
Sorrento Resources to Acquire Copper-Gold Lord Baron Project, Newfoundland

Sorrento Resources to Acquire Copper-Gold Lord Baron Project, Newfoundland

Sorrento資源公司將收購位於紐芬蘭的銅-黃金Lord Baron項目
newsfile ·  06/12 21:15

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 12, 2024) - Sorrento Resources Ltd. (CSE: SRS) (OTCQB: SRSLF) (the "Company" or "Sorrento") a Canadian exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral projects in Atlantic Canada, is pleased to announce that it has entered into three purchase agreements (the "Project Agreements") for the acquisition of a 100% undivided interest in the minerals licenses collectively representing the Lord Baron Project ( the "Project") located in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador (the "Transaction").

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省--(新聞稿 - 2024年6月12日) - Sorrento資源有限公司(CSE: SRS) (OTCQB: SRSLF)("公司"或"Sorrento"),一家加拿大勘探公司,專注於收購,勘探和開發大西洋加拿大地區的礦產項目,高興地宣佈已經簽訂了三份購買協議("項目協議"),用於取得礦產許可證100%的不可分割權益,這些許可證的集體代表是Lord Baron項目("該項目"),位於紐芬蘭與拉布拉多省("該省")項目協議Lord Baron項目項目該項目交易").

The Project Agreements, all dated June 11, 2024, consist of (i) a mineral property purchase agreement with Wesley Keats, Neal Blackmore, Kluane Capital FZCO, CBN Consulting Corp. and G2B Gold Inc. (the Keats-Blackmore Agreement") for the acquisition of ten mineral licenses (the "Keats-Blackmore Licenses"), (ii) a mineral property purchase agreement with Corwin Northcott (the "Northcott Agreement") for the acquisition of two mineral licenses (the "Northcott Licenses") and (iii) a mineral property purchase agreement with Edge Exploration (the "Edge Agreement") for the acquisition of one mineral license (the "Edge Licenses").

項目協議,全部於2024年6月11日簽訂,包括(i)與Wesley Keats,Neal Blackmore,Kluane Capital FZCO,CBN Consulting Corp. and G2B Gold公司 ("Keats-Blackmore 協議"),用於在某些地方取得4,000,000共同股,以及授予Keats-Blackmore許可證的2%淨冶煉收益的特定機構權益,收取20,000美元現金的礦業物業購買協議,(ii)與Corwin Northcott( "Northcott 協議"),用於在某些地方取得200,000共同股,以及授予Northcott許可證的2%淨冶煉收益的權益,收取17,500美元現金的礦業物業購買協議,以及(iii)與Edge Exploration( "Edge 協議"),用於在某些地方取得100,000共同股,以及授予Edge許可證的2%淨冶煉收益的權益,收取10,000美元現金的礦業物業購買協議。Keats-Blackmore協議許可證Keats-Blackmore許可證), (ii)與Corwin Northcott簽訂了礦產購置協議Northcott協議許可證Northcott許可證),及(iii)與Edge Exploration簽訂的礦產購置協議Edge協議許可證Edge許可證").

Pursuant to the Keats-Blackmore Agreement, the Company has agreed to acquire the Keats-Blackmore Licenses in consideration of (i) the payment $20,000 in cash, (ii) the issuance of an aggregate of 4,000,000 common shares of the Company and (ii) the grant of a 2% net smelter returns royalty on the Keats-Blackmore Licenses to certain of the vendors.


Pursuant to the Northcott Agreement, the Company has agreed to acquire the Northcott Licenses in consideration of (i) the payment $17,500 in cash, (ii) the issuance of an aggregate of 200,000 common shares of the Company and (ii) the grant of a 2% net smelter returns royalty on the Northcott Licenses to Mr. Northcott.


Pursuant to the Edge Agreement, the Company has agreed to acquire the Edge License in consideration of (i) the payment $10,000 in cash, (ii) the issuance of an aggregate of 100,000 common shares of the Company and (ii) the grant of a 2% net smelter returns royalty on the Edge License to Edge Exploration.

根據Edge協議,公司同意在支付10,000美元現金、發行100,000股公司普通股以及授權Edge Exploration擁有的Edge許可證的2%淨冶煉收益後收購Edge許可證。

All the vendors of the licenses forming the Project deal with the Company at arm's length. Closing of the Transaction remains subject to, without limitation, receiving all necessary consents and approvals, as well as the satisfaction of customary closing conditions. Sorrento expects to complete the Transaction on or around June 19, 2024. No finder's fees are payable in connection with the sale.


The Project, consists of 13 individual mineral licenses made up of 226 individual claims for an area of 5,650ha.


