
District Copper Commences Field Work at Copper Keg Project in British Columbia

District Copper Commences Field Work at Copper Keg Project in British Columbia

newsfile ·  06/13 20:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 13, 2024) - District Copper Corp. (TSXV: DCOP) ("District Copper", "District", or the "Company") is pleased to report that it will be mobilizing field crews in the next few days for its Phase I 2024 summer field program at its flagship Copper Keg project near Cache Creek, BC. The property covers approximately 6,628 ha, and is considered to be highly prospective for the discovery of porphyry-style copper mineralization. The property is located at the north end of the Guichon Creek batholith which hosts Teck's Highland Valley Copper operations.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省--(新聞稿社-2024年6月13日)--District Copper Corp.(TSXV: DCOP)(“District Copper”,“District”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈,將在未來幾天動員現場工作隊,爲其位於Cache Creek,BC附近的旗艦Copper Keg項目的2024年夏季第一階段地勘項目做好準備。該物業佔地約6,628公頃,被認爲具有發現斑岩型銅礦化的高潛力。該物業位於Guichon Creek巖體的北端,該巖體是Teck的Highland Valley Copper操作的宿主。

GroundTruth Exploration, of Dawson City YK has been contracted to conduct an extensive soil sampling program. It is anticipated that this will be followed by a Phase II program consisting of either ground or airborne geophysics.

Dawson City YK的GroundTruth Exploration已被承包進行廣泛的土壤採樣計劃。預計將緊隨其後的是第二階段計劃,包括地面或空中地球物理勘探。

Jevin Werbes, President and CEO of District Copper commented, "We are excited to get boots on the ground to further enhance the prospectivity of the main porphyry target and the associated anomalies."

District Copper的總裁兼首席執行官Jevin Werbes評論道:“我們很高興能夠讓工作隊進入到地面上,進一步增強主斑岩靶區和相關異常區的前景。”

About the Copper Keg property


Historical exploration spans from the late 1800's to 2012. The early stage exploration is reported to consist of mining high grade copper veins.


The property exhibits the geochemical/alteration/lithologic features typical of the argillic altered potion of a porphyry copper system at/along the potassic/propylitic contact. The property is characterized by a large, pyrite bearing, argillic zone exposed along the surface trace of the Barnes Creek fault, a major NNW trending that crosses the Guichon Creek Batholith. The high-grade copper veins noted above, reflect supergene enrichment of distal base metal veins typically associated with a porphyry copper system.

該物業展示了一個斑岩銅系統裏粘土質變、蝕變和岩石學特徵。物業特徵是沿着 Barnes Creek 斷層的表面軌跡暴露的一個大型黃鐵礦帶及其所伴隨的粘土質帶,這是一個主要的北北西趨向,跨越 Guichon Creek 花崗岩體。上述高品位銅礦脈反映了遠距離基礎金屬礦脈的超巨型富集,通常與斑岩銅系統相關聯。

Mapping has described pale grey-green (possibly phyllic alteration) outcrops of Guichon intrusive and late-stage Quartz Feldspar and Quartz Feldspar Hornblende dikes indicating multi-phase intrusive activity. The hydrothermal alteration is post Guichon intrusive and pre-dates the late-stage intrusive dikes.

映射描述了 Guichon 花崗岩體的灰綠色(可能是巖型淺灰色卡片質蝕變)露頭,以及表明多相侵入活動的後期石英長石和石英長石角閃岩脈。熱液蝕變在 Guichon 侵入岩之後,晚期侵入岩脈之前就存在。

The erratic and wide range of copper values (0.025 to 0.76%), in the gossanous (after pyrite), argillic altered zone, exhibit characteristics typical of a leach cap to a porphyry system.


The project is underlain by an intrusive phase of the Guichon Creek batholith intruded the surrounding Nicola Group rocks.

該項目的岩石組成是 Guichon Creek 花崗岩岩漿期圍巖侵入的結果。

Petrographic work and K/Al: Na/Al ratios indicate an alteration package ranging from argillic-phyllic- potassic (all alteration phases associated with porphyry copper systems) supported by alteration minerals indicative of the inner actinolite subzone of a porphyry system as well as secondary biotite (Potassic alteration) and sericite (phyllic alteration), quartz veinlets with pyrite and chalcopyrite.

岩石學的操作和 K/Al:Na/Al 比值表明蝕變系列的範圍從粘土質蝕變 - 巖性 - 鉀質(與斑岩銅系統相關的所有改性階段)由蝕變礦物支持,這些礦物是典型的斑岩系統的內腔角閃石次生黑雲母(鉀質蝕變)和硅化物(巖性蝕變),還有含有黃鐵礦和黃銅礦的石英脈。

A large pyritic zone exhibits spatial association with the argillic altered zone and could be representative of what is commonly referred to in porphyry copper terms as the "pyrite shell". Chalcopyrite, bornite and malachite (secondary copper carbonate) have been observed in outcrop and support the presence of a porphyry system.


