
Creating an Equitable Workplace When "DEI" Isn't an Option

Creating an Equitable Workplace When "DEI" Isn't an Option

Accesswire ·  06/12 21:15

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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 12, 2024 / In today's shifting landscape, the dialogue on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is rapidly evolving. With high turnover for chief diversity officers and employers reevaluating DEI programs, it's time for a fresh approach to workplace equity. Baker Tilly's Chief Diversity Officer Shane Lloyd shared insights in a recent webinar with Attuned on how to create an equitable workplace.

2024年6月12日/ACCESSWIRE/馬薩諸塞州諾森普頓:在當今不斷變化的環境下,多元化、公平性和包容性(DEI)的對話正在迅速發展。隨着首席多元化官員的高流動性和僱主重新評估DEI計劃,到了應該採取全新方法追求工作場所公平性的時候了。Baker Tilly的首席多元化官員Shane Lloyd在最近與Attuned舉辦的網絡研討會上分享了一些見解。

Emily McCrary-Ruiz-Esparza: "Shane was is your point of view, what advice do you have for employers who are worried about resistance or outright opposition?"

Emily McCrary-Ruiz-Esparza:“Shane你的觀點是什麼?你對那些擔心會遭到抵制或直接反對的僱主有什麼建議?”

Shane Lloyd: "There are a few things that actually come to mind. I actually want to pull Dr. Steel's comments around Universal Design because said another way that what's called the curb cut phenomenon. So how do we design for the most vulnerable to the benefit of many and then begin telling some of those stories? So, if we think of curb cuts in the street initially designed for people in wheelchairs but also work for people who are pushing strollers, pushing baby carriages and then also people with temporary injuries or people with bicycles. How do we make some of those connections so people can see that we are aiming to lift all boats even as we are trying to level the playing field and closing gaps? So that mindset, that philosophy of curb cut connected to the storytelling, becomes particularly important. Next, I also think it's important to make the invisible visible. So oftentimes, we might hear, well, why is there this special program or sponsorship program for women or people of color? Well actually, the reason that these sponsorship programs exist is because there's actually a ton of very invisible untracked and unaccounted for mentoring that is happening in the people who are well represented in our organizations across levels."

Shane Lloyd:“我想到了幾個方面。我想引用鋼鐵博士關於通用設計的評論,因爲說句不一樣的話,那就是所謂的路牙石現象。那麼我們如何爲最脆弱的人們設計,使更多人受益,然後開始講述其中的一些故事呢?那麼,如果我們將路牙石最初設計爲殘疾人士使用,但它也適用於推嬰兒車、推嬰兒車的人以及暫時受傷或騎自行車的人。我們如何建立這些聯繫,讓人們看到我們正在努力提升所有船隻的水平,同時努力消除差距和縮小鴻溝?因此,這種思維方式,這種與故事聯繫起來的哲學,尤其重要。其次,我認爲讓看不見的東西看得見也很重要。因此,我們經常會聽到,嗯,爲什麼要爲女性或有色人種人員推出這種特殊的贊助計劃或贊助項目?實際上,這些贊助計劃存在的原因是因爲我們機構內受到良好代表的人們層次之間正在進行着大量不可見的、未跟蹤和未計算的指導工作。”

Watch the full webinar recording here


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SOURCE: Baker Tilly

來源:Baker Tilly

