
Arrow Electronics and NVIDIA Collaborate on New AI-Based Steering System for SAM Car

Arrow Electronics and NVIDIA Collaborate on New AI-Based Steering System for SAM Car

Arrow Electronics與英偉達合作開發基於人工智能的SAM車轉向系統
Accesswire ·  06/12 21:15

CENTENNIAL, CO / ACCESSWIRE / June 12, 2024 / When it comes to advancing mobility, Arrow Electronics is helping to set a new course. With an advanced processor made by NVIDIA, Arrow has designed a first of its kind, AI-powered steering system that uses facial recognition technology to control its latest SAM (Semi-Autonomous Mobility) Car.

關於推動移動性,Arrow Electronics正在開拓新方向。Arrow利用NVIDIA製造的先進處理器設計了一款首款基於人工智能的轉向系統,使用人臉識別技術來控制其最新的SAM(半自主移動)汽車。

Quadriplegic racecar driver Sam Schmidt recently drove at competitive speeds using the new system that he steers through head motions. Arrow engineers developed the new steering system using the latest NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin module, the only platform capable of delivering the high accuracy and low latency needed to control a car at speeds up to 213 mph.

四肢癱瘓賽車手山姆·施密特最近使用這種通過頭部動作控制的新系統以競爭速度行駛。Arrow工程師使用最新的NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin模塊開發了新的轉向系統,這是唯一能夠提供控制速度高達213英里每小時的汽車所需的高精度和低延遲的平台。

A low-profile stereo camera pair located on the dash captures Schmidt's movements in real time and feeds the data to the NVIDIA module. Using machine learning, the system processes the information and adjusts the steering angle automatically - within a few thousandths of a second.


The new AI steering replaces the car's original four-camera steering that used an older, infrared motion-capture based technology.


"With the AI, it's more controllable," said Schmidt. "There's no lag. It's instantaneous for high speed."


The steering enhancements could have everyday applications far beyond the racetrack. The technology could be used to control vehicles and large equipment in settings as different as farming, warehouses, public transit and construction so the operator - physically disabled or not - could perform multiple tasks.


"The SAM Car has evolved into a technology platform that really personifies enabling the benefit of technology for as many people as possible," said Murdoch Fitzgerald, Arrow vice president of global engineering and design services.

Arrow Electronics是成千上萬領先技術製造商和服務提供商的創新引領者。Arrow在2023年實現了330億美元的銷售額,並開發了有助於改善業務和日常生活的技術解決方案。了解更多信息請訪問。Arrow副總裁Murdoch Fitzgerald表示,“SAM Car已經演變成一種技術平台,爲儘可能多的人提供技術福利。”

About Arrow Electronics
Arrow Electronics guides innovation forward for thousands of leading technology manufacturers and service providers. With 2023 sales of $33 billion, Arrow develops technology solutions that help improve business and daily life. Learn more at

關於Arrow Electronics
Arrow Electronics是成千上萬領先技術製造商和服務提供商的創新引領者。Arrow在2023年實現了330億美元的銷售額,並開發了有助於改善業務和日常生活的技術解決方案。了解更多信息請訪問。



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SOURCE: Arrow Electronics

來源:Arrow Electronics

