
Emilia Clarke Égérie of Pegasus Distillerie. The French Organic Spirits Creator Appoints Her As Global Brand Ambassador

Emilia Clarke Égérie of Pegasus Distillerie. The French Organic Spirits Creator Appoints Her As Global Brand Ambassador

PR Newswire ·  06/12 21:01

The actress comes onboard as the spirits brand expands its global footprint and launches DTC purchasing options in the U.S.


MEURSAULT, France, June 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following its arrival in the United States this spring, Pegasus Distillerie, a premium organic spirits brand founded in France's Burgundy region, today names acclaimed actress and activist Emilia Clarke as Global Brand Ambassador. The award-winning actress joins as the brand expands its portfolio and presence internationally with direct-to-consumer purchasing options.

2024年6月12日,法國梅爾索(MEURSAULT) /PRNewswire/——緊隨其春季抵達美國之後,源自法國勃艮第地區的高端有機烈酒品牌Pegasus Distillerie,今日任命備受讚譽的女演員和活動家Emilia Clarke擔任全球品牌大使。這位屢獲殊榮的女演員加入了該品牌,隨着品牌擴展其組合和在國際上的存在,提供直接面向消費者的購買期權。作者: 孫月平 來源: PRNews中文網瀏覽次數: 8Pegasus Distillerie entrance to the U.S. market原題爲 Pegasus Distillerie聘請Emilia Clarke出任全球品牌大使

Credit: Getty Images
來源:Getty Images
Credit: Theo Le Foll
來源:Theo Le Foll

"Craftsmanship and human connection have always been of paramount importance to me," says Clarke. "As an actress, I pour my all into my craft, and Pegasus lends similar care and attention to detail into every bottle they produce. They create spirits in small batches prioritizing the finest organic ingredients and hand-picked botanicals and citruses from the surrounding regions. To me, this is French luxury at its finest. So much goes into the finished product, which is meant to be enjoyed mindfully, and I love how it elevates any moment celebrating with my friends and family. It's truly delicious."

“精湛的技藝和人與人之間的聯繫對我來說一直非常重要,”Clarke說。 “作爲一名演員,我全身心投入表演,而Pegasus對他們生產的每一瓶酒都投入了同樣的關注和細節。他們以小批量的方式製作烈酒,優先選擇周圍地區最優質的有機成分和手工採摘的植物和柑橘。對我來說,這才是法國奢侈品的代表。完成產品需要投入如此多的心思,產品還是需要被悉心品嚐的,我喜歡它如何在我和朋友和家人共度歡慶時光時昇華任何時刻。真是太美味了。”

Pegasus Distillerie made their entrance to the U.S. market in April 2024 with the launch of a new limited-edition meteorite-infused ultra-premium vodka, aptly named Shooting Star. The Pegasus portfolio includes: Pegasus Vodka, crafted from the finest organic French wheat and pure spring-fed Meursault water; Orion Gin, a fusion between six botanicals from the Swiss Alps and citruses from the French Riviera; and, Eau d'Or Liqueur, a liqueur whose recipe originates back to the master distillers of Versailles under Louis the XIV, that masterfully combines the bitterness of oranges, the acidity of lemon and the sweetness of orange blossoms.

2024年4月,Pegasus Distillerie推出了一種新的限量版流星灌注的超級高端伏特加,名爲流星雨Pegasus系列包括:有機法國小麥和純淨的Meursault山泉水製成的佩加索伏特加和來自瑞士阿爾卑斯山和法國藍色海岸的柑橘混合的獵戶座琴酒以及起源於路易十四的大師蒸餾技術,巧妙地將橙子的苦味、檸檬的酸味和橙花的甜味結合起來的甜酒。

"I am so pleased to welcome Emilia Clarke to the Pegasus family," says Founder, CEO & Master Distiller Maxime Girardin. "In many ways I see her as an égérie, a muse – her elegance, stamina, and joie de vivre embody Pegasus' core values and speak to the brand's mission of savoring life to the fullest whilst creating lasting memories. We look forward to this partnership and to seeing all the collaborative ideas we have come to life to jointly sustain our momentum in creating premium innovative elixirs to be enjoyed in shared moments of wonder."

