
SinglePoint Subsidiary Boston Solar Celebrates Milestone Surpassing 6000 Residential Solar Installations

SinglePoint Subsidiary Boston Solar Celebrates Milestone Surpassing 6000 Residential Solar Installations

SinglePoint子公司Boston Solar慶祝里程碑,超過6000家居民太陽能安裝
newsfile ·  06/11 21:05

Boston, Massachusetts--(Newsfile Corp. - June 11, 2024) - SinglePoint Inc (CBOE: SING), is pleased to announce its subsidiary Boston Solar, a Proud Partner of the Boston Red Sox and leader in the renewable energy sector, proudly announces the completion of its 6,000th residential solar system installation. This significant achievement underscores the Company's commitment to sustainable energy solutions and its role in advancing the adoption of clean, renewable energy across the region.

Newsfile Corp. - 2024年6月11日,位於馬薩諸塞州波士頓--SinglePoint Inc (CBOE: SING)很高興地宣佈其子公司波士頓太陽能已經完成其6000個住宅太陽能系統的安裝,波士頓太陽能是波士頓紅襪隊的自豪合作伙伴和可再生能源板塊的領導者,這一重大成就凸顯了公司致力於可持續能源解決方案以及促進區域清潔、可再生能源消費的角色。th自成立以來,波士頓太陽能始終處於太陽能能源革命的前沿,爲業主提供創新高效的太陽能解決方案,不僅減少了能源成本,而且爲健康的環境貢獻了力量。安裝的6000個太陽能系統標誌着該公司在促進可持續發展和所有人的能源獨立方面的使命取得了重大里程碑。

Since its inception Boston Solar has been at the forefront of the solar energy revolution, providing homeowners with innovative and efficient solar solutions that not only reduce energy costs but also contribute to a healthier environment. The installation of the 6,000th solar system marks a major milestone in the company's mission to promote sustainability and energy independence for all.

"我們爲達到6000個住宅太陽能安裝量的里程碑而感到高興,"波士頓太陽能總裁Michael Morlino說"這一成就既是我們團隊辛勤工作和奉獻的證明,也是業主日益認知可再生能源的證明。每一個安裝都使我們更接近一個更加綠色的未來,我們非常期待繼續在全國社區推動太陽能的普及。"th太陽能行業一直保持着驚人的增長和關注。該行業現已超過500萬戶住宅,住宅太陽能滲透率約爲7%。這爲像波士頓太陽能這樣的公司在整個美國繼續安裝住宅和小型商業太陽能系統留下了很長的路程。

"We are thrilled to reach this landmark of 6,000 residential solar installations," said Michael Morlino President, Boston Solar. "This accomplishment is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as the growing awareness and commitment of homeowners to embrace renewable energy. Each installation brings us one step closer to a greener future, and we are excited to continue driving the adoption of solar energy in communities nationwide."


The solar industry has been seeing monumental growth and attention. The industry has now surpassed 5,000,000 residential homes with residential solar market penetration at approximately 7%. This leaves a long runway for companies like Boston Solar to continue installing residential and small commercial solar systems throughout the US.

"我感激我們的團隊所付出的努力和承諾。對於該行業的從業者來說,這已經不是祕密了。在如此艱難的環境中,我們公司能夠從根本上取得改善,這說明他們的堅韌和力量。在今年剩下的時間裏,我們將繼續努力改善我們的現金狀況,降低我們的物品成本,並進一步增強業務單元以實現正現金流運營和最終盈利能力,"SinglePoint Inc的CEO Wil Ralston補充說。

In addition to reaching this milestone, Boston Solar remains dedicated to advancing solar technology and expanding its offerings to meet the diverse needs of homeowners. The Company continues to enhance the efficiency of its business units and drive towards operational profitability. Initiatives to date have reduced overhead by approximately $3,000,000, improved residential installation throughput resulting in improved cashflow and increased commercial solar opportunities which would result in additional revenue and profitability upon completion of projects.

關於波士頓太陽能: 波士頓太陽能是SinglePoint Inc. (CBOE: SING)的子公司,自2011年成立以來,波士頓太陽能已安裝了超過5,000個住宅和商用太陽能陣列,爲新英格蘭地區的成千上萬個家庭和企業提供電力,主要位於馬薩諸塞州。波士頓太陽能的使命是提供優質的清潔能源產品、卓越的客戶服務以及住宅和商業安裝中最高質量的藝術設計。

"I am grateful for the effort and commitment our teams have shown. For those in the industry it is no secret it has been a tumultuous two plus years and the fact our companies have fundamentally improved in this extremely tough environment is a testament to their fortitude and strength. Over the remaining half of the year we will continue to work towards improving our cash position, reduce our cost of goods and further enhance the business units to achieve cashflow positive operations and ultimately profitability," adds Wil Ralston CEO SinglePoint Inc.

