
Digital Mass Named One of the Best Places to Work by Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal

Digital Mass Named One of the Best Places to Work by Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal

Digital Mass被明尼阿波利斯-聖保羅商業雜誌評爲最佳工作場所之一。
PR Newswire ·  06/13 18:07

MINNEAPOLIS, June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Digital Mass, a leading Salesforce consulting agency, today announced the company's recognition as one of the Best Places to Work by the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal. Digital Mass has been recognized in the small business category for the company's commitment to creating an outstanding work environment and fostering a culture of growth and innovation.

Digital Mass,領先的Salesforce諮詢機構之一,今天宣佈該公司被《Minneapolis-St. Paul商業雜誌》評爲最佳工作場所之一。Digital Mass在小型企業類別中的表現得到了認可,該公司致力於營造優秀的工作環境,培養創新和成長文化。過去兩年中,該公司的營業收入增長超過80%,不斷展現了向客戶提供革命性的Salesforce解決方案的能力,同時保持專注於人才發展和導師計劃的方向。

With more than 80 percent revenue growth in the past two years, the company has consistently demonstrated its capability to deliver transformative Salesforce solutions to its clients, while maintaining its focus on talent development and mentorship programs.

Digital Mass由Marty Davis IV和他的兒子Martin Davis V (MJ)共同創立於2017年,迅速成爲數字轉型的強大力量,以及醫療保健、建造業、製造業、金融服務和零售業等領域Salesforce開發的領導者。

Co-founded in 2017 by Marty Davis IV and his son, Martin Davis V (MJ), Digital Mass has quickly become a powerhouse in digital transformation and a leader in Salesforce development for clients across the Healthcare, Construction, Manufacturing, Financial Services and Retail categories.

"我們的成功證明了團隊的奉獻和才華," Digital Mass的聯合創始人兼首席執行官Marty Davis說道。"我們專注於創新、協作和不斷改進,這是我們的成長和特別是這個認可的關鍵。"

"Our success is a testament to the dedication and talent of our team," said Marty Davis, co-founder and CEO, Digital Mass. "We put focus on innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement, which is key to our growth and, in particular, this recognition."

"被商業雜誌評爲最佳工作場所之一,反映了我們團隊的辛勤工作和致力於爲企業客戶創建最佳定製Salesforce解決方案的承諾。" Digital Mass的聯合創始人兼首席技術官MJ Davis說到。"我們熱衷於指導下一代技術領袖,並創造一個讓他們可以蓬勃發展的環境。"

"Being named one of the Best Places to Work by the Business Journal is a reflection of our team's hard work and commitment to creating the best custom Salesforce solutions for our enterprise clients," said MJ Davis, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Digital Mass. "We're passionate about mentoring the next generation of technology leaders and creating an environment where they can thrive."

在Digital Mass員工對公司的領導力、導師制度、溝通、工作與生活的平衡和其他專注於辦公室文化的類別進行調查後,排名確定。

The rankings were determined after Digital Mass employees were surveyed about the company's leadership, mentorship, communication, work-life balance, and more categories focused on office culture.

開放性問題允許Digital Mass員工分享他們在公司工作的個人經驗,其中包括:公司致力於工作與生活的平衡、相互尊重、協作和樂趣。

Open-ended questions allowed Digital Mass employees to share their personal experiences working at the company, with highlights that include: the company's commitment to work-life balance, mutual respect, collaboration and fun.

Digital Mass是《Minneapolis Business Journal》在小型企業類別中宣佈的15個榮譽獲得者之一(擁有25至49名明尼蘇達員工的公司)。完整的70名獲獎者名單將在8月23日的最佳工作場所特刊上公佈。

Digital Mass was one of 15 honorees announced by the Minneapolis Business Journal in the small category (companies with 25 to 49 Minnesota-employees). The full list of 70 honorees will be announced on August 23 in a Best Places to Work special publication.

有關Digital Mass及其Salesforce服務的更多信息,請訪問Digital Mass在線網站。Minneapolis Business Journal在小型類別(擁有25至49名明尼蘇達員工的公司)中宣佈了15個榮譽獲得者之一。完整的70名獲獎者名單將在8月23日的最佳工作場所特刊上公佈。

For more information about Digital Mass and its Salesforce services, please visit Digital Mass online.

有關Digital Mass及其Salesforce服務的更多信息,請訪問Digital Mass在線網站。Digital Mass在線.

For Press Inquiries, Contact:


Alex Colburn
Director of Marketing, Digital Mass
[email protected]

Alex Colburn
Digital Mass市場總監
[email protected]

SOURCE Digital Mass

Digital Mass

