
Civic Renewables Launches to Create National Network of Local Clean Energy Businesses

Civic Renewables Launches to Create National Network of Local Clean Energy Businesses

PR Newswire ·  06/12 20:00

Backed by GEF Capital, Civic Announces First Acquisitions of Green Rack Solar and Ipsun Solar

在GEF Capital的支持下,Civic宣佈首次收購格林瑞克太陽能和艾普森太陽能。

WASHINGTON, June 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Solar industry veterans are launching Civic Renewables ("Civic") to create a new business model to empower local solar businesses through a national network. Established with the backing of GEF Capital, a Washington, D.C.-based private equity firm focused on climate change and pollution mitigation, Civic will act as the parent company to local clean energy businesses, integrating the efficiencies and resources of a large organization with the commitment to quality, service, and integrity of community-based businesses. The company's founding leadership brings decades of experience from leading solar companies, including Tesla Energy, SolarCity, and SunRun. Civic has completed its first two acquisitions of local solar installation businesses: Green Rack Solar and Ipsun Solar.

2024年6月12日,華盛頓——太陽能行業的老將們正在推出Civic Renewables(“Civic”),以創建一種新的業務模式,通過一個國家性網絡賦權本地太陽能企業。Civic由GEF Capital支持,這是一家總部位於華盛頓特區的股權投資公司,專注於氣候變化和污染控制。Civic將作爲本地清潔能源企業的母公司面世,將一個大型組織的效率和資源與社區企業的質量、服務和誠信承諾相結合。該公司的創始領導人員擁有領先的太陽能公司數十年的經驗,包括特斯拉能源、SolarCity和SunRun。Civic已完成了其前兩個本地太陽能安裝企業的收購:格林瑞克太陽能和艾普森太陽能。Civic由GEF Capital支持。16.6%GEF Capital是一家總部位於華盛頓特區的私人股權投資公司,專注於氣候變化和污染控制。一家總部位於華盛頓特區的私募股權公司GEF Capital的支持。Green Rack Solar專注於賓夕法尼亞州和俄亥俄州西部的住宅太陽能安裝。和頁面。Ipsun Solar專注於弗吉尼亞北部、華盛頓特區和馬里蘭州的住宅和商業太陽能安裝。.

  • Green Rack Solar

    Green Rack Solar
    specializes in residential solar installations in Western Pennsylvania and Ohio.

  • psun Solar

    Ipsun Solar
    specializes in residential and commercial solar installations across Northern Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland.
  • 格林瑞克太陽能專注於賓夕法尼亞州和俄亥俄州西部的住宅太陽能安裝。


  • Ipsun Solar是一個本地太陽能安裝企業。

    Ipsun Solar專注於弗吉尼亞北部、華盛頓特區和馬里蘭州的住宅和商業太陽能安裝。
    Ipsun Solar專注於弗吉尼亞北部、華盛頓特區和馬里蘭州的住宅和商業太陽能安裝。

Civic Renewables represents a new business model to empower local solar businesses through a national network.

Civic Renewables代表了一種賦權本地太陽能企業的新業務模式。

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"Providing local solar businesses the tools to thrive is the key to accelerating solar adoption nationwide. Green Rack and Ipsun are fantastic local companies that deliver the highest quality installations and service in their market. We've founded Civic Renewables to support these exact types of great local businesses and allow them to flourish," said Leon Keshishian, founder and CEO of Civic Renewables. "We're grateful for the partnership and backing of GEF Capital Partners and look forward to working together to build a new business model for local solar."

Civic Renewables的創始人兼首席執行官Leon Keshishian表示:“爲本地太陽能企業提供發展工具是推動全國太陽能採用的關鍵。Green Rack和Ipsun是優秀的本地企業,它們在自己的市場上提供最高質量的安裝和服務。我們創立了Civic Renewables,以支持這些精英型本地企業,讓它們興旺發達。我們深表感激GEF Capital Partners的合作與支持,並期待攜手共同爲本地太陽能構建新的商業模式。”

"We are excited to partner with Civic Renewables in their efforts to support local solar businesses and accelerate clean energy solutions. Their mission to speed the clean energy transition by empowering local solar will help people transition towards less expensive forms of renewable energy. We have great confidence in the Civic Renewables team's ability to lead this charge and build this new business model," said Stuart Barkoff, co-founder and Managing Partner of GEF Capital Partners.