Figure 1: Map of the consolidated Lord Baron Project, along with other noteworthy projects in the district.

圖1:特斯拉-地圖顯示的Lord Baron項目區域,以及區域內其他值得注意的項目。

These developments mark a milestone expansion for Sorrento as the areas at the Lord Baron Project are near and along strike of the historic Little Bay, Whalesback, and Little Deer mines along with several additional exploration targets:

這些開發標誌着Sorrento的重大擴張,因爲Lord Baron項目區域靠近並與歷史悠久的Little Bay、Whalesback和Little Deer礦山以及其他幾個勘探目標相連。

  • Little Bay Mine:
  • Little Bay礦山:
    • Operated from 1878-1903 and 1961-1969
    • Produced 2,850,000 tonnes at grades ranging from 0.89% to 1.96% copper and 6,300 ounces of gold
    • Located along strike and <1km from the Lord Baron Project
    • 自1878-1903年和1961-1969年運營
    • 產出285萬噸銅品位在0.89%至1.96%和6300盎司黃金
    • 位於Lord Baron項目區域內,並沿礦帶延伸小於1公里
  • Whalesback Mine:
  • Whalesback礦山:
    • Operated from 1965-1972
    • Produced 3,800,000 tonnes grading ~1% copper
    • Located along strike and <1km from the Lord Baron Project
    • 自1965-1972年運營
    • 產出380萬噸,品位約爲1%的銅
    • 位於Lord Baron項目區域內,並沿礦帶延伸小於1公里
  • Little Deer Mine:
  • Little Deer礦山:
    • Connected to the Whalesback mine
    • Operated only in 1974
    • Produced ~82,000 tonnes of ore
    • Current NI-43-101 mineral resource estimate of 9,100,000 tonnes grading 1.9% copper
    • Deposit remains open for expansion in all directions
    • Located along strike and <2km from the Lord Baron Project
    • 與Whalesback礦山相連
    • 僅在1974年運營
    • 產出約8.2萬噸的礦石
    • 當前的NI-43-101礦產資源評估爲910萬噸,品位爲1.9%的銅
    • 存入資金在所有方向上仍保持開放
    • 位於Lord Baron項目區域內,並沿礦帶延伸小於2公里

The mineralization present on adjacent properties is not necessarily indicative of the presence of similar mineralization on the Lord Baron Project.

相鄰物業上的礦化不一定表示Lord Baron項目區域內存在相似的礦化。

  • Key Exploration Targets
  • 關鍵勘探目標
    • A total of 7 known mineral occurrences located directly on the project site
    • Shimmey Pond (grab samples up to 15.9 g/t Au)
    • Shoal Arm (grab samples up to 8.9% Cu and 1.39 g/t Au)
    • Little bay Head (grab samples up to 8.98% Cu and 0.767 g/t Au)
    • Southern Arm (grab samples up to 2.03% Cu)
    • Otter Island (grab samples up to 2.03% Cu and 10.4 g/t Au)
    • CSCJV-1 (grab samples averaged 0.33% Cu over a 600x300m area)
    • Clam pond (grab samples up to 0.56 g/t Au)
    • 項目現場共有7處已知的礦體產出點
    • Shimmey Pond(岩石取樣含金量高達15.9克/噸)
    • Shoal Arm(岩石取樣含銅8.9%和金1.39克/噸)
    • Little bay Head(岩石取樣含銅8.98%和金0.767克/噸)
    • Southern Arm(岩石取樣含銅2.03%)
    • Otter Island(岩石取樣含銅2.03%和金10.4克/噸)
    • CSCJV-1(岩石取樣平均銅含量爲600x300m範圍內的0.33%)
    • Clam pond(岩石取樣含金0.56克/噸)

The results of historic sampling completed on the Project have not been verified by the Company.


Figure 2: Lord Baron property compilation of key exploration targets.

圖2: Lord Baron物業勘探目標的綜合圖。

About the Lord Baron Project

關於Lord Baron項目。

The Lord Baron Project is located on the Springdale peninsula, Newfoundland and Labrador near the towns of Springdale, Little Bay, and Beachside. The region has a rich mining history and is host to a skilled workforce, several diamond drilling contractors, a NI-43-101 compliant assay lab, and mining equipment and parts suppliers. In addition, it is adjacent to deep water ports, industrial hydroelectric power supply, and is in proximity to the Nugget Pond mill.

