
Disney Vs. Ron DeSantis: Mouse House And Florida Governor Settle Dispute, Clearing Path For 15-Year Expansion Plan

Disney Vs. Ron DeSantis: Mouse House And Florida Governor Settle Dispute, Clearing Path For 15-Year Expansion Plan

Benzinga ·  06/13 20:51

In a significant development, Disney (NYSE:DIS) and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) have settled their longstanding disagreement, enabling Disney to proceed with its 15-year expansion plan for the Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando.

在一個重大的發展中,迪士尼(紐交所:DIS)和佛羅里達州州長Ron DeSantis(R-Fla.)解決了長期的分歧,使迪士尼得以繼續在奧蘭多附近的華特迪士尼世界度假區實施其爲期15年的擴張計劃。

What Happened: Under the new agreement with the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, Disney has pledged to invest a minimum of $8 billion in the resort over the next decade, with a total of $17 billion to be invested over 10 to 20 years, Reuters reported on Thursday. The deal also includes an expansion of an affordable housing initiative and a commitment that at least 50% of total spending in the expansion will benefit Florida businesses.


The agreement also allows Disney to build a fifth theme park, expand retail and office space, and add approximately 14,000 hotel rooms, raising the resort's total to nearly 54,000. Disney President Jeff Vahle stated the new agreement "paves the way for us to invest billions of dollars in Walt Disney World Resort".

協議還允許迪士尼建造第五個主題公園,擴大零售和辦公空間,並增加約14,000間酒店客房,將度假區的總客房數量增加至近54,000間。迪士尼總裁Jeff Vahle表示,新的協議“爲我們在華特迪士尼世界度假區投資數十億美元鋪平了道路。”

Why It Matters: The resolution of the dispute between Disney and Governor DeSantis marks a significant shift in their relationship. The feud began when Disney opposed Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law, leading to a series of retaliatory actions by the state government.

爲什麼很重要:迪士尼和DeSantis州長之間的爭端的解決標誌着他們之間關係的重大轉變。爭端始於迪士尼反對佛羅里達州的"Don't Say Gay"法律,導致州政府採取了一系列報復性行動。

Additionally, the feud had broader implications for Disney's business strategy. Governor DeSantis had publicly criticized Disney's leadership, attributing the company's struggles to its "woke" policies and comparing it to the backlash faced by Bud Light over a controversial promotion.

此外,這場爭端對迪士尼的業務策略有更廣泛的影響。DeSantis州長曾公開批評迪士尼的領導層,並將該公司的困境歸因於其“醒悟”政策,並將其與Bud Light因一次有爭議的促銷活動而面臨的抵制相比較。

Governor DeSantis's "war on woke" policies had previously led to Disney canceling a $1 billion investment in Florida, causing a downturn in tourism and local business struggles. This new agreement could potentially reverse some of those negative economic impacts.


In March, Disney and the Florida government settled their legal disputes, which had included the dissolution of the Reedy Creek Improvement District, a Disney-controlled entity for over 50 years, and its replacement with the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District under state control.

在三月,迪士尼與佛羅里達州政府解決了它們的法律爭端,其中包括解散由迪士尼控制了50年以上的Reedy Creek Improvement District,並用州政府控制的中佛羅里達旅遊監管區取代它。

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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Pooja Rajkumari編輯

