
WARF Appoints Deborah Keller Board Chair

WARF Appoints Deborah Keller Board Chair

WARF委任Deborah Keller爲董事會主席
PR Newswire ·  06/11 22:15

MADISON, Wis., June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Deborah Keller, an accomplished life sciences executive with extensive global experience in drug development, has been appointed Chair of the WARF Board of Trustees. Keller succeeds Dr. Jim Berbee, who will remain a WARF Trustee.

2024年6月11日,威斯康辛州麥迪遜/新華社/ -- Deborah Keller是一位成就斐然的生命科學高管,擁有豐富的藥物開發全球經驗,已被任命爲WARF董事會主席。 Keller接替Jim Berbee博士,後者將繼續擔任WARF董事。

Deborah Keller
Deborah Keller

Keller served nearly 30 years at Covance Inc., including as CEO of Covance Drug Development. At Covance, Keller was responsible for $3 billion in revenue and more than 12,000 employees in 125 countries involved in all phases of drug development from late discovery to commercialization services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Keller retired from Covance in 2016.

Keller在Covance公司服務了將近30年,包括擔任Covance Drug Development的CEO。在Covance公司,Keller負責了價值30億美元的收入和超過125個國家,超過12,000名員工參與從晚期發現到商業化服務和藥品生物技術公司的所有階段的藥物開發。Keller於2016年從Covance公司退休。

"We are honored to have Deborah lead our WARF Board of Trustees," says Erik Iverson, WARF Chief Executive Officer. "Her leadership is evident in all her contributions to WARF and UW and her expertise in drug development is an important complement to WARF and UW-Madison's portfolio of work in this area."

“我們很榮幸有Deborah領導我們的WARF董事會,” WARF首席執行官Erik Iverson說。“她的領導力在WARF和UW的所有貢獻中顯而易見,她在藥物開發方面的專業知識是WARF和UW-Madison在這一領域工作的一個重要補充。”

Today, Keller is the founder and principal with Black Frame Advisors LLC, which serves the health care and pharmaceutical industry. In addition, she serves as chair of Avalere Health and as a director for West Pharmaceutical Services Inc. Keller received Fierce Biotech's Top 10 Women in Biotech Award and the Healthcare Business Women's Association Rising Star Award.

如今,Keller是Black Frame Advisors LLC的創始人和負責人,該公司爲醫療保健和藥品行業提供服務。此外,她還擔任Avalere Health主席和West Pharmaceutical Services Inc.董事。Keller獲得了Fierce Biotech的Top 10 Women in Biotech獎和Healthcare Business Women's Association Rising Star獎。

"Serving our great public University of Wisconsin-Madison, one of our state's greatest assets, through WARF is a true honor," says Keller. "UW's research community is one of the finest engines of innovation in the world, meeting the complex challenges of today and the future. WARF is a storied organization with a mission to support research and innovation and helping the citizens of Wisconsin and others around the world, ranging from developing life-saving medicines such as warfarin to funding environmental monitoring stations, part of the 'Wisconet,' which aid agriculture and other industry in Wisconsin. The scope of technology and innovation advancements by WARF on behalf of the UW is vast and growing, allowing WARF's 21st century contribution to the Wisconsin Idea."

Keller說:“爲我們偉大的威斯康星州公立大學--威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校服務是一種真正的榮譽。 UW的研究社區是世界上最好的創新引擎之一,應對着當今和未來的複雜挑戰。 WARF是一家有着悠久歷史的機構,其使命是支持研究和創新,幫助威斯康星州和世界各地的人們,從開發像華法林這樣的救生藥品到資助環境監測站,作爲‘Wisconet’的一部分,這些站點有助於農業和其他行業的發展。 WARF在代表UW進行技術創新方面的範圍是廣泛而且日益擴大的,使WARF對威斯康辛理念的21 世紀貢獻也越來越大。”21世紀醫療改革法案對威斯康星理念的貢獻。

Keller holds a master's in business administration (MBA) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She earned two bachelor's degrees, one in business administration - accounting and another in chemistry, at Nazareth College.


Keller was first elected to the WARF Board of Trustees in 2017. Berbee, an emergency medicine physician and entrepreneur, served as Chair since 2018.


Keller lives in Madison, Wisconsin.


About WARF


Incorporated in 1925, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) patents and licenses discoveries from UW-Madison research, manages an investment portfolio generated from licensing and investment proceeds, and provides annual grants to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Morgridge Institute for Research to support further scientific investigation and research. By driving collaborations among researchers, investors, industry and entrepreneurs, WARF commercializes innovations from campus through various initiatives. WARF Accelerator improves the commercialization potential of university intellectual property through industry engagement and investment in proof-of-concept milestones to validate market potential, demonstrate commercial value and de-risk technology. WARF Therapeutics partners with UW-Madison and Morgridge Institute researchers employing an industry-focused approach to improve the value propositions of drug candidates. WARF Ventures is an early-stage venture fund that invests in startups based on UW/WARF technologies. Learn more at

成立於1925年的 威斯康星大學校友研究基金會(WARF)鎖定由UW-Madison研究團隊發現的專利並執行授權和轉讓,管理由授權和投資收益產生的投資組合,並向威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校和莫格里奇研究所提供年度撥款,以支持進一步的科學調查和研究。通過推動研究人員、投資者、行業和企業家之間的合作,WARF通過各種舉措推動校園中的創新商業化。WARF Accelerator通過與產業的接觸和投資以證明市場潛力、展示商業價值和降低技術風險等措施,提高了大學知識產權的商業化潛力。WARF Therapeutics與UW-Madison和莫格里奇研究所研究人員合作,採用面向產業的方法,改進了藥物候選評估的價值主張。WARF Ventures是一家基於UW/WARF技術的初創企業基金。 了解更多信息

Jeanan Yasiri Moe
Director of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs
[email protected]
(608) 960-9892

Jeanan Yasiri Moe
[email protected]
(608) 960-9892



