
SRC Announces First New Quarry License

SRC Announces First New Quarry License

newsfile ·  06/13 21:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 13, 2024) - Stakeholder Gold Corp.(TSXV: SRC) ("Stakeholder" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the receipt of licensing for the Company's second (2nd) quarry, a White Quartzite Quarry located in Minas Gerais, Brazil near to the Company's first operating quarry.

2024年6月13日,多倫多,安大略省--(新聞稿社 -) 股東黃金公司(TSXV:SRC) ("股東"或"公司")欣然宣佈獲得公司第二座白色石英石採石場的許可證,該採石場位於巴西米納斯吉拉斯州附近,靠近公司第一座運營中的採石場。nd6月12日,米納斯吉拉斯州林業學院 (Instituto Estadual de Florestas, IEF) 授權股東在巴西子公司 Mineração VMC Ltda. ("VMC") 批准新的商業生產項目區域。VMC現在已經開始在現場建造採石場基礎設施,用於公司的第二個運營採石場。

On the June 12th the State Forestry Institute of Minas Gerais, Instituto Estadual de Florestas ("IEF"), granted Stakeholder's Brazilian Subsidiary, Mineração VMC Ltda. ("VMC"), authorization to clear the new project area for commercial production. VMC has now commenced building quarry infrastructure on site for the Company's second operating quarry.

公司正在製作一種樣品石塊用於營銷。待環保母基 Superintendência Regional de Meio Ambiente ("SUPRAM") 批准環境許可證時,全面商業運營將開始。th"來自 Diamantina 及周邊地區的白色石英石需求強勁。許多買家一直難以爲自己的切割和拋光工序找到白色石英石供應。我們相信我們的新白色石英石採石場將會找到一個準備好的市場,保持穩定的需求,爲公司提供健康的利潤和穩定的營業利潤," VMC總裁Marcus Chase表示。

A sample block is being produced for marketing purposes. Full commercial operations will begin once the Regional State Environmental Agency, Superintendência Regional de Meio Ambiente, ("SUPRAM") grants the environmental license, which is now pending.

股份人公司計劃在2024年增加四個 (4) 新採石場。

"White quartzite from Diamantina and the surrounding region is in strong demand. Many buyers have had difficulty sourcing white quartzite for their cutting and polishing operations. We believe that our new white quartzite quarry will find a ready market with steady demand, and that it will provide healthy margins and steady operating profits for the company," said Marcus Chase, president of VMC.

"VMC的第三個石英石採石場的許可證也快要完成。環境許可證申請已收到SUPRAM的初步響應。所考慮的區域已經被聯邦採礦機構,國家礦業局(Agencia Nacional de Mineração, ANM)發放了許可證,因此VMC將能夠在獲得環境許可證後立即開始商業運營。公司希望能夠很快報告這項許可證申請的進展。"

Four (4) New Quarries Planned for 2024

"該公司計劃從單一採石場擴大到2024年的5個(5)個運營採石場。我們還將開始直接將這些建築材料銷售到加拿大市場,從安大略省的大多倫多地區開始,那裏的城市發展證據顯示增長迅速,而且增長可持續。"股東黃金公司的總裁兼首席執行官Christopher Berlet說。

Licensing for VMC's third (3rd) quartzite quarry is also nearly complete. The application for an environmental license has received an initial response from SUPRAM. The area under consideration has already been issued a license by the federal mining agency, the Agencia Nacional de Mineração ("ANM"), and so VMC will be able to begin commercial operations immediately upon receipt of an environmental license. The Company expects to be able to report progress on this licensing application shortly.

"股東的股東增長有兩個渠道。第一個是收入流的擴大,高利潤採石場生產建築業需求的異國情調石材。採石場爲強勁的現金流增長提供了機會,同時有助於限制財庫股票發行。第二個渠道源於可能存在公司在育空地區的巴拉臘特金礦(100%所有權)上發現大量黃金和銅的潛力。"rd"所考慮的區域已經收到聯邦採礦機構(Agencia Nacional de Mineração,ANM)頒發的許可證,因此VMC將能夠在獲得環境許可證後立即開始商業運營。該公司預計能夠很快報告這項許可證申請的進展。"

"The blue quartzite produced from the company's proposed third quarry, has excellent esthetic and physical characteristics. The test block has an attractive mix of blue and white, and the material cuts and polishes easily. These characteristics will appeal to our clients."


VMC's second (2nd) and third (3rd) quarries (Figures # 1&2 above) are both located within a 2km radius of the Company's current operating quarry. The Company expects to benefit from synergies resulting from access to existing personnel and equipment.


VMC's planned fourth and fifth (4th and 5th) quarries are also currently in pursuit of licensing. The materials for these proposed quarries have never been brought to market and will likely be able to command premium prices which the Company anticipates being in the range $2,500 USD/m3.

"我們的目標是將一個運營採石場擴大到2024年的五個(5)個運營採石場。我們還將開始直接將這些建築材料銷售到加拿大市場,從安大略省的大多倫多地區開始,那裏的城市發展證據顯示增長迅速,而且增長可持續。" 股東黃金公司的總裁兼首席執行官Christopher Berlet說。th"股東黃金公司計劃在2024年增加第四和第五(4和5)個採石場。這些準備開採的採石場材料以前從未進入市場,並且可能能夠獲得高價,公司預計市場價格在$2,500美元/立方米左右。"th"我們的目標是將一個運營採石場擴大到2024年的五個(5)個運營採石場。我們還將開始直接將這些建築材料銷售到加拿大市場,從安大略省的大多倫多地區開始,那裏的城市發展證據顯示增長迅速,而且增長可持續。" 股東黃金公司的總裁兼首席執行官Christopher Berlet說。3.

"Our objective is to expand from a single operating quarry to five (5) operating quarries in 2024. We are also initiating direct sales of these building materials into the Canadian market, beginning in the GTA in Ontario, where we see evidence of rapid and sustainable growth in urban development." Stated Christopher Berlet, President & CEO of Stakeholder Gold Corp.


"Stakeholder has twin channels for shareholder growth. The first is an expanding revenue stream from high margin quarry operations producing exotic stone for the building business. The quarries provide an opportunity for robust cash flow growth, while helping to restrict treasury share issuance. The second channel derives from the potential for substantial gold and copper discovery on the company's 100% owned Ballarat Gold Project located in the heart of the White Gold District of the Yukon Territory, Canada."

"公司計劃從單一採石場擴大到2024年的5個(5)個運營採石場。我們還將開始直接將這些建築材料銷售到加拿大市場,從安大略省的大多倫多地區開始,那裏的城市發展證據顯示增長迅速,而且增長可持續。" 股東黃金公司的總裁兼首席執行官Christopher Berlet說。

For further information please contact:


Stakeholder Gold Corporation
416 525 - 6869

Stakeholder Gold Corporation
416 525 - 6869

Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward-looking information. All information, other than information of historical fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" and includes any information that addresses activities, events or developments that the Corporation believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future including the Corporation's strategy, plans or future financial or operating performance.


