
Driving Impact and Growth: Forum One Appoints Colin Stewart as CGO

Driving Impact and Growth: Forum One Appoints Colin Stewart as CGO

推動影響力和創業板發展:Forum One任命Colin Stewart擔任首席增長官。
PR Newswire ·  06/12 02:03

ARLINGTON, Va., June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Digital agency Forum One has appointed Colin Stewart as its new Chief Growth Officer (CGO). Stewart brings over two decades of experience developing and executing revenue growth strategies, building client relationships, and leading profitable teams. His background spans nonprofit, corporate, and government clients intersecting marketing, technology, and service delivery.

2024年6月11日,數字代理公司Forum One任命Colin Stewart爲其新任首席增長官(CGO)。 Stewart擁有二十多年的經驗,開發並執行營收增長策略,建立客戶關係並領導有利可圖的團隊。他的背景涵蓋非營利組織、企業和政府客戶在市場營銷、技術和服務交付的交叉點。

Digital agency Forum One hires Colin Stewart as its new CGO to drive growth in the nonprofit and government sectors.

數字代理公司Forum One聘請Colin Stewart擔任其新任CGO,推動非營利和政府機構的增長。

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Digital agency Forum One hires Colin Stewart as its new Chief Growth Officer to drive impact and business growth within the nonprofit and government sectors.
數字代理公司Forum One聘請Colin Stewart擔任其新任首席增長官,推動非營利和政府機構內的影響力和商業增長。

Before joining Forum One, Stewart served as Executive Director of Launch by NTT DATA, where he spearheaded a team that helped mission-driven organizations and major brands build provocative digital experiences that drove audience action. With previous leadership roles at Blue State and Merkle's nonprofit practice, Stewart has played a key role in winning business and catalyzing effective growth.

在加入Forum One之前,Stewart擔任NTT DATA的啓動執行董事,帶領團隊幫助使命驅動的組織和主要品牌打造推動觀衆行動的引人入勝的數字體驗。在 Blue State 和 Merkle 的非營利實踐擔任過其它領導角色,Stewart 在贏得業務和催化有效增長方面發揮了關鍵作用。

"We apply our passion to support clients addressing the most critical global issues," said Forum One CEO Elisabeth Bradley. "Colin brings decades of experience applying digital expertise and experience to help nonprofit and government clients solve problems. I'm thrilled he'll be sharing that expertise with our team and clients."

“我們將我們的熱情投入到支持客戶解決全球最重要的問題中,” Forum One首席執行官Elisabeth Bradley表示。“ Colin帶來了幾十年將數字專業知識和經驗應用於幫助非營利和政府客戶解決問題的經驗。我很高興他將與我們的團隊和客戶分享這種專業知識。”

Forum One was founded in 1996 on the idea that the Internet could bring people together to collaboratively solve the world's most pressing challenges. Long-term relationships with major mission-driven organizations and government agencies such as the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the American Red Cross, and the Environmental Protection Agency have brought Forum One's vision to life over the past 28 years. Forum One has completed thousands of projects advancing health, education, the environment, and other global issues.

Forum One成立於1996年,旨在通過協作解決全球最緊迫的挑戰。與世界銀行、比爾和梅琳達·蓋茨基金會、美國紅十字會和環保局等主要使命驅動的組織和政府機構長期合作的關係,使Forum One的願景在過去的28年中變成現實。 Forum One已完成數千個有助於促進健康、教育、環境和其他全球問題的項目。

Stewart's strategic leadership position involves close collaboration with the CEO and executive team to drive organizational growth and success. The CGO helps ensure that Forum One is positioned to thrive in a rapidly changing marketplace.

Stewart的戰略領導職位需要與首席執行官和執行團隊密切合作,推動組織增長和成功。 CGO有助於確保Forum One處於快速變化的市場中的優勢地位。

"I'm thrilled by the opportunity to help mission-driven organizations and government agencies thrive in a time of tremendous technology change," said Stewart. "In a world of AI chatbots and Chat-GPT-driven marketing copy, our clients must blend innovation with authenticity in digital experiences. Achieving this balance and fostering trust fuels my passion for this work."


About Forum One

關於Forum One

Forum One amplifies the impact of mission-driven organizations through transformational digital solutions. The digital consultancy works with nonprofits, associations, foundations, think tanks, cultural institutions, and government agencies all over the world to understand their challenges and implement forward-looking, effective solutions that have an impact.

Forum One通過變革性的數字解決方案來增強使命驅動的組織的影響力。這家數字諮詢公司與全球的非營利組織、協會、基金會、智庫、文化機構和政府機構合作,了解它們的挑戰並實施具有前瞻性和有效性的解決方案,產生影響。

SOURCE Forum One

消息來源:Forum One

