
ARIA Cybersecurity's AZT PROTECT Wins Ninth Major Industry Award for Best Application Security Solution in Operational Technology

ARIA Cybersecurity's AZT PROTECT Wins Ninth Major Industry Award for Best Application Security Solution in Operational Technology

ARIA網絡安全公司的AZT PROTECT榮膺第九個主要行業獎項,被評爲運營技術領域最佳應用安全解決方案。
Accesswire ·  06/13 20:00

AZT PROTECT named best "Application Security" solution at Fortress Cybersecurity Awards

AZT PROTECT榮膺“堡壘網絡安全獎”“應用安全”類別最佳解決方案

BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 13, 2024 / ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, a CSPi business (NASDAQ:CSPi), has won another major industry award for AZT PROTECT, its breakthrough solution for protecting operational technology (OT) environments. AZT PROTECT was named winner in the "Application Security" category at the 2024 Fortress Cybersecurity Awards presented by Business Intelligence Group.

美國波士頓 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年6月13日 / 全球首個領先的製造業-半導體安全專家――CSPi旗下的ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions(納斯達克:CSPi)因AZT PROTECT在保護運營技術(OT)環境方面的突破解決方案獲得又一個重要行業獎項。 AZT PROTECT 在“應用安全”類別中獲勝,該獎項由Business Intelligence Group主辦的 “2024堡壘網絡安全獎”評選獲得。“2024堡壘網絡安全獎”是該獎項的評選主辦方Business Intelligence Group頒發的。

This latest accolade is the NINTH major industry award for AZT PROTECT in nine months after its launch. It follows successes at the Cybersecurity Excellence Awards, the Global InfoSec Awards awarded at RSA, and the Globee Awards for Cybersecurity.

該項榮譽是AZT PROTECT自推出以來九個月中所獲得的第九個重要行業獎項,此前AZT PROTECT獲得了Cybersecurity Excellence Awards、RSA舉辦的Global InfoSec Awards以及Cybersecurity Globee Awards。

"We are honored to receive further industry recognition for AZT PROTECT, which reflects its breakthrough approach to protecting critical infrastructure from dangerous new forms of cyberattack," said Gary Southwell, General Manager of ARIA Cybersecurity. "AZT PROTECT is built to stop the sophisticated nation-state and supply-chain attacks that existing defenses are missing, as well as all forms of malware - all right out of the box. It provides both industries and government institutions a better approach to protect their critical assets, revenue, and reputations."

ARIA Cybersecurity的總經理Gary Southwell表示:“我們很榮幸能夠獲得關於AZT PROTECT的進一步行業認可,這反映了其保護關鍵基礎設施免受危險的新型網絡攻擊的突破性方法。AZT PROTECT被設計來防禦現有防禦措施無法防禦的複雜國家級和供應鏈攻擊,以及各種形式的惡意軟件 - 它可以提供給工業界和政府機構更好的保護他們的關鍵資產、營業收入和聲譽的方法。”

AZT PROTECT was launched in July 2023 and has already been proven in some of the world's largest manufacturing environments. It is a fully automated solution that comprehensively secures OT applications against all threats - both known and unknown - stopping attacks as they attempt to execute without relying on centralized cloud updates and constant patching. It is being deployed by companies that manage critical applications in sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, government, oil and gas, utilities, and financial services. It stops what others miss.

AZT PROTECT於2023年7月推出,已被證明可用於一些全球最大的製造業環境。它是一種完全自動化的解決方案,可以全面保護OT應用程序免受所有已知和未知的威脅 - 在不依賴集中雲更新和持續打補丁的情況下阻止攻擊。它已被一些管理製造、醫療保健、政府、石油和天然氣、公共事業和金融服務等關鍵應用程序的公司部署,可以防止其它解決方案無法捕捉的攻擊。它可以拯救被漏網之魚的單位。

The Fortress Cybersecurity Awards honor the world's leading companies and individuals who are at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation. Winners are selected based on their dedication to developing solutions, raising awareness, and defending against the growing threat of cyberattacks.


"In today's digital age, cybersecurity is no longer optional - it's essential," said Maria Jimenez, Chief Nominations Officer at the Business Intelligence Group. "We are proud to recognize ARIA Cybersecurity for their innovative solutions and unwavering commitment to protecting our data and infrastructure from ever-evolving cyber threats."
For further information on this multi-award-winning solution please visit:

Business Intelligence Group的首席提名官Maria Jimenez表示:“在當今數字化時代,網絡安全不再是可選項 - 它是必要的。我們爲表彰ARIA Cybersecurity的創新解決方案和無懈可擊的保護我們的數據和基礎設施免受不斷演變的網絡威脅而自豪。”

About ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions

關於製造業-半導體安全專家ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions

ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, a business of CSP Inc., recognizes that better, stronger, more effective cybersecurity starts with a smarter approach. Our solutions provide new ways for organizations to protect their most critical assets-they can shield their critical applications from attack with our AZT solution, while monitoring internal traffic, device-level logs and alert output with our ARIA ADR solution to substantially improve threat detection and surgically disrupt cyberattacks and data exfiltration. Customers in a range of industries rely on our solutions to accelerate incident response, automate breach detection, and protect their most critical assets and applications-no matter where they are stored, used, or accessed. Learn more at

ARIA網絡安全解決方案 ,它認爲更好、更強大、更有效的網絡安全從更明智的方法開始。我們的解決方案爲組織提供了保護其最關鍵資產的新方法,它們可以使用我們的AZT解決方案保護其重要應用程序,同時使用我們的ARIA ADR解決方案監控內部流量、設備級日誌和警報輸出,從而大幅度提高威脅檢測能力並改變被動防禦爲主動打擊的態勢。一系列行業的客戶都依賴於我們的解決方案,以加快事件響應、自動化攻擊檢測,並保護他們最關鍵的資產和應用程序 - 無論這些資產和應用程序存在、使用或被訪問的位置在哪裏。請訪問ARIA Cybersecurity Solution了解更多詳細信息:

About Business Intelligence Group

關於Business Intelligence Group

The Business Intelligence Group was founded with the mission of recognizing true talent and superior performance in the business world. Unlike other business award programs, these programs are judged by business executives with extensive experience and knowledge in cybersecurity. The organization's proprietary scoring system selectively measures performance across multiple security domains and rewards those companies whose achievements stand out in the fight against cybercrime.

Business Intelligence Group的使命是認識到商業世界中真正的天賦和卓越表現。與其他商業獎項計劃不同,這些計劃是由具有網絡安全方面豐富經驗和知識的商業執行人員擔任評委。該組織的專有評分系統可以在多個安全領域中進行有選擇的評測,獎勵那些在打擊網絡犯罪方面取得顯著成績的公司。



Gary Southwell
General Manager
ARIA Cybersecurity

Gary Southwell

Maria Jimenez
Chief Nominations Officer
Business Intelligence Group
+1 (909) 529-2737

Maria Jimenez
Maria Jimenez,首席提名官
+1 (909) 529-2737


來源:CSP Inc.

