
Rice for Hope – Charity Relay Raises Over S$200,000 With Over 1,000 Kg of Rice Hauled in 8 Minutes

Rice for Hope – Charity Relay Raises Over S$200,000 With Over 1,000 Kg of Rice Hauled in 8 Minutes

城市發展 ·  06/09 12:00

Singapore, 9 June 2024 – This weekend, Assisi Fun Day 2024, the biggest fundraising event for Assisi Hospice made its annual return. Over 300 CDL Group employees volunteered their time and heart to champion this meaningful cause, with a goal of raising S$1 million to support the care of Assisi Hospice's patients and their families. Held at SJI International, the event was graced by Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister for Finance and National Development and Ms Ho Ching, Patron of Assisi Hospice.

新加坡,2024年6月9日 - 今年的阿西西嘉年華2024週末回歸。這是Assisi Hospice的最大籌款活動。國浩集團的300多名員工志願參加了這個有意義的事業,旨在籌集100萬新元以支持Assisi Hospice病人及其家人的護理。活動在聖若瑟國際學校舉行,受到了總理辦公室和財政部、國家發展部第二部長Indranee Rajah女士、以及Assisi Hospice贊助人何金秀女士的光臨。

A key highlight of the event was the CDL Challenge – Rice for Hope, a special charity segment which alone raised over S$200,000 from CDL's staff and business partners. During the Challenge, various CDL staff, including the whole senior management team, formed two teams and competed in a relay to transport 10 kg bags of rice across 30 metres within eight minutes. Led by CDL Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr Sherman Kwek, and Group Chief Operating Officer Mr Kwek Eik Sheng, both teams raced against time and moved over 100 bags (over 1,000 kg) of rice, which will be donated by CDL to a local food charity, Food from the Heart.

賽程亮點之一是CDL挑戰 - Rice for Hope。這是一個特別的慈善環節,CDL的員工和商業夥伴僅在這個環節就籌集了超過20萬新元的資金。在挑戰賽中,包括整個高級管理團隊在內的不同CDL員工組成了兩個團隊,在8分鐘內競賽繼電器完成了將10公斤袋的大米在30米內運送。在CDL集團首席執行官Sherman Kwek先生和集團首席運營官Kwek Eik Sheng先生的帶領下,兩個團隊在時間的競賽中移動了超過100袋(超過1,000公斤)的大米,這些大米將被CDL捐贈給當地的食品慈善組織Heart食品慈善機構。

Mr Sherman Kwek, CDL Group CEO, said, "As a homegrown corporation, we have been actively supporting our community through various outreach and engagement initiatives. I am deeply heartened by the strong turnout and support from our CDL family, and the generous contributions from our business associates, friends and the community. The funds raised today will go towards helping Assisi Hospice sustain its impactful work and tireless efforts in caring for patients. Every little step makes a difference, and we hope to inspire more to support this meaningful cause."

國浩集團首席執行官Sherman Kwek 先生表示:"作爲一家本地公司,我們通過各種外展和參與活動積極支持我們的社區。我對國浩家族的強烈支持和大方的捐助,以及我們的商業夥伴、朋友和社區的慷慨奉獻深表感激。今天籌集的資金將用於幫助Assisi Hospice維護其具有影響力的工作和不懈的努力,併爲患者提供護理,每一小步都具有重大意義,我們希望激勵更多的人支持這個有意義的事業。"

Initiated in 2017 by Mr Kwek, the CDL Challenge has helped raise funds to support the care of Assisi Hospice's patients. During the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2022, the Assisi Fun Day event took on a virtual format where the CDL Group continued to help raise funds through e-stalls and rallied donations from their stakeholders. Last year, Assisi Fun Day resumed physically after a three-year hiatus and the CDL Challenge comprised a bubble soccer match.

