
Waters | Wyatt Technology Forms a Strategic Collaboration With Bioz to Promote Scientific Discovery by Leveraging Publications

Waters | Wyatt Technology Forms a Strategic Collaboration With Bioz to Promote Scientific Discovery by Leveraging Publications

沃特世 | Wyatt Technology 與 Bioz 結成戰略合作伙伴關係,通過利用出版物促進科學發現。
Accesswire ·  06/12 16:00

PALO ALTO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / June 12, 2024 / Bioz, Inc., a cutting-edge AI software company that is deeply invested in facilitating research capabilities, is pleased to announce its recent partnership with the Waters | Wyatt Technology group, a recognized leader in the light scattering instrumentation space.

Bioz公司是一家尖端人工智能軟件公司,致力於促進研究能力。該公司自豪地宣佈其最近與沃特世 | Wyatt Technology Group達成合作夥伴關係,後者是光散射儀器領域的公認領導者。

Bioz Pro Badge
Bioz Pro Badge on the Waters | Wyatt Technology Website
Bioz Pro Badge
沃特世 | Wyatt Technology網站上的Bioz Pro Badge

In this exciting collaboration, BiozTM Badges, digital web-based widgets that showcase product mentions from within scientific journal publications, provide usage validation for each of Waters | Wyatt Technology's products. In addition to Bioz Badges, Waters | Wyatt Technology features a Bioz Content Hub, a knowledgebase representing all of Waters | Wyatt Technology's product citations on one standalone page, where researchers are able to search and filter through article snippets, figure legends, and images. This publication data comes directly from research articles, providing credibility as it guides customers in understanding how Waters | Wyatt Technology's products have been used in previous research experiments.

在這次令人興奮的合作中,Bioz Badges是數字化的基於Web的小部件,可展示來自科學期刊出版物內的產品提及,併爲沃特世 | Wyatt Technology的每個產品提供使用驗證。除了Bioz徽章之外,沃特世 | Wyatt Technology還提供Bioz內容中心,這是一個知識庫,代表立體聲| Wyatt Technology的所有產品引文在一個獨立的頁面上,研究人員可以在其中搜索和過濾文章段落、插圖和圖片。這些出版物數據直接來自研究文章,提供了可信度,幫助客戶了解沃特世 | Wyatt Technology的產品在以前的研究實驗中是如何被使用的。此款超便攜式投影儀使用了最新的 Android TV 界面,而且遙控器還內置了 Google AssistantTM 功能,用戶可以非常方便地使用它。沃特世 | Wyatt Technology的市場與策略總監Colette Quinn博士表示:“我們對於發現出版物的便利程度以及Bioz徽章和Bioz內容中心增加的網站參與度的正面反饋感到熱情洋溢。”Quinn博士還分享道:“Bioz團隊確保集成過程是無縫和直截了當的。”

Dr. Colette Quinn, Director of Marketing & Strategy at Waters | Wyatt Technology, stated, "We are enthusiastic about the positive feedback regarding the ease of finding publications, and the increased website engagement generated by Bioz Badges and the Bioz Content Hub." Dr. Quinn additionally shares, "The Bioz team ensured that the integration process was seamless and straightforward."

Bioz的聯合創始人兼首席運營官Karin Lachmi博士對這次合作表示了興奮,她說:“我們很高興與沃特世 | Wyatt Technology建立合作關係,後者是該行業值得信賴的品牌,在分析儀器領域始終處於技術先驅地位。”

Dr. Karin Lachmi, co-founder and CRO of Bioz, expressed her excitement for the partnership, stating, "We are very pleased to have partnered with Waters | Wyatt Technology, a trusted name in the industry, as they remain at the forefront of technological advancements in the analytical instrumentation space."

以研究和開發爲重點,沃特世| Wyatt Technology的儀器廣泛應用於各個領域,包括製藥領域、生物技術、環保母基和材料研究等。該公司提供一系列先進的分析儀器,如色譜系統、質譜儀和光譜儀器等,每種儀器都旨在爲複雜的科學分析提供精確和可靠的結果。這些產品對不同研究領域的貢獻得到同行評議出版物的支持,通過Bioz徽章和內容中心突出顯示,以賦予研究人員在其科學進步中的力量。

With a strong emphasis on research and development, Waters | Wyatt Technology's instruments are widely used across various fields, including the pharmaceutical space, biotechnology, environmental science, and materials research. The company offers a range of advanced analytical instruments, such as chromatography systems, mass spectrometers, and spectroscopy tools, each designed to deliver precise and reliable results for complex scientific analyses. These product contributions to the various research fields are reinforced by peer-reviewed publications, highlighted through Bioz Badges and Content Hubs to empower researchers in their scientific advancements.


About Bioz


Bioz is the world's most advanced AI search engine for life science experimentation, with evidence-based product ratings and recommendations to guide biopharma and academic scientists toward the most-validated products to use in their experiments, which accelerates research toward new discoveries. Bioz solutions for suppliers include Bioz Badges and Content Hubs, web-based widgets, that are placed on product supplier websites to increase user engagement and sales conversion.


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Contact Information


Daniel Levitt

Daniel Levitt

SOURCE: Bioz, Inc.

來源:Bioz, Inc.

