ALX Resources Corp. Receives Analytical Results From the Gibbons Creek Uranium Project, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
ALX Resources Corp. Receives Analytical Results From the Gibbons Creek Uranium Project, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 13, 2024) - ALX Resources Corp. (TSXV: AL) (FSE: 6LLN) (OTC: ALXEF) ("ALX" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results of the 2024 winter drilling program and upcoming summer 2024 exploration plans at its Gibbons Creek Uranium Project ("Gibbons Creek", or the "Project") located in the northern Athabasca Basin near the community of Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan.
不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華-(新聞稿-Corp - 2024年6月13日) - ALX資源公司。(TSXV:AL)(FSE:6LLN)(OTC:ALXEF)(“ALX”或“公司”)很高興宣佈其吉本斯溪鈾礦項目(“吉本斯溪“ 或 “項目”)2024年度鑽探計劃的結果和即將進行的探礦計劃。該鈾礦項目位於北亞瑟巴斯克盆地的斯托尼拉皮茲社區附近。
Gibbons Creek is the subject of an option earn-in transaction with Trinex Lithium Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Trinex Minerals Limited ("Trinex"), which is a publicly-traded mineral exploration company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. Under the terms of a definitive agreement signed in May 2024, Trinex can earn an initial 51% interest and up to a 75% participating interest in the Project in two stages over a period of five years by making cash payments and common shares payments to ALX, and by incurring exploration expenditures at the Project (see ALX news release dated May 8, 2024).
吉本斯溪是一項由Trinex Lithium Ltd.擁有的選擇性賺取權交易,Trinex Lithium Ltd.是Trinex Minerals Limited(“Trinex”)的全資子公司,該公司在澳大利亞證券交易所上市。根據2024年5月簽署的一份明確協議,Trinex可以通過向ALX支付現金和普通股份的方式,並在項目上承擔勘探開支,在五年內分兩個階段賺取初步51%的權益和高達75%的參與權益(請參閱ALX新聞稿2024年5月8日).
Highlights of the 2024 Exploration Program
- Assay results and downhole probe readings confirm the presence of anomalous uranium within the Airstrip Prospect at Gibbons Creek;
- A comprehensive helicopter-borne vertical transient electromagnetic ("VTEMTM") survey is planned to commence in June 2024, covering the Airstrip and Butler Lake Prospects and a recently identified new target known as Gibbons East;
- Further drilling is planned following the analysis and interpretation of the VTEM data;
- Trinex is fully-funded to complete the upcoming work programs planned for 2024.
- 化驗結果和下孔探頭讀數證實Gibbons Creek機場前景區內存在異常的鈾。
- 計劃於2024年6月開始一項全面的直升機垂直瞬變電磁(“VTEM此款超便攜式投影儀使用了最新的 Android TV 界面,而且遙控器還內置了 Google AssistantTM 功能,用戶可以非常方便地使用它。”)勘測,覆蓋機場前景區、Butler Lake前景區以及一個名爲Gibbons East的新發現目標;
- 分析和解釋VTEM數據後,將進行進一步的鑽探;
- Trinex已完全籌資以完成2024年度計劃中的即將到來的工作方案。
Results of the 2024 Drilling Program
Results from the 2024 winter drilling program have confirmed low-level uranium mineralization in four of the five holes completed having intersected anomalous uranium at or near the unconformity between the Athabasca Sandstone and underlying basement metasediments, which are variably altered. Results from the drilling greater than 100 parts per million ("ppm") U3O8 are shown in Table 1.
