
港股异动 | 鸿腾精密(06088)涨幅扩大逾12% 公司有望受惠苹果换机及AI服务器高需求

Hongteng Precision (06088) rose by more than 12%, and the company is expected to benefit from high demand for Apple replacement and AI servers.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 13 11:45

Fit Hon Teng Precision (06088) saw an increase of more than 12%, with a rise of 12.08% to HKD 2.69 and a turnover of HKD 117 million at the time of publication.

According to Zhongyuan International, Apple's AI feature updates released at WWDC this time are basically in line with earlier market expectations. Considering that only devices such as the iPhone 15 Pro series and devices using M1 or newer chips can use Apple Intelligence among the product types already launched, the bank expects product update replacement demand in the third quarter of this year, benefiting related supply chain companies, including Fit Hon Teng Precision.

In addition, Nvidia released a brand-new product roadmap showing its entire line of Blackwell products and teasing its Rubin next-gen platform for 2026, with products iterating faster and driving explosive growth in AI+ applications from the supply side. Zhongyuan International pointed out that Fit Hon Teng Precision is one of the world's leading server connector manufacturers, and its management expects server/interconnect revenue in 2024 to grow by 15-20% year on year, with AI server-related product revenue accounting for 8-10% of revenue, a significant increase compared to 1% in 2023.

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