
Multibrand Residential Showroom, Chicago

Multibrand Residential Showroom, Chicago

MillerKnoll ·  06/10 12:00

This June, Maharam opens a multibrand residential showroom in Chicago's Merchandise Mart.


The showroom is the first in a series of four that will launch in Europe and throughout North America during the year and reflects Maharam's dynamic position as a global design business stewarding the Edelman, Knoll Textiles, and Maharam brands. Designed to showcase the extensive breadth of residential products offered across the three brands, the 1,500 square-foot showroom highlights leathers and textiles united by luxury and that prioritize the integrity, substance, and tactility of natural materials.

該展廳是一系列計劃在歐洲和北美全境推出的四個展廳中的第一個,反映了Maharam作爲全球設計業務管理Edelman、Knoll Textiles和Maharam品牌的動態地位。展廳旨在展示三個品牌所提供的廣泛住宅產品,並突出顯示以奢華爲一體的皮革和紡織品,在自然材料的完整性、實質性和手感方面具有優先級。這個1500平方英尺的展廳旨在展示三個品牌所提供的廣泛住宅產品,並突出顯示以奢華爲一體的皮革和紡織品,在自然材料的完整性、實質性和手感方面具有優先級。

Created in collaboration with architect Neil Logan to be a gallery-like showroom that presents textiles to their best advantage, the space integrates an updated layout with new displays that celebrate the brands' combined perspectives on leathers and textiles for residential interiors. Echoing gridded features found throughout the space, recessed wooden shelving systems serve as a sample library where clients can browse and select samples, creating a shopping experience that invites clients to explore and engage with the textiles. Logan has also designed a credenza with expansive sliding trays to display Edelman and Maharam's comprehensive leather offerings.

與建築師Neil Logan合作創建的展廳,像畫廊一樣展示紡織品,展示空間整合了更新的佈局和新的展示,展示了品牌對住宅內的皮革和紡織品的結合觀點。回應展廳內發現的網格特徵,內嵌式木製貨架系統用作樣品庫,客戶可以瀏覽並選擇樣品,創造了一個邀請客戶探索和參與紡織品的購物體驗。Logan還設計了一個信用臺,有廣闊的滑動抽屜,用來展示Edelman和Maharam全面的皮革產品。

The incorporation of classic features in its design unifies the new showroom's appearance with other Maharam spaces. Centrally positioned, a twenty-five-foot-long partitioned tabletop crafted entirely of fir displays leathers and textiles in Mondrian-like fields of color, pattern, and texture. Work areas for clients to review products, including a round meeting table by Logan with cantilevered MR Side Chairs by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, foster opportunities for dynamic exchange.

在設計上融入經典元素統一了新展廳的外觀和其他Maharam空間。中央位置設有一個25英尺長的隔板式樺木桌面,展示着以蒙德里安式的顏色、圖案和質地爲特點的皮革和紡織品。爲客戶評估產品提供工作區域,包括由Logan設計的圓形會議桌,配有Ludwig Mies van der Rohe的懸臂MR Side椅,促進了動態交流的機會。

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