2024年冬季鑽探計劃的結果表明,在完成的五個孔中有四個孔在Athabasca Sandstone和下伏基底變質岩石(變質程度不同)的夾層帶上或附近交叉異常的鈾。大於100ppm(ppm”)的U3O8結果見表1。
Table 1 - Assay Results from 2024 Drill Program
Hole ID | Sample ID |
From (m) |
To (m) |
Interval (m) |
U3O8P (ppm) |
U3O8T (ppm) |
GC24-02 | 422023 | 108.92 | 109.42 | 0.5 | 325 | 384 |
GC24-03 | 422178 | 109.34 | 109.84 | 0.5 | 156 | 186 |
GC24-03 | 422179 | 109.84 | 110.34 | 0.5 | 259 | 382 |
GC24-03 | 422181 | 110.34 | 110.84 | 0.5 | 147 | 203 |
GC24-04 | 422083 | 107.18 | 107.54 | 0.36 | 157 | 208 |
GC24-04 | 422218 | 107.54 | 107.98 | 0.44 | 641 | 757 |
GC24-05 | 422278 | 103.06 | 103.56 | 0.5 | 134 | 198 |
孔ID | 示例ID |
起點 (米) |
要 (米) |
區間 (米) |
U3O8P (ppm) |
U3O8T (ppm) |
GC24-02 | 422023 | 108.92 | 109.42 | 如果不再受制於第16條的要求,請勾選此框。表格4或表格5的報告義務可能繼續存在。 | 325 | 384 |
GC24-03 | 422178 | 109.34 | 109.84 | 如果不再受制於第16條的要求,請勾選此框。表格4或表格5的報告義務可能繼續存在。 | 156 | 186 |
GC24-03 | 422179 | 109.84 | 110.34 | 如果不再受制於第16條的要求,請勾選此框。表格4或表格5的報告義務可能繼續存在。 | 259 | 382 |
GC24-03 | 422181 | 110.34 | 110.84 | 如果不再受制於第16條的要求,請勾選此框。表格4或表格5的報告義務可能繼續存在。 | 147 | 203 |
GC24-04 | 422083 | 107.18 | 107.54 | 0.36 | 157 | 208 |
GC24-04 | 422218 | 107.54 | 107.98 | 0.44 | 641 | 757 |
GC24-05 | 422278 | 103.06 | 103.56 | 如果不再受制於第16條的要求,請勾選此框。表格4或表格5的報告義務可能繼續存在。 | 134 | 198 |
(P: uranium results by partial digestion; T: uranium results by total digestion)
The geochemical uranium assay results (expressed in ppm U3O8) were obtained using a standard sampling interval of 0.5 metres; smaller intervals may be used such that individual samples do not cross lithological contacts or unit boundaries. These sampling intervals are suitable for uranium mineralization such as the blebby and sporadic mineralization intersected in drill hole GC24-04 (Fig. 1). Gamma probe radiometric readings (expressed in cps) are obtained from a different (i.e., larger) volume of rock than assay samples and hand-held scintillometer cps readings, and typically give larger relative values compared to hand-held scintillometer readings.
地球化學鈾化驗結果(以ppm U3O8表示)使用標準採樣間隔0.5米進行獲取;也可以使用更小間隔進行採樣,以保證個別樣品不穿越岩石學接觸或岩石單元界線。這些採樣間隔適用於鈾礦化,例如鑽孔GC24-04中所遇到的散狀和點狀礦化(圖1)。Gamma探測器輻射讀數(以cps表示)來自於比化驗樣品和手持閃爍計cps讀數更大的岩層體積,並且相對於手持閃爍計讀數通常會產生更大的值。
Fig. 1: Close-up of uranium mineralization in core sample from GC24-04 - peak radioactivity (8,662 cps) at 107.87 m
圖1:GC24-04岩心樣品中鈾礦化的近距離展示——107.87米處達到峯值放射性(8,662 cps)
Gibbons Creek Winter Drilling Program Summary
Gibbons Creek冬季鑽探計劃總結
The 2024 winter drilling program at Gibbons Creek was designed to test for continuity of uranium mineralization first discovered in 1979 by Eldorado Nuclear ("Eldorado"). ALX defined a target area for the drill program in late 2023 by carrying out a high-resolution magnetic survey and a Soil Gas Hydrocarbon ("SGH") survey.
2024年Gibbons Creek冬季鑽探計劃的設計旨在檢測Eldorado Nuclear於1979年首次發現的鈾礦化的連續性。("Eldorado")ALX通過進行高分辨率磁力調查和土壤氣體烴("SGH")調查於2023年末界定了鑽探計劃的目標區域。SGH調查。
Drilling intersected uranium mineralization in two areas located 500 metres apart within this target area.
Hole GC24-01 was drilled to target a historical radon anomaly and completed at 159.0 metres. Basement rocks were intersected from 146.0 metres to end of hole at 159.0 metres. The basement rocks are fresh and unfractured pelitic to semi-pelitic metasediments that are locally garnetiferous. No significant radioactivity was identified in the hole.
Hole GC24-02 was drilled at the intersection of east-west and north-northwest faults interpreted from the 2023 ground magnetic survey and intersected fracture-controlled and disseminated blebs of uranium mineralization at 0.8 metres below the unconformity, which was reached at a depth of 108.4 metres.
