


Fisco日本 ·  06/13 08:41



TOPIX;2767.85;+11.41 13日的日經平均指數上漲305.35日元,開始交易。前一天12日的美國股市表現不一。道瓊斯平均指數跌35.21美元至38712.21美元,納斯達克指數收漲264.89點至17608.44點。鑑於5月消費者價格指數(CPI)低於預期,市場上漲,開盤後繼續上漲。儘管聯儲局在聯邦公開市場委員會(FOMC)上按預期決定了政策利率的維持,但委員認爲年內降息預期從3次修正爲1次,利率將停止下降,道瓊斯指數開始下跌。納斯達克指數持續受半導體行業的支持,全天保持穩定並創出歷史最高紀錄。



Topix; 2,767.85; +11.41 Today, buyers prevailed in Tokyo's stock market. Although the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell in the US stock market yesterday, the Nasdaq Composite Index with a high proportion of technology stocks and the Philadelphia Semiconductor Stock Index (SOX Index), which is composed of major semiconductor-related stocks, rose sharply, which became a support factor for technology stocks and semiconductor-related stocks prices in the Tokyo market. At the same time, there was a big fluctuation in the foreign exchange market, with the exchange rate of 1 US dollar to 155.70 yen at one point, an increase of 1.50 yen compared to around 3:00 pm yesterday, and then the yen exchange rate fell, which also became a stabilizing factor in the stock market. However, although the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell in the US stock market yesterday, it still had a great negative impact on the stock price of the Tokyo market. In addition, although events such as the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) have passed, as the May Producer Price Index (PPI) will be announced tonight in the United States, some people still adopt a wait-and-see attitude and are not willing to buy actively. However, in the opening trading stage, buyers still had the advantage. In addition, according to the situation (weekly) of foreign and domestic securities transactions such as external and internal securities trading contracts announced before the start of trading, overseas investors sold domestic stocks for the first time in 6 weeks. The short sales amount was 346.6 billion yen.

In terms of sectors, machinery, securities and commodity futures, services, electrical equipment, petroleum and coal products, etc. are at the top of the price increase list, while shipping, mining, power and gas, fiber products, pharmaceuticals, and other industries have fallen. In terms of the trading volume of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime, TDK <6762>, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries <7011>, Renesas <6723>, Advantest <6857>, SUMCO <3436>, Softbank G <9984>, DISCO <6146>, Recruit HD <6098>, Shin-Etsu Chemical <4063>, Daikin <6367>, Screen HD <7735>, Sony G <6758>, Nidec <6594>, Murata Manufacturing <6981>, Fast Retailing <9983>, and others are rising. On the other hand, Hokkaido Electric Power <9509>, Daiichi Life Holdings <8750>, TEPCO Holdings <9501>, Mitsubishi Shoji <8058>, Mitsui & Co. <8031>, Canon <7751>, INPEX <1605>, Nippon Yusen <9101>, Nintendo <7974>, Nissan Motor <7201>, Tokio Marine Holdings <8766>, and others are falling.