GEF Capital Partners的聯合創始人和管理合夥人Stuart Barkoff表示:“我們很高興能與Civic Renewables合作,支持本地太陽能企業並加速清潔能源解決方案。他們通過賦權本地太陽能,加速清潔能源的轉型,將幫助人們向更便宜的可再生能源過渡。我們對Civic Renewables團隊領導這一進程並構建這種新的商業模式充滿信心。”

"Partnering with Civic Renewables allows us to focus on what we do best–quality installation and service. I know and respect the team at Civic, this is a perfect fit for us as we move forward to help our community's homeowners unlock remarkable financial savings through solar," said Eben Needham, Founder of Green Rack Solar.

格林瑞克太陽能創始人Eben Needham表示:“與Civic Renewables合作,讓我們專注於我們最擅長的品質安裝和服務。我認識並尊重Civic的團隊,這是我們未來幫助我們社區的房主通過太陽能解鎖顯着財務節省的完美合作。”

Civic Renewables is dedicated to speeding the clean energy transition by empowering local solar. The company is actively pursuing opportunities with local businesses across the country.

Civic Renewables致力於通過賦權本地太陽能,加速清潔能源轉型。該公司積極尋求與全國的本地企業合作機會。

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About Civic Renewables

關於Civic Renewables

Civic Renewables is a national parent company to a growing network of local clean energy businesses. Founded by a team of accomplished solar veteran leaders, Civic Renewables is uniquely positioned to create a new clean energy business model. We deliver a large organization's resources and operational efficiencies combined with the local insight and commitment to quality of community-based businesses. Civic provides its family of businesses with support that allows them to focus on delivering an unparalleled customer experience. Civic Renewables has formed a strategic partnership with GEF Capital Partners, established leaders in global sustainability and environmental investing, to provide the company with funding, guidance, and a network of committed global stakeholders.

Civic Renewables是一個國家級母公司,擁有不斷增長的本地清潔能源業務網絡。由一支經驗豐富的太陽能老將領導的團隊創建,Civic Renewables獨具優勢,可以創造出全新的清潔能源商業模式。我們提供大型機構資源和運營效率,與以社區爲基礎的企業的本地洞察力和質量承諾相結合。Civic爲它的企業家族提供支持,讓他們專注於提供無與倫比的客戶體驗。Civic Renewables與環球環境基金(GEF Capital Partners)建立了戰略合作關係,GEF Capital Partners是全球可持續性和環境投資領域的領先金融機構,爲公司提供資金、指導以及一批投身可持續發展的全球股東。

About GEF Capital Partners:

關於GEF Capital Partners:

GEF Capital Partners is a global private equity firm that that was established in March 2018 following a collaborative spinout from Global Environment Fund, an early pioneer in global sustainability and environmental investing. With offices in the United States, India and Brazil, and investments spanning the clean energy, energy efficiency, waste, water and resource efficiency sectors, GEF Capital invests in companies that have developed solutions to help address climate change and pollution mitigation. By partnering with management teams that operate in high-growth markets, GEF Capital brings a value-added approach to its investments to grow leading companies and ensure a more sustainable future. In the United States, the Fund's impact strategy and approach is highlighted in GEF Capital's 2023 Impact Strategy Report. More is available at .

GEF Capital Partners是一家全球私募股權投資公司,成立於2018年3月,由全球環境基金(Global Environment Fund)聯合剝離。全球環境基金是全球可持續性和環境投資的早期開拓者。GEF Capital Partners在美國、印度和巴西設有辦事處,並投資於清潔能源、能源效率、廢棄物、水資源和資源效率等領域的企業,投資於已經開發出有助於應對氣候變化和污染緩解的解決方案的公司。通過與高成長市場的管理團隊合作,GEF Capital Partners爲其投資帶來增值方法,增長領先的公司,確保未來更可持續。在美國,該基金對影響策略和方法的研究在,“2023 Impact Strategy Report”中有詳細闡述。更多內容請參見,2023影響戰略報告更多信息請參見,.

SOURCE Civic Renewables

數據來源:Civic Renewables