Two highly altered gossans have been identified along the interpreted trace of the Barnes Creek fault, a major structure within the Guichon Creek batholith. The first area (800m long by 200m wide); the second area is 600 m south and smaller in extent. These gossans exhibit erratic copper concentrations, weak copper-silver soil anomalies and copper mineralogy typical of a leach cap.

在 Guichon Creek 花崗岩體中重要的構造Barnes Creek 斷層的解釋下,識別出兩個高度改性的黃鐵礦帶。第一個區域(長800m,寬200m);第二個區域位於南側距第一個區域600米,面積更小。這些黃鐵礦帶具有不穩定的銅濃度、弱銅銀土壤異常和典型浸銅蓋的銅礦物。

Since the Company acquired the property in 2021, it has completed mapping and prospecting, soil sampling, and ground and airborne geophysical programs. Results from this work are consistent with the presence of a leach cap to a porphyry system.


Qualified Person


Chris M. Healey, P.Geo., Chief Geologist, and a Director of District Copper Corp., is the qualified person under NI 43-101 guidelines who is responsible for the technical content of this release and approves its release.

District Copper Corp. 的首席地質師和董事 Chris M. Healey 是符合 NI 43-101 指南的合格人,負責本次發佈的技術內容並批准其發佈。

About District Copper

關於 District Copper 的簡介

District Copper is a Canadian company engaged in the exploration for porphyry copper deposits in south-central British Columbia.

District Copper是一家加拿大公司,從事於探索位於卑詩省中南部的斑岩型銅礦牀。

For further information, please visit to view the Company's profile or contact Jevin Werbes at 604-363-2506.

欲知詳情,請訪問 查看公司簡介,或聯繫Jevin Werbes,電話604-363-2506。

Jevin Werbes, President & CEO

總裁兼首席執行官Jevin Werbes

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Certain information contained in this news release, including information as to our strategy, projects, plans or future financial or operating performance and other statements that express management's expectations or estimates of future performance, constitute "forward looking statements". Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such statements. All statements, other than historical fact, included herein, including, without limitations statements regarding future production, are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.


In connection with the forward-looking information contained in this news release, District Copper has made numerous assumptions regarding, among other things: the geological advice that District Copper has received is reliable and is based upon practices and methodologies which are consistent with industry standards and the reliability of historical reports. While District Copper considers these assumptions to be reasonable, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies.

有關本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息的,District Copper已就以下事項作出了衆多假設:District Copper所獲得的地質建議可靠,並基於符合行業標準的實踐和方法,以及歷史報告的可靠性。儘管District Copper認爲這些假設是合理的,但這些假設固有顯著的不確定性和偶然事件。

Additionally, there are known and unknown risk factors which could cause District Copper's actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information contained herein. Known risk factors include, among others: the dimensions and shape of the mineralized areas may not be as estimated; the targets outlined by the MVI study may not be associated with felsic intrusives porphyry style alteration or mineralization; the proposed surface program may eliminate these areas as potential targets for future exploration; the NNW trending structures may not contain indications of magnetite destruction typical of hydrothermal alteration; uncertainties relating to interpretation of the outcrop sampling results; the geology, continuity, and concentration of the mineralization; the financial markets and the overall economy may deteriorate; the need to obtain additional financing and uncertainty of meeting anticipated program milestones; and uncertainty as to timely availability of permits and other governmental approvals.

此外,還存在已知和未知的風險因素,可能導致District Copper的實際結果、業績或成就與此處所包含的前瞻性信息在實質上有所不同。已知的風險因素包括但不限於:礦化區域的尺寸和形狀可能與估計不符;MVI研究所提出的目標可能與流紋岩侵入物斑岩類型蝕變或礦化無關;擬議的地面方案可能會將這些區域排除在未來勘探潛力的目標之外;NNW趨向的構造可能不含有典型的熱液蝕變的磁鐵礦破壞的跡象;與露頭採樣結果的解釋相關的不確定性;成礦作用的地質、連續性和濃度;金融市場和整體經濟可能會惡化;需要獲得額外融資和不確定性的時間表里程碑;以及許可證和其他政府批准的及時可用性的不確定性。

A more complete discussion of the risks and uncertainties facing District Copper is disclosed in District Copper's continuous disclosure filings with Canadian securities regulatory authorities at . All forward-looking information herein is qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement, and District Copper disclaims any obligation to revise or update any such forward-looking information or to publicly announce the result of any revisions to any of the forward-looking information contained herein to reflect future results, events or developments, except as required by law.

有關District Copper面臨的風險和不確定性的更全面的討論,請參閱District Copper的連續披露文件,網址爲。此處的所有前瞻性信息均受此警告聲明的全部限制,並且District Copper不承擔修訂或更新此類前瞻性信息或公佈此類前瞻性信息的任何修訂結果以反映未來結果、事件或發展的責任。

