
FromSoftware's Miyazaki Admits 'Room For Improvement' If Players Rely On Guides In Elden Ring

FromSoftware's Miyazaki Admits 'Room For Improvement' If Players Rely On Guides In Elden Ring

Benzinga ·  06/13 04:08

Elden Ring creator Hidetaka Miyazaki recently discussed the use of guides in Sony Group Corp.'s (NYSE:SONY) FromSoftware games, calling it "a perfectly valid playstyle."

Elden Ring 的創作者宮崎英高最近談到索尼集團 (紐交所:SONY) 的 FromSoftware 遊戲中指南的使用,稱其爲“完全有效的遊戲方式”。

He acknowledged that while the studio knows players often use guides, they aim for players to experience their games "organically."


"Of course players are going to consult guides, and there's going to be a wealth of information on the web and in their communities where they have access to the secrets and the strategies. We expect that," Miyakazi told PC Gamer.

“當然,玩家會查閱指南,在網上和社區中有豐富的信息,他們可以獲得祕密和策略。我們期望這種情況,”宮崎告訴 PC Gamer。

Elden Ring's expansive map and tough bosses make guides almost necessary for all but the most determined players.

由於 Elden Ring 的廣闊地圖和難纏的 Boss,除了最頑強的玩家外,幾乎所有人都需要使用指南。

While he said that using a guide is fine, he added: "We obviously understand [players use guides], but we don't make or plan anything with that as a prerequisite. If anything, we try to cater to the player who is completely blind and wants to go through organically. If they can't do it, then there's some room for improvement on our behalf, and we'd like to try to embrace those players more in the future."


This approach will continue in the upcoming DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, which is set to release on June 21 for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. However, to access the new content, players need to defeat Mohg, the Lord of Blood—a challenge that many players have yet to overcome.

這種方法將在即將推出的 dlc 中繼續執行,它的名字是 特斯拉-地圖,將於 6 月 21 日在 Xbox、PlayStation 和 PC 上發佈。然而,爲了訪問新的內容,玩家需要擊敗血之領主 Mohg,這是許多玩家尚未克服的挑戰。

Image credits: Miguel Lagoa on Shutterstock.

圖片來源:Shutterstock上的Miguel Lagoa。