An Exploranium GR-135 handheld scintillometer measured radioactivity of 220 counts per second ("cps") and a Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000 downhole gamma probe1 measured a radiometric peak of 3,321 cps within a 0.6 metre interval of anomalous radioactivity from 108.9 to 109.5 metres. Drill hole GC24-02 represents an approximately 470-metre step-out to the west of ALX's historical hole GC15-03 (0.143% U3O8 assay over 0.23 metres) and was collared approximately 350 metres to the southwest of Eldorado's 1979 hole GC-15 (1,520 ppm uranium over 0.13 metres) (see Fig. 2).
Exploranium GR-135手持式閃爍計測量了220次/秒的放射性("cps"),而Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000下孔伽馬探測器測得了從108.9至109.5米內的0.6米的放射性異常區內紅外峯值爲3321 cps. 鑽孔GC24-02是ALX公司歷史鑽孔GC15-03(0.143% U)向西大約470米的位置。cps(採用Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000下孔伽馬探頭)1成交量達到0.143%的鈾。3O8該鑽孔位於 Eldorado 的 1979 年鑽孔 GC-15 (0.13 米 1,520 ppm 鈾) 西南約 350 米處(見圖2),鈾異常區域的它端。
Fig. 2: Gibbons Creek 2024 Drilling Plan
圖2:Gibbons Creek 2024 鑽探計劃
Hole GC24-03 was drilled as a 25-metre westward step out of unconformity-related uranium mineralization in historical hole GC15-03 to test the continuity of an interpreted trend of anomalous uranium mineralization between GC15-03 and historical drill hole GC-15, which are 340 metres apart. Anomalous radioactivity and fracture-controlled uranium mineralization was intersected from 110.0 to 110.9 metres approximately 1.5 metres below the unconformity at 108.5 metres.
鑽孔 GC24-03 被鑽作爲距離歷史鑽孔 GC15-03 中不整合相關鈾礦化區間向西 25 米的一步步進,探測介於 GC15-03 和歷史鑽孔 GC-15 之間的鈾異常礦化趨勢的連續性,兩鑽孔之間的距離爲 340 米。約在不整合面下 108.5 米處,鈾異常放射性和斷裂控制的鈾礦化從 110.0 至 110.9 米處出現。手提式 Exploranium GR-135 閃爍計可測得峯值放射性數值 190 cps,而 Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000 鑽孔伽馬探頭在這段異常放射性區間內的放射峯值達到 2,217 cps,110.2 米處可觀察到樁狀鈾礦化物,其他裂隙中也有量級圍繞 110.0 至 110.9 米鈾礦化物。
The Exploranium GR-135 handheld scintillometer measured a peak radioactivity value of 190 cps and the Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000 downhole gamma probe measured a radiometric peak of 2,217 cps within the noted anomalous radioactive interval. Uranium mineralization was observed as coatings on fractures in the drill core at 110.2 metres as well as other fractures between 110.0 and 110.9 metres.
當 Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000 鑽孔伽馬探頭的放射峯值達到 >2000 cps 時,放射性被視爲顯著。
1 Radioactivity is considered significant at >2000 cps on a Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000 downhole gamma probe.
1鑽孔 GC24-04 是截至目前爲止的最強輻射反應井,鈾礦化物從 107.17 至 108.27 米處顯現 1.1 米(點位海拔 107.18 米以下)
Hole GC24-04 exhibited the strongest radiometric response of the program to date where uranium mineralization was intersected over 1.1 metres from 107.17 to 108.27 metres beginning immediately at and below the unconformity at 107.18 metres.
鈾化合物位於礦化層頂部的 Athabasca 地層砂岩,顏色從未變過的暗紅褐色鬆散致白色,表明位於鑽孔區域的熱液活動。懸浮物描黑有鈾礦化物的黑色斑點在暗紅赭鐵礦化和黃赭土礦化物的混合區域內顯現。
The Athabasca formation sandstone immediately above the mineralization was strongly bleached from an unaltered dusky maroon colour to white, indicative of hydrothermal activity in the location of the drill hole.
強烈的斷層和斷層角礫石帶,礦物化爲古染色體片,泥化,氯化或黃化的狀況存在於大約 142.0 米以下地方。
A Mount Sopris 2PGA-1000 downhole gamma probe measured a radioactive peak of 8,662 cps within the mineralized interval (Fig. 1), which shows black blebs of uranium mineralization (likely pitchblende) within dark red hematite alteration and closely associated with lesser amounts of yellow limonite alteration.