“我很高興歡迎Emilia Clarke加入Pegasus大家庭,”Founder、CEO兼總蒸餾師Maxime Girardin表示。“在很多方面,我把她看作是一位代言人,一位繆斯女神——她的優雅、耐力和生活的樂趣體現了Pegasus的核心價值,也表達了品牌盡情享受生活、創造持久回憶的使命。我們期待着這次合作,期待着看到我們所有的合作想法成爲現實,共同維繫創造出可持續發展的高端創新酒精飲品的動力,並在想象中的歡樂時刻共同享受。

Pegasus Distillerie was founded in Meursault, France, in 2021 by Master Distiller Maxime Girardin, who hails from a lineage of third-generation winemakers and entrepreneurs. Drawing inspiration from Burgundy's rich terroir, the Pegasus Distillerie spirits portfolio is comprised of the purest organic ingredients, crafted using the most advanced distillation technology. The organic wheat at the base of the spirits is selected from local French producers and then reduced with pure spring water from a well drilled directly beneath the distillery. The citruses used for the Liqueur and Gin are harvested by hand and cultivated organically in the south of France, as are the botanicals coming from the Swiss Alps.

Pegasus Distillerie於2021年在法國梅爾索創立,由第三代葡萄酒製造商和企業家Maxime Girardin擔任蒸餾大師。從勃艮第豐富的土壤中汲取靈感,Pegasus Distillerie烈酒組合由純淨的有機成分製成,使用最先進的蒸餾工藝進行精心製作。基礎烈酒的有機小麥是從當地法國生產商選擇的,然後與直接在蒸餾廠下鑽的純淨泉水混合。用於甜酒和琴酒的柑橘是手工採摘的,有機栽培在法國南部,而來自瑞士阿爾卑斯山的植物也是如此。

Pegasus Distillerie spirits are currently distributed in New York, California and Florida. To find a retailer or purchase online, please visit .

Pegasus Distillerie的烈酒目前在紐約、加利福尼亞和佛羅里達州銷售。要查找零售商或在線購買,請訪問 .

About Pegasus Distillerie
Pegasus Distillerie is a premium spirits brand based in Meursault, Burgundy, in France. Founded in 2021 by Master Distiller Maxime Girardin, whose winemaking heritage spans three generations, Pegasus Distillerie crafts exceptional spirits drawing inspiration from nature's grandeur, terroir, and innovation inviting its consumers to Taste The Wonder. Infused with the essence of organic produce, with the addition of pure water and a technologically advanced distillation, the premium range of vodkas, gins, and liqueurs ensures an unparalleled taste experience for discerning enthusiasts. Pegasus Distillerie strives to combine authenticity, discovery, and pleasure to offer simple, yet inventive and refined creations meant to be enjoyed in shared moments of wonder that create long-lasting memories. For more information, visit .

關於Pegasus Distillerie
Pegasus Distillerie是一家位於法國勃艮第Meursault的高檔烈酒品牌。由釀酒大師Maxime Girardin於2021年創立,他的葡萄酒釀造傳統跨越三個世代,Pegasus Distillerie創造卓越的烈酒,從自然的壯麗、風土和創新中汲取靈感,邀請消費者品嚐驚奇的味道。品味奇蹟。藉助有機農產品的精華,並添加純淨水和先進技術的蒸餾,高檔伏特加、杜松子酒和利口酒系列確保了挑剔愛好者無與倫比的品嚐體驗。Pegasus Distillerie致力於將真實、發現和享受相結合,提供簡單、但創新和精美的釀造,旨在在創造持久記憶的共享時刻享受。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .

SOURCE Pegasus Distillerie

資料來源:Pegasus Distillerie

