
Women in Science? At Merck, Absolutely

Women in Science? At Merck, Absolutely

Accesswire ·  06/13 00:45

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 12, 2024 / Merck & Co., Inc.
Strong career paths and cutting-edge science draw more women scientists - like chemists and engineers - to the company's small molecule process R&D team

2024年6月12日 / 馬薩諸塞州諾瑟安普頓市 / Accesswire / 默沙東製藥有限公司。

Women scientists have historically been underrepresented in the field of process research and development - the space between drug discovery and manufacturing. However, over the past seven years, the percentage of women on Merck's small molecule process research & development (SM PR&D) team has nearly doubled and continues to grow.

在藥物研發和製造之間的領域,女性科學家在工藝研究和開發方面歷來不足。然而,在過去的七年中,默沙東製藥的小分子工藝研究和開發(SM PR&D)小組中女性的比例幾乎翻了一番,並且繼續增長。

"This progress is important because it reflects our mindset that diversity and inclusion fuel creativity and innovation."

Jamie McCabe Dunn
Director, process chemistry, Merck



"Our group today looks dramatically different than it did when I first started 14 years ago because we've taken steps to build more diverse teams," said McCabe Dunn.

“我們的團隊今天看起來與我14年前加入時完全不同,因爲我們採取了步驟來建立更多元化的團隊。” 麥凱布·鄧恩說。

And, women chemists and engineers are vital to Merck's success.


"While we've come a long way in the last decade, achieving greater gender equity must continue to be a priority for all leaders," said Kevin Campos, vice president, Merck.


One successful approach has been for women leaders to take more active roles in recruiting talent. This allows for greater relationship building among female candidates applying for jobs in science fields and provides a vision for growth opportunities at the company.


"We're also expanding relationships with more academic institutions and casting a wider net to find excellent talent," said McCabe Dunn. "As more women join the company and see the strong career paths open to them, we expect to see even greater diversity."


A woman chemical engineer in a male-dominated field


Eighteen years ago, when Marguerite Mohan joined Merck, she was one of a small group of women scientists on the team. Although not different from what she experienced academically, she recalls being asked whether she thought this environment would limit her.

18年前,當瑪格麗特·莫漢(Marguerite Mohan)加入默沙東公司時,她是該團隊的一小群女性科學家之一。雖然與她在學術上的經歷沒有什麼不同,但她記得曾被問到她是否認爲這種環境會限制她。

"I had no concerns being in the gender minority...I knew I was here because of my ability."

Marguerite Mohan
Executive director, chemical engineering, SM PR&D, Merck



"I loved being a chemical engineer and wanted to apply my skills where I'd make an impact on people's lives. The interface of research and manufacturing was a great place to start," said Mohan.


Tasked with developing and scaling up processes to safely, innovatively and robustly produce drug candidates for clinical trials and commercial use - these teams deliver for patients through cutting-edge science. They challenge the status-quo and try new things. That's also how they recognize and develop talent.


"We're committed to making sure everyone's voice is heard and respected. This has allowed women to frame what technical growth looks like from our point of view, bringing diversity of thought to the problem-solving and leadership table," said Mohan. "By challenging the status quo, we're creating stronger, more innovative teams filled with unique scientific talent."


A new generation of women scientists


Niki Patel and Cindy Hong joined Merck within the past six years - both drawn, in part, to the company's reputation as a scientific leader committed to improving human health.

Niki Patel和Cindy Hong在過去的六年中加入了默沙東-部分原因是公司的聲譽,致力於改善人類的健康。

"I was very aware of the team's novel and innovative science through publications in high-profile, peer-reviewed journals and presentations at conferences. This was a place where I wanted to do great science," said Patel, associate principal scientist, Merck.


It was also a place where both Patel and Hong knew they'd fit in.


"As a female graduate student, I was definitely outnumbered. But, when I interviewed here, I saw such diversity on the teams - including at leadership levels."

Cindy Hong
Associate principal scientist, Merck


Cindy Hong

"I knew this environment was right for me," said Hong. "I've worked with great female and male leaders since joining the company and been exposed to many different areas of expertise. I see real opportunities for growth."


Women empowering other women in science


Strong networks and outreach are important to not only maintain a pipeline to potential female scientist candidates but also retain and promote those already on the team. They can include things like collaborative communities, mentor programs, publishing papers or grassroots efforts.


"We're empowered to take steps to support women in this field."

Niki Patel
Associate principal scientist, Merck


Niki Patel

"For example, I've helped organize forums to discuss topics on diversity and inclusion and participated in career panels geared toward supporting women and underrepresented groups in the field," said Patel.

"例如,我已經幫助組織了論壇,討論了關於多樣性和包容性的話題,並參加了面向該領域中的女性和少數民族群體的職業論壇," Patel說。

Sometimes, that support might simply be a quick note of recognition.


"I try to acknowledge micro-accomplishments in the moment - things that seem small but are important to that person,'" said Mohan. "It's a simple, personal way to show someone they - and their work - matter."


In addition to kudos from colleagues, many of Merck's female scientists have been recognized externally. In the last three years, 12 women in the department have been honored with individual awards or as key contributors in team awards. These awards include the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Early Career Investigator, ACS WCC Rising Star, ACS Fellow, Heroes of Chemistry, the Edison Patent Award, the ACS Award for Computers in Chemistry and Pharma, and an HBA Rising Star.

除了來自同事的稱讚外,默沙東的許多女性科學家也得到了外部的認可。在過去的三年中,該部門中有12位女性科學家獲得了個人獎項或成爲團隊獎項的關鍵貢獻者。這些獎項包括ACS有機化學分會早期職業調查員,ACS WCC明日之星,ACS Fellow,Heroes of Chemistry,愛迪生專利獎,ACS表彰計算機在化學和製藥行業的應用,以及HBA明日之星。

"We have a high success rate," said McCabe Dunn. "Ninety-two percent of the women we've nominated or renominated for individual awards have won."

“我們有一個很高的成功率。” McCabe Dunn說。“我們提名或重新提名的92%的女性獲得了個人獎項。”

Can women have a successful career in science? Absolutely. As Mohan says, "Know your core, be true to it and value what makes you a unique asset."


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SOURCE: Merck & Co., Inc.