鑽孔 GC24-05 與鑽孔 GC24-04 相似,是通過傾斜鑽頭達到與不整合相關鈾礦化的探測目的的。大約在 103.4 至 103.5 米之間觀察到細粒鈾礦化物斑點數。
The blebs of uranium mineralization appear to follow both the foliation of the rock and to spread along some of the fine fractures. Zones of strong fracturing and fault breccias, variably strongly hematitic (paleoweathered), argillized or chloritized, were intermittently encountered down to approximately 142.0 metres.
2024 年夏季鑽探計劃將會進一步對該項目進行鑽探,以尋找在 GC24-04 區域內的斷層偏移量,斷層可以作爲鈾礦化物沉積的構造陷阱。
Hole GC24-05 was drilled from the same setup as GC24-04 by tilting the drill head following an in-field interpretation of a possible fault offset of the unconformity. Fine-grained blebs of black uranium mineralization were observed between approximately 103.4 to 103.5 metres. Several of the blebs have bleached haloes and others appear within or adjacent to weak limonitic alteration haloes. Dark grey quartz grains in the vicinity of the uranium mineralization may represent a metamict alteration of the quartz structure due to the radioactivity.
Gibbons Creek 主要由 8 項礦產權組成,總面積爲 13,864 公頃(34,258英畝),位於 Athabasca 盆地北部邊緣。該項目位於該地區,曾發現了許多歷史悠久的鈾礦牀,例如 2004 年開始的 Black Lake 鑽孔中的發現以及歷史悠久的 Nisto 礦。ALX 持有 Gibbons Creek 的勘查許可證,有效期至 2025 年 10 月,允許最多進行 20 個鑽探孔口,共計約 5,000 米,以及地面地球物理學、勘探和地球化學採樣。可以通過 Stony Rapids,SK 社區的道路和小徑進入 Gibbons Creek,這裏連接着全天候公路 905,從而可以創建夏季或冬季鑽探計劃的靈活性。Stony Rapids 爲現場人員提供現成的燃料、供應和住宿,並提供通往南地的城市和城鎮的每日航班。
Summer 2024 Drilling Program
2024 年夏季鑽探計劃
Further drilling at the Project is planned for the summer of 2024 to search for fault offsets in the area of GC24-04, which can act as structural traps for the deposition of uranium mineralization. The interpreted extension of the southwest-trending structure that appears to be associated with mineralization at the Airstrip Prospect extends through to the Butler Lake Target, increasing the prospectivity of the area.
截至目前,對該項目的進一步鑽探計劃主要是尋找位於 GC24-04 區域的斷層偏移量,通過該區域來尋找鈾礦化物沉積的構造陷阱。 Southwest 向延伸的構造也與 Airstrip Prospect 處的礦化物相關,甚至延伸至 Butler Lake Target,增加了該地區的遠景就性。
About Gibbons Creek
關於Gibbons Creek
Gibbons Creek consists of eight mineral claims comprising 13,864 hectares (34,258 acres) located along the northern margin of the Athabasca Basin.
Gibbons Creek由8個礦產權組成,佔地13,864公頃(34,258英畝),位於Athabasca盆地的北部邊緣。
The Project is located in a region that hosts numerous historical uranium occurrences, such as the Black Lake discoveries in several drill holes beginning in 2004, and the historical Nisto Mine, from which 500 tons of ore was shipped in 1950 to the historical Lorado Mill at Uranium City, SK, including 106 tons grading 1.6% U3O8 (Source: Saskatchewan Mineral Deposits Index, #1621). ALX holds an exploration permit for Gibbons Creek, good until October 2025, which allows for up to 20 diamond drill holes totaling approximately 5,000 metres, along with ground-based geophysics, prospecting, and geochemical sampling. Access to Gibbons Creek is via roads and trails that lead from the community of Stony Rapids, SK, which is connected to all-weather Highway 905, thereby creating flexibility for either summer or winter exploration programs. Stony Rapids has readily-available fuel, supplies and accommodations for field personnel, and an airport with daily flights to cities and towns in southern Saskatchewan.
