
GrowthLoop Launches AI-powered Audience Generation as a Snowflake Native App

GrowthLoop Launches AI-powered Audience Generation as a Snowflake Native App

PR Newswire ·  06/13 21:00

GrowthLoop's revolutionary Snowflake Native App allows enterprises to leverage GrowthLoop's Composable Customer Data Platform via Snowflake


NEW YORK, June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GrowthLoop, a leading composable customer data platform (CDP) provider, today announced that its AI-powered audience segmentation and discovery tool will be available as a Snowflake Native App in the Snowflake AI Data Cloud on July 1, 2024. This integration, which utilizes the Snowflake Native App Framework and Snowflake Cortex AI models for generative AI capabilities, enables marketers to leverage GrowthLoop's existing generative AI solution without their data ever leaving Snowflake. It's among the first of the composable CDPs on Snowflake to launch a Cortex AI solution. Now, marketers will see significant improvements in their generative AI engine's performance for audience, journey, and campaign creation, activation, and measurement.

2024年6月13日,紐約/美通社——領先的可組合客戶數據平台(CDP)提供商GrowthLoop今天宣佈,其AI驅動的受衆細分和發現工具將於2024年7月1日作爲Snowflake本地應用程序在Snowflake AI數據雲中推出。此集成利用Snowflake本地應用程序框架和Snowflake Cortex AI模型進行生成式AI功能,使營銷人員在不離開Snowflake的情況下利用GrowthLoop現有的生成式AI解決方案。這是首批在Snowflake上推出Cortex AI解決方案的可組合CDP之一。現在,營銷人員將明顯提高其受衆、旅程和活動創建、啓動和測量的生成式AI引擎性能。

GrowthLoop's Snowflake Native App will be available on July 1, 2024, on Snowflake Marketplace
在Snowflake Marketplace上,GrowthLoop的Snowflake本地應用程序將於2024年7月1日推出

Marketing teams can now quickly segment and activate their customer data directly in Snowflake, assisted by a generative AI engine that runs locally alongside their data. Snowflake customers who leverage GrowthLoop have seen an increase in campaign launch velocity by as much as 10x, as well as more rapid experimentation and personalized cross-channel content delivery.


"Even as frontier models become more powerful, their knowledge is still limited to the concepts and data in their training corpus. By pairing the power of generative models with the utility of an enterprise's data on Snowflake, we can provide enormous value for both organizations and their customers," said Anthony Rotio, Chief Data Strategy Officer at GrowthLoop. "GrowthLoop's Snowflake Native App makes it simple for our customers to get started with this powerful combination and drive value quickly."

“即使前沿模型變得更加強大,它們的知識仍然侷限於其訓練語料庫中的概念和數據。通過將生成模型的強大功能與Snowflake上的企業數據配對,我們可以爲組織和其客戶提供巨大的價值,”GrowthLoop的首席數據戰略官Anthony Rotio表示。GrowthLoop的Snowflake本地應用程序使我們的客戶可以輕鬆開始使用這種強大的組合,並快速創造價值。

Enhanced Generative AI Capabilities, Powered by Snowflake

藉助GrowthLoop的Snowflake本地應用程序,用戶將獲得訪問由Snowflake Cortex AI驅動的GrowthLoop生成式營銷解決方案的機會。功能包括生成式受衆工作室、生成式受衆發現和帶有生成式AI上下文的受衆構建器,以及即將推出的生成式旅程工作室和持續改進和優化。

With GrowthLoop's Snowflake Native App, users will have access to GrowthLoop's Generative Marketing Solution, powered by Snowflake Cortex AI. Features include the Generative Audience Studio, Generative Audience Discovery, and Audience Builder with Generative AI Context, as well as the upcoming Generative Journey Studio and Continuous Improvement and Optimization.


Crucially, the Snowflake Native App functionality offers a new avenue to maximize the effectiveness of the generative AI engine. With GrowthLoop's Snowflake Native App built directly in the AI Data Cloud, the entire AI engine runs on the customer's data in Snowflake – including the generative AI component. This means that the generative AI engine has secure, local access to the customer's enterprise data, resulting in smarter, more impactful generative AI suggestions for marketers to use.

使用Snowflake Credits支付

Pay with Snowflake Credits

GrowthLoop的Snowflake本地應用程序將於2024年7月1日在Snowflake Marketplace上推出。有資格的客戶可以通過Marketplace Capacity Drawdown Program使用Snowflake積分購買GrowthLoop的可組合CDP——這是目前可用的首批由Snowflake驅動的可組合CDP之一。GrowthLoop在營銷團隊和數據團隊之間運作,以在企業組織中建立更多信任、效率和效果。這種靈活性意味着團隊可以利用現有預算資源更快地開始。

GrowthLoop's Snowflake Native App will be available on July 1, 2024, on Snowflake Marketplace. Eligible customers can purchase GrowthLoop's composable CDP using Snowflake credits via the Marketplace Capacity Drawdown Program – among the first composable CDPs Powered by Snowflake currently available. GrowthLoop operates at the intersection between marketing teams and data teams to build more trust, efficiency, and effectiveness in enterprise organizations. This flexibility means that teams can get started faster with existing budgeted resources.

“當客戶在Snowflake上構建其數據基礎設施時,他們正在投資於推動其業務價值的生態系統,”Snowflake全球媒體、娛樂和廣告主管Bill Stratton表示。“GrowthLoop的可組合CDP是面向企業營銷人員的AI技術的典範應用。”

"When customers invest in building their data infrastructure on Snowflake, they are investing in an ecosystem that drives value for their business," said Bill Stratton, Global Head of Media, Entertainment, and Advertising at Snowflake. "GrowthLoop's composable CDP is an exemplary application of AI technology for enterprise marketers."


Learn More


You can learn more about GrowthLoop's Snowflake Native App on the Snowflake AI Data Cloud by meeting the GrowthLoop and Snowflake teams at Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity from Monday, June 17 to Friday, June 21, 2024.


About GrowthLoop


GrowthLoop provides the leading composable customer data platform (CDP) for marketers to build audience segments, orchestrate cross-channel journeys, and assess campaign results through the data cloud. It offers centralized control over data and intelligence, freeing teams from vendor lock-in and fostering an environment of channel innovation. For more information, please visit .


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