-Conil博士說:"我們感謝Simply Healthcare Plans將家庭心理健康需求放在首位。由於他們的支持,我們能夠爲更多的家庭帶來平靜、舒適和希望。"

Simply Healthcare Plans is a Florida licensed health maintenance organization, which offers health plans for families and individuals of all ages who are enrolled in Medicaid, the Florida Healthy Kids program or Medicare.

Simply Healthcare Plans是佛羅里達州擁有執照的保健組織,爲參加Medicaid、Florida Healthy Kids計劃或醫療保險的家庭和個人提供健康計劃。

"Simply Healthcare stands firm in our commitment to advocating for the comprehensive whole health of Florida families, which includes mental wellbeing," said Dana Gryniuk, Medicaid Plan President of Simply Healthcare Plans. "Focusing on mental health and wellbeing is especially important during challenging times, such as when caring for a hospitalized child. We believe that it's essential for every family to have access to the support needed to be a crucial pillar during their child's recovery. Therefore, we are pleased to partner with Nicklaus Children's Hospital to help families foster resilience and embrace hope as they navigate through their healthcare journeys."

"Simply Healthcare堅定地致力於倡導佛羅里達家庭的全面健康,其中包括精神健康。"再保險的達納說:"關注健康和福祉在挑戰的時刻尤其重要,例如照顧住院的孩子。我們相信,爲了讓每個家庭都能夠訪問所需的支持,以成爲他們孩子恢復的關鍵支柱是必要的。因此,我們很高興能夠與尼古拉斯兒童醫院合作,幫助家庭在應對他們的醫療旅程時培養韌性並擁抱希望。"

To learn more about Nicklaus Children's NICU and CICU, please visit

要了解更多關於Nicklaus Children's的新生/心臟重症監護室,請訪問。

Media Inquiries:
Nathalie Medina
[email protected]

Nathalie Medina
[email protected]

SOURCE Nicklaus Children's Health System