該項目位於該地區,曾發現了許多歷史悠久的鈾礦牀,例如2004年開始的Black Lake 鑽孔中的發現以及歷史悠久的Nisto 礦。3O8 (資料來源:Saskatchewan Mineral Deposits Index,#1621),ALX 擁有 Gibbons Creek 的勘查許可證,有效期至 2025 年 10 月,允許最多進行 20 個鑽探孔口,共計約 5,000 米,以及地面地球物理學、勘探和地球化學採樣。可以通過 Stony Rapids,SK 社區的道路和小徑進入 Gibbons Creek,這裏連接着全天候公路 905,從而可以創建夏季或冬季鑽探計劃的靈活性。Stony Rapids 爲現場人員提供現成的燃料、供應和住宿,並提供通往南地的城市和城鎮的每日航班。
Prior to commencement of the 2024 drilling program, ALX carried out a comprehensive review of Gibbons Creek historical exploration data and has integrated that information with the high-resolution magnetic and SGH geochemical surveys completed in November 2023. The historical data and the results of ALX's ground surveys on the 2023 exploration grid show important characteristics of the Project's potential to host uranium mineralization, which is demonstrated by the mineralization found in ALX's 2015 hole GC15-03 (0.13% U3O8 over 0.23 metres from 107.67 metres to 107.90 metres), in Eldorado's 1979 hole GC-15 (0.179% U3O8 over 0.13 metres from 134.11 to 134.24 metres), and in the holes drilled in the 2024 program.
2024年鑽探計劃開始之前,ALX對吉本斯河歷史勘探數據進行了全面檢查,並將那些信息與高分辨率磁性和SGH地球化學勘測結果相結合,後者是在2023年11月完成的。歷史數據和ALX在2023年勘探網格的地面勘測結果顯示了該項目可能具有鈾礦化的重要特徵,這由ALX 2015年孔洞GC15-03(自107.67米至107.90米,鈾0.13%),Eldorado 1979年孔洞GC-15(自134.11米至134.24米,鈾0.179%)以及2024年鑽探計劃中鑽孔發現的礦化表現出來。3O8請訪問ALX網站以獲取有關吉本斯河的更多信息:3O8加拿大證券監管機構43-101披露和合格人聲明:ALX在新聞發佈中描述的2015年鑽孔樣品的地球化學分析由安卡斯特的Activation實驗室使用感應耦合等離子體質譜(“ICP-MS”)方法和部分和全消化方法進行。Eldorado在1979年進行的地球化學分析由安大略省渥太華的Bondar-Clegg&Company Ltd實驗室使用標準的原子吸收、比色法、熒光法和XRF法進行。所有2024年活動的鑽巖樣本均已送往Saskatoon的SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories(“SRC”),該實驗室是ISO / IEC 17025/2005和加拿大標準委員會認證的分析實驗室。ALX請求通過ICP-MS和ICP-OES分析多個元素,並使用總消化(HF:NHO3:HClO4)和部分消化(HNO3:HCl),熔融法測定硼和ICP-OES測定U3O8重量百分比(如適用)。將樣本分成兩半,保留一半,將另一半核心樣本發送到SRC進行分析。根據行業標準的質量控制/質量保證(“QA / QC”)程序,ALX和SRC會定期將空白品、標準參考材料和重複品插入樣品流中。鈾測定樣品可以在最初的ICP分析中返回大於500 ppm鈾的樣品上進行。
For additional information on Gibbons Creek, please visit the ALX website: click here
National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure and Statement of Qualified Person
本新聞發佈中的技術信息已由Robert Campbell,P.Geo.審查並獲得了符合加拿大法規要求的43-101國家儀器的合格人資格。
Geochemical analyses on samples from ALX's 2015 drill hole described in this news release were carried out by Activation Laboratories in Ancaster, Ontario using Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry ("ICP-MS") methods on both partial and total digestions. Eldorado's 1979 geochemical analyses were carried out by Bondar-Clegg & Company Ltd. Laboratories, Ottawa, Ontario using Atomic Absorption, Colormetric, Fluorometric and XRF methods, which were standard methods of that exploration era.