Lord Baron項目位於紐芬蘭和拉布拉多的Springdale半島,靠近Springdale、Little Bay和Beachside城鎮。該地區擁有豐富的採礦歷史,擁有熟練的勞動力,多家金剛石鑽探承包商,符合NI-43-101標準的化驗實驗室,採礦設備和零部件供應商。此外,它毗鄰深水港口,有工業用水電源供應,並且靠近Nugget Pond礦廠。

The Project consists of 13 individual mineral licenses made up of 226 individual claims for an area of 5,650ha. The Project is predominately underlain by rocks of the Lush's Bight Group of the tectonostratigraphic Dunnage Zone of the Appalachian Orogen. The Lush's Bight Group is a Cambro-Ordovician sequence of ophiolitic metavolcanic rocks representing a portion of the oceanic crust of the proto-Atlantic Ocean, the Iapetus Sea. The group has been metamorphosed to greenschist facies and has undergone extensive faulting related to the initial formation of oceanic crust as well as the Taconic and Acadian Orogenies.

該項目由226個單獨的權利要求組成,共佔地面積爲5,650公頃,由13個單獨的礦業許可證組成。該項目主要由阿帕拉契山脈構造地層Dunnage帶的Lush's Bight岩石組成。Lush's Bight岩石組是奧陶紀東西大洋的一部分,是一系列角閃巖質變成巖巖石。這個群組經歷了綠片岩相變質,並經歷了與形成東西大洋的海洋殼初期形成以及Taconic和Acadian Orogenies有關的廣泛斷層作用。

The Lush's Bight Group contains more base metal sulphide showings per square kilometer than any other group of rocks in Newfoundland. The showings typically occur in an envelope of chlorite schist.

Lush's Bight岩石組每平方公里含有比紐芬蘭其他岩層更多的基礎金屬硫化物礦化顯示。這些顯示通常出現在綠泥石片岩包裹體內。

Figure 3: Semi-massive to massive sulphide mineralization located on Sorrento's newly acquired Lord Baron Project

圖3:位於Sorrento新收購的Lord Baron項目上的半塊狀到塊狀硫化物礦化。

Management Commentary


Alex Bugden, P. Geo., Director and Qualified Person of Sorrento Resources Ltd., commented, "We are very excited to announce this acquisition of properties in such a prospective district with a rich history of mining and exploration. The Lord Baron Project has no shortage of exploration targets, and we look forward to leveraging our technical expertise to unlock the full mineral potential for our shareholders."

Sorrento資源有限公司的董事和有資格人員Alex Bugden地質學家說:“我們非常高興宣佈這一有前途地區的物業收購,其採礦和勘探歷史非常豐富,Lord Baron項目的勘探目標不會不夠,我們期待運用我們的技術專長,爲我們的股東解鎖其全部礦產潛力。”

Qualified Person


Alex Bugden, P. Geo., a Qualified Person in accordance with National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this press release.

符合國家43-101規定的資格人員Alex Bugden,地質學家審查並批准了本新聞稿中所包含的技術信息。

About Sorrento Resources Ltd.


Sorrento Resources is engaged in acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral property assets in Canada. The Company's objective is to locate and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit in including the Wing Pond, Tom Joe and Lord Baron projects, the PEG lithium project, and the Harmsworth (VMS) project all located in Newfoundland.

Sorrento Resources從事加拿大礦產資產的收購、勘探和開發。該公司的目標是在新不倫瑞克省開發經濟價值的貴重和基礎金屬礦產,包括Wing Pond、Tom Joe和Lord Baron項目、PEG鋰礦項目和Harmsworth(VMS)項目。

On Behalf of The Board of Directors,


Brayden Sutton
President and Chief Executive Officer

Brayden Sutton

Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information

關於前瞻性信息的免責聲明本新聞稿可能含有前瞻性聲明。這些聲明包括涉及公司的管理團隊和董事會,Sanoukou Gold Project,Tilemi磷酸鹽項目以及公司未來計劃和目標的影響。這些聲明基於目前的預期和假設,面臨着風險和不確定性。實際結果可能因爲在我們的中期和最近的年度財務報告的管理討論和分析部分或其他報告和文件及TSX Venture Exchange和適用的加拿大證券法規中所討論的因素而有所不同。我們不承擔任何更新前瞻性聲明的義務,除非法律規定。

This news release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements that are not historical facts, including without limitation, statements regarding future estimates, plans, programs, forecasts, projections, objectives, assumptions, expectations or beliefs of future performance, including statements regarding the ability of the Company to complete and the timing of the closing the Transaction, statements with respect to the Project and its mineralization potential, the Company's objectives, goals or future plans with respect to the Project and the timing of results are "forward-looking statements". Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable and reflect expectations of future developments and other factors which management believes to be reasonable and relevant, the Company can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including those detailed from time to time in filings made by the Company with securities regulatory authorities, which may cause actual outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.


Neither the CSE nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