關於SinglePoint Inc.: SinglePoint Inc.是一家重點致力於提供環保節能和健康生活解決方案的可再生能源和可持續生活方式公司。SinglePoint最初的重點是建立最大的可再生能源解決方案網絡,現代化傳統太陽能和儲能模型。公司還積極探索未來增長機會,包括空氣淨化、電動汽車充電、太陽能訂閱服務以及增強可持續性和更健康生活的其他能效措施。欲了解更多信息,請訪問公司網站().

About Boston Solar
Boston Solar is a subsidiary of SinglePoint Inc. (CBOE: SING) Since its founding in 2011, Boston Solar has installed more than 5,000 residential and commercial solar arrays, powering thousands of homes and businesses in New England, primarily in Massachusetts. The mission of Boston Solar is to provide superior clean energy products, exceptional customer service, and the highest-quality artistry in residential and commercial installations.

關於波士頓太陽能 波士頓太陽能是SinglePoint Inc. (CBOE: SING) 自2011年創立以來已安裝了5000多個住宅和商業太陽能陣列,爲馬薩諸塞州的數千戶家庭和企業供電。波士頓太陽能的使命是爲業主提供卓越的清潔能源產品、優質的客戶服務和住宅和商業安裝的最高質量的技藝。
波士頓太陽能是SinglePoint Inc. (CBOE: SING) 的子公司。

Boston Solar has accumulated several distinctions of recognition of the company's outstanding:

波士頓太陽能獲得了以下榮譽: 1. 從GuildQuality獲得的2020年Guildmaster獎,表彰了波士頓太陽能在住宅建築行業中展示的卓越客戶服務。 2. 連續五年被Solar Power World雜誌評爲頂級太陽能承包商。 3. 被波士頓商業雜誌“馬薩諸塞州最大的清潔能源公司”所榮譽。 4. 波士頓太陽能是新英格蘭太陽能業務協會(SEBANE)的成員。了解更多信息:

  • Honored with the 2020 Guildmaster Award from GuildQuality, the award acknowledged how Boston Solar demonstrated exceptional customer service within the residential construction industry.
  • Named a Top Solar Contractor by Solar Power World magazine for five consecutive years.
  • Applauded by the Boston Business Journal's "Largest Clean Energy Companies in Massachusetts" list.
  • 太陽能行業中,波士頓太陽能公司以卓越的客戶服務榮獲2020年GuildQuality行業大師獎,以此表彰該公司在住宅施工行業中展現的卓越表現。
  • 連續五年被《太陽能動力世界》雜誌評爲頂尖太陽能承包商。
  • 被波士頓商業雜誌《馬薩諸塞最大清潔能源公司》的名單所讚譽。

Boston Solar is a Solar Energy Business Association of New England (SEBANE) member. Learn more at:

波士頓太陽能是新英格蘭太陽能業務協會(SEBANE)的成員。 了解更多信息:

About SinglePoint Inc.

關於SinglePoint Inc.: SinglePoint Inc.是一家重點致力於提供環保節能和健康生活解決方案的可再生能源和可持續生活方式公司。SinglePoint最初的重點是建立最大的可再生能源解決方案網絡,現代化傳統太陽能和儲能模型。公司還積極探索未來增長機會,包括空氣淨化、電動汽車充電、太陽能訂閱服務以及增強可持續性和更健康生活的其他能效措施。欲了解更多信息,請訪問公司網站()。

SinglePoint Inc. is a renewable energy and sustainable lifestyle company focused on providing environmentally friendly energy efficiencies and healthy living solutions. SinglePoint is initially focused on building the largest network of renewable energy solutions and modernizing the traditional solar and energy storage model. The Company is also actively exploring future growth opportunities in air purification, electric vehicle charging, solar as a subscription service, and additional energy efficiencies that enhance sustainability and a healthier life. For more information, visit the Company's website ().


Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of Rule 175 under the Securities Act of 1933 and Rule 3b-6 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are subject to the safe harbor created by those rules. All statements, other than statements of fact, included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding potential plans and objectives of the Company, the use of proceeds, anticipated growth and future expansion, are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties.


There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.


Technical complications, which may arise, could prevent the prompt implementation of any strategically significant plan(s) outlined above. The Company undertakes no duty to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release.


Boston Solar


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