關於ALX ALX總部位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省,其普通股在TSX Venture Exchange、Frankfurt Stock Exchange及美國場外市場上的交易代碼分別爲“AL”、“6LLN”和“ALXEF”。ALX的任務是通過在加拿大的一系列有前景的礦產地探索多個發現機會,包括鈾、鋰、鎳-銅-鈷和黃金項目,爲股東提供多種機會。公司使用最新的勘探技術,並擁有對Saskatchewan超過240,000公頃有潛力的土地的權益,這是一個穩定的司法管轄區,擁有世界上品級最高的鈾礦山,一個生產黃金的礦山,鑽石礦牀以及由基金金屬礦提取的歷史生產。ALX在北部薩斯喀徹溫省的鈾持有包括吉本斯河鈾項目在內的100%權益,這是目前與Trinex Minerals Limited簽訂的選擇賺取協議的主題,銳劍鈾項目,Bradley鈾項目以及Javelin McKenzie Lake鈾項目,以及其在Athabasca盆地的其他地方的其他已識別未加工鈾礦體。另外,公司還擁有加拿大Ontario省和魁北克省的貴金屬項目。
All drill core samples from the 2024 program were shipped to SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories ("SRC") in Saskatoon, SK, an ISO/IEC 17025/2005 and Standards Council of Canada certified analytical laboratory. ALX requests multi-element analysis by ICP-MS and ICP-OES using total (HF:NHO3:HClO4) and partial digestion (HNO3:HCl), boron by fusion, and U3O8 wt% assay by ICP-OES where applicable. One half of the split core samples are retained and the other half cores are sent to the SRC for analyses. Blanks, standard reference materials, and repeats are inserted into the sample stream at regular intervals by ALX and SRC in accordance with industry-standard quality assurance/quality control ("QA/QC") procedures. Uranium assay samples may be conducted on samples that return greater than 500 ppm uranium in the initial ICP analyses.
2024年活動的所有鑽巖樣本都已送到位於Saskatoon,SK的SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories(“SRC”),這是一個ISO / IEC 17025/2005和加拿大標準委員會認證的分析實驗室。ALX請求通過ICP-MS和ICP-OES分析多個元素,並使用總消化(HF:NHO3:HClO4)和部分消化(HNO3:HCl),熔融法測定硼和ICP-OES測定U3O8重量百分比(如適用)。將樣本分成兩半,保留一半,將另一半核心樣本發送到SRC進行分析。根據行業標準的質量控制/質量保證(“QA / QC”)程序,ALX和SRC會定期將空白品、標準參考材料和重複品插入樣品流中。鈾測定樣品可以在最初的ICP分析中返回大於500 ppm鈾的樣品上進行。
All reported depths and intervals are drill hole depths and intervals, unless otherwise noted, and do not represent true thicknesses, which have yet to be determined. Readers are cautioned that scintillometer and gamma probe measurements of drill core are not directly indicative of uranium grades in the sample measured and should be considered only as a preliminary indication of the presence of radioactive materials.
The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Robert Campbell, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101.
本新聞發佈中的技術信息已由Robert Campbell,P.Geo.審查並獲得了符合加拿大法規要求的43-101國家儀器的合格人資格。
About ALX
ALX is based in Vancouver, BC, Canada and its common shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "AL", on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol "6LLN" and in the United States OTC market under the symbol "ALXEF."
ALX總部位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省,其普通股在TSX Venture Exchange、Frankfurt Stock Exchange及美國場外市場上的交易代碼分別爲“AL”、“6LLN”和“ALXEF”。
ALX's mandate is to provide shareholders with multiple opportunities for discovery by exploring a portfolio of prospective mineral properties in Canada, which include uranium, lithium, nickel-copper-cobalt and gold projects. The Company uses the latest exploration technologies and holds interests in over 240,000 hectares of prospective lands in Saskatchewan, a stable jurisdiction that hosts the highest-grade uranium mines in the world, a producing gold mine, diamond deposits, and historical production from base metals mines.
ALX's uranium holdings in northern Saskatchewan include 100% interests in the Gibbons Creek Uranium Project (now the subject of an option earn-in agreement with Trinex Minerals Limited), the Sabre Uranium Project, the Bradley Uranium Project, and the Javelin and McKenzie Lake Uranium Projects, a 40% interest in the Black Lake Uranium Project (a joint venture with Uranium Energy Corporation and Orano Canada Inc.), and a 20% interest in the Hook-Carter Uranium Project, located within the uranium-rich Patterson Lake Corridor with Denison Mines Corp. (80% interest) as operator of exploration since 2016.
