
Success of the "Ipsos Partnership 2024" Operation

Success of the "Ipsos Partnership 2024" Operation

GlobeNewswire ·  06/12 01:23

Success of the "Ipsos Partnership 2024" operation

“Ipsos Partnership 2024”控件的成功

Paris, 11 June 2024 – Ipsos Partners is an investment entity established in 2016 (see press release of 14 November 2016), dedicated to Ipsos' executives and senior managers. As of December 31, 2023, Ipsos Partners held a 19% stake in DT & Partners, alongside Didier Truchot, Founder and Chairman of the Ipsos group, who owns 81%.

2024年6月11日,Ipsos Partners成立於2016年(請參閱2016年11月14日的新聞稿),是一個專爲Ipsos的高管和高級管理人員服務的投資實體。截至2023年12月31日,Ipsos Partners持有DT & Partners 19%的股份,Didier Truchot,Ipsos集團的創始人和主席擁有81%的股份。

DT & Partners is the Ipsos SA shareholder of reference, holding 11.2% of the capital and 19.0% of the voting rights as of December 31, 2023.

截至2023年12月31日,DT & Partners是Ipsos SA的參考股東,持有11.2%的股本和19.0%的表決權。

Through the "Ipsos Partnership 2024" initiative, nearly 330 executives globally opted to invest in the structure, for a total of approximately 18 million euros. The capital raised will allow Ipsos Partners to buy back shares from managers who have left the company since 2018 and strengthen its stake in DT & Partners.

通過“Ipsos Partnership 2024”倡議,近330名全球高管選擇投資這一結構,共計約1800萬歐元。所籌集的資本將使Ipsos Partners從自2018年以來離開公司的管理人員手中回購股份,並加強它在DT & Partners中的持股。

Following these operations, Ipsos Partners will hold 21% of DT & Partners' capital. DT & Partners, which has also acquired Ipsos shares on the market, will now hold 11.4% of Ipsos SA's capital and 19.2% of its voting rights (and DT & Partners, Didier Truchot, and Laurence Stoclet acting in concert, as already communicated, will hold 12.3% of the capital and 20.7% of the listed company's voting rights).

在這些操作之後,Ipsos Partners將持有DT & Partners 21%的股份。 DT & Partners在市場上還購買了Ipsos的股票,現在將持有Ipsos SA 11.4%的股本和19.2%的表決權(而DT&Partners,Didier Truchot和Laurence Stoclet協同行動,如前所述,將持有該公司12.3%的股本和20.7%的表決權)。

Ipsos aims to strengthen its position as a global leader in its areas of expertise and specialisation, independent from any other external influence. To achieve this, Ipsos needs stable and motivated professional shareholders, determined to act together, alongside the company's other shareholders.


Didier Truchot, Chairman of both Ipsos and Ipsos Partners, and Ben Page, Chief Executive Officer of Ipsos and a member of Ipsos Partners' Supervisory Board, welcome the operation's success and thank the executives who invested for their trust.

Ipsos和Ipsos Partners的主席Didier Truchot以及Ipsos Partners監事會成員、Ipsos首席執行官Ben Page對此次操作的成功表示歡迎,並感謝投資的高管們的信任。



Ipsos is one of the largest market research and polling companies globally, operating
in 90 markets and employing nearly 20,000 people.

Ipsos是全球最大的市場研究和民意調查公司之一, 在90個市場開展業務,員工近20,000人。

Our passionately curious research professionals, analysts and scientists have built unique multi-specialist capabilities that provide true understanding and powerful insights into the actions, opinions and motivations of citizens, consumers, patients, customers or employees. Our 75 business solutions are based on primary data from our surveys, social media monitoring, and qualitative or observational techniques.


"Game Changers" – our tagline – summarizes our ambition to help our 5,000 clients navigate with confidence our rapidly changing world.

Ipsos成立於1975年,總部位於法國,自1999年7月1日起在Euronext Paris上市。該公司是SBF 120、Mid-60指數、STOXX Europe 600的一部分,也可以參加Deferred Settlement Service(SRD)。

Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos has been listed on the Euronext Paris since July 1, 1999. The company is part of the SBF 120, Mid-60 indices, STOXX Europe 600 and is eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD).
ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg IPS:FP


35 rue du Val de Marne
75 628 Paris, Cedex 13 France
Tel. +33 1 41 98 90 00

電話:+33 1 41 98 90 00

Company with a share capital of 10,800,806.25 euros
Registered office: 35, rue du Val de Marne 75013 Paris
304 555 634 RCS PARIS

註冊地址:巴黎75013 Val de Marne街35號。
304 555 634 RCS PAIRS



  • Press Release - Ipsos Partners 2024 - 061124
  • 新聞發佈-伊普索斯合作伙伴2024-061124

