
Unlock the Power of Rapid SAP App Development With Neptune Software's No-Code and Low-Code Tools

Unlock the Power of Rapid SAP App Development With Neptune Software's No-Code and Low-Code Tools

使用 Neptune 軟件的無代碼和低代碼工具,解鎖快速 SAP 應用程序開發的力量。
PR Newswire ·  06/13 20:15

OSLO, Norway, June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- For businesses to remain competitive, digitizing and optimizing operations at scale is critical. However, escalating demand for new software applications and the challenges companies face in SAP app development make it difficult to quickly and effectively address a company's needs. With its cutting-edge no-code and low-code platform, Neptune Software empowers businesses to unlock the power of rapid SAP app development with minimal coding ten times faster than traditional methods.

挪威奧斯陸,2024年6月13日 /PRNewswire/ — 要使企業保持競爭力,大規模數字化和優化運營至關重要。但是,對新軟件應用程序的需求不斷增加,以及公司在SAP應用程序開發中面臨的挑戰,使得快速有效地滿足公司的需求變得困難。憑藉其尖端的無代碼和低代碼平台,Neptune Software使企業能夠以比傳統方法快十倍的最少編碼來釋放快速SAP應用程序開發的力量。

"With our no-code and low-code tools, our customers can employ a highly agile and productive approach while lowering costs and meeting business requirements more easily and quickly," said Neptune Software CEO Andreas Sulejewski. "With streamlined processes and enhanced collaboration, Neptune Software empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of fragmented IT landscapes to create sophisticated SAP Fiori-based apps in a fraction of the time, unlocking new growth and success opportunities."

海王星軟件首席執行官安德烈亞斯·蘇萊耶夫斯基表示:“藉助我們的無代碼和低代碼工具,我們的客戶可以採用高度靈活和高效的方法,同時降低成本並更輕鬆快速地滿足業務需求。”“通過簡化的流程和增強的協作,Neptune Software使企業能夠應對分散的IT格局的複雜性,在很短的時間內創建基於SAP Fiori的複雜應用程序,從而解鎖新的增長和成功機會。”

Key Trends and Adoption Barriers in SAP App Development

SAP 應用程序開發的主要趨勢和採用障礙

Many companies streamlined their business operations long ago by implementing SAP. However, an evolving digital landscape of other systems and technologies established around the Enterprise Resource Planning software has left companies with fragmented, complex IT technology and architecture, making it challenging to deliver real-time information and take advantage of new technologies to produce apps quickly and efficiently. Plus, businesses are increasingly seeing a surge in demand for mobile, offline-capable apps to ensure seamless access to information and processes regardless of location.

許多公司很久以前就通過實施 SAP 簡化了業務運營。但是,圍繞企業資源規劃軟件建立的其他系統和技術的數字化格局不斷演變,這給公司留下了分散而複雜的IT技術和架構,這使得提供實時信息和利用新技術快速高效地生產應用程序變得困難重重。此外,企業越來越多地看到對具有離線功能的移動應用程序的需求激增,以確保無論身在何處都能無縫訪問信息和流程。

Additionally, limited software development resources and the specialized expertise required pose significant challenges for IT managers. Traditional SAP development processes are tedious and time-consuming, with new technical requirements taking weeks or months to implement. Recruiting new specialists to take on this work is increasingly difficult.

此外,有限的軟件開發資源和所需的專業知識給IT經理帶來了重大挑戰。傳統的 SAP 開發流程既繁瑣又耗時,新的技術要求需要數週或數月才能實施。招聘新的專家來承擔這項工作越來越困難。

Neptune Software Simplifies and Automates SAP App Development

Neptune 軟件簡化和自動化 SAP 應用程序開發

Neptune Software's innovative approach to SAP app development simplifies and automates the development cycle, enabling businesses to build new apps with ease rapidly. Leveraging decisive no- and low-code platforms, business users can create SAP apps with minimal coding knowledge, supported by ready-to-use drag-and-drop application building blocks. This tool also facilitates collaboration between business users across departments, reducing the burden on IT. Additionally, apps built on Neptune DXP can seamlessly connect to any backend, architecture, or cloud data source through rest APIs, providing real-time access and eliminating data siloes.

Neptune Software 的創新 SAP 應用程序開發方法簡化和自動化了開發週期,使企業能夠輕鬆快速地構建新應用程序。利用決定性的無代碼和低代碼平台,業務用戶可以在即用型拖放式應用程序構造塊的支持下,以最少的編碼知識創建 SAP 應用程序。該工具還促進了跨部門業務用戶之間的協作,減輕了IT的負擔。此外,基於 Neptune DXP 構建的應用程序可以通過 REST API 無縫連接到任何後端、架構或雲數據源,從而提供實時訪問並消除數據孤島。

Futureproofing with Neptune Software

使用 Neptune 軟件經得起未來考驗

Using Neptune Software's low-code platform provides substantial long-term economic benefits by reducing development, administration, and maintenance costs. Apps developed using Neptune Software can be flexibly deployed in on-premise, container, and cloud environments, guaranteeing long-term flexibility and adaptability. This ensures they remain future proof in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

使用 Neptune Software 的低代碼平台可降低開發、管理和維護成本,從而帶來可觀的長期經濟收益。使用 Neptune Software 開發的應用程序可以在本地、容器和雲環境中靈活部署,從而保證長期的靈活性和適應性。這確保了他們在快速變化的數字環境中能夠適應未來。

About Neptune Software
Neptune Software is a rapid application development platform vendor with more than 730 enterprise customers and over 4 million licensed end users globally that empowers IT departments to deliver tangible business outcomes. Neptune Software offers with its Neptune DXP, a leading low-code, SAP-centric, enterprise app development platform to digitize and optimize business processes and user interfaces – at scale and with ease.

Neptune Software 是一家快速應用程序開發平台供應商,在全球擁有 730 多家企業客戶和超過 400 萬許可最終用戶,這使得 IT 部門能夠提供切實的業務成果。Neptune Software 提供 Neptune DXP,這是一款領先的低代碼、以 SAP 爲中心的企業應用程序開發平台,可大規模輕鬆地數字化和優化業務流程和用戶界面。

Neptune DXP provides a fast and cost-effective way to industrialize the development of custom applications - saving companies time and money on development, integration, and operations.

Neptune DXP 爲定製應用程序的開發工業化提供了一種快速且經濟實惠的方式,從而爲公司節省了開發、集成和運營方面的時間和金錢。

Follow Neptune Software on LinkedIn and Twitter and start testing the platform for free and building apps with two unlimited developer licenses at .

關注海王星軟件 領英推特 然後開始免費測試該平台並使用兩個無限開發者許可證構建應用程序 .

SOURCE Neptune Software

來源 Neptune 軟件