ALX在北部薩斯喀徹溫省的鈾持有包括吉本斯河鈾項目在內的100%權益,這是目前與Trinex Minerals Limited簽訂的選擇賺取協議的主題。吉本斯河鈾項目銳劍鈾項目Bradley鈾項目JavelinMcKenzie Lake鈾項目和和其他未開發鈾礦體倖存的權益。此外,該公司還在加拿大的安大略省和魁北克省擁有貴金屬項目的權益。布萊克萊克鈾項目(與鈾能源公司和Orano Canada公司合作的創業公司),以及在富含鈾的帕特森湖走廊內的Hook-Carter鈾項目,該項目與Denison Mines Corp.(其擁有80%的權益)自2016年以來一直在探索,ALX還擁有Alligator Lake金礦項目的100%權益或可獲得80%權益。Hook-Carter鈾項目該項目位於富含鈾的帕特森湖走廊內,Denison Mines Corp. (其擁有80%的權益)自2016年以來一直在探索。ALX還擁有Firebird鎳項目、Flying Vee鎳/金項目、Sceptre Gold項目,並可獲得Alligator Lake金礦項目的100%權益或可獲得80%權益,這些項目都位於加拿大的北部薩斯喀徹溫省。以及Electra鎳項目和Cannon銅項目,位於加拿大安大略省的歷史礦區以及Vixen金項目(現已授權給First Mining Gold Inc.,其分兩個階段可獲得100%的權益)。
ALX also owns 100% interests in the Firebird Nickel Project, the Flying Vee Nickel/Gold and Sceptre Gold projects, and can earn up to an 80% interest in the Alligator Lake Gold Project, all located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. ALX owns, or can earn, up to 100% interests in the Electra Nickel Project and the Cannon Copper Project located in historic mining districts of Ontario, Canada, and in the Vixen Gold Project (now under option to First Mining Gold Corp., who can earn up to a 100% interest in two stages).
ALX在Firebird鎳項目、Flying Vee鎳/金項目、Sceptre Gold項目中都擁有100%的權益。Firebird鎳項目,Flying Vee錳/金項目 Nickel/Gold和頁面。Sceptre Gold項目並可獲得Alligator Lake金礦項目的80%權益。Alligator Lake金礦項目所有板塊都位於加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省北部,包括Electra鎳項目、Cannon銅項目、Vixen金項目(現已轉讓給First Mining Gold公司,在兩個階段中可獲得100%的權益)。Electra鎳項目和Cannon銅項目位於加拿大安大略省的歷史礦區Vixen金項目現已轉讓給First Mining Gold公司,先階段可獲得該項目的100%權益。
ALX owns a 50% interest in eight lithium exploration properties staked in 2022-2023 collectively known as the Hydra Lithium Project, located in the James Bay region of northern Quebec, Canada, a 100% interest in the Anchor Lithium Project in Nova Scotia, Canada, and 100% interests in the Crystal Lithium Project and the Reindeer Lithium Project, both located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada.
ALX擁有位於加拿大魁北克詹姆斯灣地區共計八處鋰勘探區的50%權益,統稱爲Hydra鋰項目。此外,ALX還擁有加拿大新斯科舍省Anchor鋰項目的100%權益,以及位於加拿大中央薩斯喀徹溫省的Crystal鋰項目和Reindeer鋰項目的100%權益。欲了解有關公司的更多信息,請訪問ALX企業網站或聯繫企業傳播經理Roger Leschuk,電話:604.629.0293或免費電話:866.629.8368,電子郵件。Hydra鋰項目Anchor鋰項目Crystal鋰項目Reindeer鋰項目董事會代表ALX Resources Corp. "Warren Stanyer"(CEO兼主席)發佈聲明和這份文件中的非歷史性陳述屬於前 looking 陳述。包括有關未來信仰、計劃、期望或意圖的任何陳述。本次新聞發佈會的前瞻性陳述包括:ALX在Gibbons Creek鈾礦項目的2024年勘探結果和未來勘探計劃,以及ALX能夠繼續在其其他礦物勘探項目上支出基金的能力。請注意,公司實際的業務成果和勘探結果可能與這類前瞻性陳述不同。風險和不確定性包括:ALX可能無法全面財務支持我們的礦山勘探項目,包括鑽探;我們的勘探處可能被證明無法再進行進一步支出;商品價格可能無法支持進一步的勘探支出;勘探計劃可能因與原住民、美蒂斯社區和當地土地所有者在該地區進行協商和溝通活動而遇到延遲或更改,並且協商的結果;經濟、競爭、政府、社會、公共衛生、天氣、環境和技術因素可能會影響公司的運營、市場、產品和股價。即使我們開發並勘探了我們的項目,即使在量上發現了鈾、鋰、鎳、銅、黃金或其他金屬或礦物,ALX的項目可能不具有商業價值。風險因素的詳細討論請參閱公司管理討論與分析,時間截至2024年3月31日,在公司的SEDAR個人資料中可用。遵守法律要求,我們不會更新這些前瞻性聲明風險因素。
For more information about the Company, please visit the ALX corporate website at or contact Roger Leschuk, Manager, Corporate Communications at: PH: 604.629.0293 or Toll-Free: 866.629.8368, or by email:
請訪問ALX企業網站或聯繫企業傳播經理Roger Leschuk,電話:604.629.0293或免費電話:866.629.8368,電子郵件。
On Behalf of the Board of Directors of ALX Resources Corp.