CDL挑戰賽是由Kwek先生於2017年發起的,旨在幫助籌集資金支持Assisi Hospice的病人護理。在2020-2022年的COVID-19大流行期間,Assisi Fun Day活動採用了虛擬形式,CDL Group通過電子攤位繼續幫助籌集資金,並從利益相關者那裏發起了捐款。在去年,經過3年的休止之後,阿西西嘉年華恢復了實體活動,CDL挑戰環節包括一個泡泡足球比賽。

As the event's co-organiser, the CDL group set up nine stalls at the carnival – four by CDL employee volunteers, four by Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Limited (M&C) hotels, and one by sister company Hong Leong Finance, selling an array of delectable F&B items. CDL's subsidiary CBM Pte Ltd, the facilities partner of the event, contributed manpower and expertise in areas such as logistics, cleaning, and security.

作爲活動的聯合主辦方,國浩集團在嘉年華上設立了9個攤位,其中4個由國浩僱員志願者,4個由千禧國際酒店公司的酒店,另一個由姊妹公司豐隆金融擁有,銷售各種美食美食。國浩的子公司CBM Pte Ltd作爲設施合作方,在物流、清潔和安全等領域提供人力和專業知識。此外,6家千禧國際酒店,包括Copthorne King's Hotel Singapore、Grand Copthorne Waterfront Singapore、M Hotel Singapore、Orchard Hotel Singapore、M Social Singapore和Studio M Hotel,也贊助了幸運抽獎的F&B商品和酒店憑證。

Six M&C hotels – Copthorne King's Hotel Singapore, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Singapore, M Hotel Singapore, Orchard Hotel Singapore, M Social Singapore, and Studio M Hotel – also sponsored F&B and hotel vouchers as lucky draw prizes.

活動由Minister Indranee Rajah女士主持,她敲響了開幕的鐘聲。從左到右依次是Assisi Hospice主席Thomas Teo先生,SJI International校長Larry兄弟,榮譽嘉賓、財政部和國家發展部第二部長Rajah女士,Assisi Hospice的贊助人Ho Ching女士,國浩集團首席執行官Sherman Kwek先生和Assisi Hospice的首席執行官Choo Shiu Ling女士。

The event was graced by Minister Indranee Rajah (3rd from left) who sounded the gong to mark its opening. From left to right: Assisi Hospice Chairman Mr Thomas Teo, SJI International President Brother Larry, Guest-of-Honour Minister Rajah, Assisi Hospice Patron Ms Ho Ching, CDL Group CEO Mr Sherman Kwek and Assisi Hospice CEO Ms Choo Shiu Ling.
包括全體高管團隊在內的各種CDL員工由首席執行官Sherman Kwek先生和首席運營官Kwek Eik Sheng先生領導,參加了CDL挑戰活動,爲Assisi Hospice籌集資金。其他參加挑戰賽的國浩高管包括集團總經理Chia Ngiang Hong先生、首席財務官Yiong Yim Ming女士和首席投資官Gerald Yong先生。
Various CDL staff, including the whole senior management team, led by Group CEO Mr Sherman Kwek (5th from left) and Group COO Mr Kwek Eik Sheng (6th from left), participated in the CDL Challenge to raise funds for Assisi Hospice. CDL's other senior management participants in the Challenge include Group General Manager Mr Chia Ngiang Hong (4th from left), Group CFO Ms Yiong Yim Ming (7th from left) and Chief Investment Officer Mr Gerald Yong (3rd from left).
This year, more than 300 staff from the CDL Group volunteered their time and heart at Assisi Fun Day 2024.
Assisi Hospice爲患有壽命有限疾病的患者提供緩和治療,關懷他們和他們的家人。作爲慈善組織,醫院非常依賴公衆捐款以滿足營業費用的支出和患者的需求。

Assisi Hospice provides palliative care to patients with life-limiting illnesses, caring for them and their families. As a charity organisation, the hospice relies heavily on public donations to meet operating expenses, to provide for the needs of their patients.

訪問Assisi Hospice網站以了解您可以如何提供幫助。

Visit the Assisi Hospice website to find out how you can help.

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