以ALX Resources Corp.董事會的名義
"Warren Stanyer"
Warren Stanyer
Warren Stanyer, CEO and Chairman
Warren Stanyer, CEO兼主席
Statements in this document which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Forward-Looking statements in this news release include: ALX's 2024 exploration results and future exploration plans at the Gibbons Creek Uranium Project, and ALX's ability to continue to expend funds on its other mineral exploration projects. It is important to note that the Company's actual business outcomes and exploration results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Risks and uncertainties include that ALX may not be able to fully finance exploration on our exploration projects, including drilling; our initial findings at our exploration projects may prove to be unworthy of further expenditures; commodity prices may not support further exploration expenditures; exploration programs may be delayed or changed due to any delays experienced in consultation and engagement activities with First Nations, Metis communities and local landowners in the region, and the results of such consultations; and economic, competitive, governmental, societal, public health, weather, environmental and technological factors may affect the Company's operations, markets, products and share price. Even if we explore and develop our projects, and even if uranium, lithium, nickel, copper, gold or other metals or minerals are discovered in quantity, ALX's projects may not be commercially viable. Additional risk factors are discussed in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2024, which is available under the Company's SEDAR profile at . Except as required by law, we will not update these forward-looking statement risk factors.
這份文件中的非歷史性陳述屬於前 looking 陳述。包括有關未來信仰、計劃、期望或意圖的任何陳述。本次新聞發佈會的前瞻性陳述包括:ALX在Gibbons Creek鈾礦項目的2024年勘探結果和未來勘探計劃,以及ALX能夠繼續在其其他礦物勘探項目上支出基金的能力。請注意,公司實際的業務成果和勘探結果可能與這類前瞻性陳述不同。風險和不確定性包括:ALX可能無法全面財務支持我們的礦山勘探項目,包括鑽探;我們的勘探處可能被證明無法再進行進一步支出;商品價格可能無法支持進一步的勘探支出;勘探計劃可能因與原住民、美蒂斯社區和當地土地所有者在該地區進行協商和溝通活動而遇到延遲或更改,並且協商的結果;經濟、競爭、政府、社會、公共衛生、天氣、環境和技術因素可能會影響公司的運營、市場、產品和股價。即使我們開發並勘探了我們的項目,即使在量上發現了鈾、鋰、鎳、銅、黃金或其他金屬或礦物,ALX的項目可能不具有商業價值。風險因素的詳細討論請參閱公司管理討論與分析,時間截至2024年3月31日,在公司的SEDAR個人資料中可用。遵守法律要求,我們不會更新這些前瞻性聲明風險因素。 即使我們開發並勘探我們的項目,即使在量上發現了鈾,鋰,鎳,銅,黃金或其他金屬或礦物,ALX的項目可能不具有商業價值。值得一提的是,公司的實際商業結果和勘探結果可能與這類前瞻性陳述不同。風險和不確定性包括:ALX可能無法全面財務支持我們的礦山勘探項目,包括鑽探;我們的勘探處可能被證明無法再進行進一步支出;商品價格可能無法支持進一步的勘探支出;勘探計劃可能因與原住民、美蒂斯社區和當地土地所有者在該地區進行協商和溝通活動而遇到延遲或更改,並且協商的結果;經濟、競爭、政府、社會、公共衛生、天氣、環境和技術因素可能會影響公司的運營、市場、產品和股價。
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.