
BNY: Bank Of New York Mellon Embraces New Name After 240 Years

BNY: Bank Of New York Mellon Embraces New Name After 240 Years

Benzinga ·  06/11 20:05

Bank of New York Mellon (NYSE:BK) is rebranding to BNY, CEO Robin Vince announced in a memo to employees on Tuesday.


What Happened: Founded 240 years ago by Alexander Hamilton, BNY has grown to oversee $48.8 trillion in assets. The bank is known for serving other financial institutions as a custodian.


Vince, who took the helm in March 2022, has focused on growth areas like real-time payments and artificial intelligence. He has also brought in new leadership to boost efficiency.


As per the press release, the rebrand includes new block-lettered signs and a teal arrow logo. Some divisions will be renamed, such as BNY Investments, BNY Wealth, and BNY Pershing. The legal name remains The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation.

根據新聞稿,重新品牌包括新的大寫字母標誌和青綠色的箭頭標誌。一些部門將更名,例如BNY投資、BNY財富和BNY Pershing。法定名稱仍然是The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation。

BNY's stock has risen nearly 17% in 2024, outperforming the S&P 500 index of bank shares. The rebrand follows a trend toward shorter names on Wall Street after years of mergers and acquisitions.


Why It Matters: In April, Bank of New York Mellon announced a collaboration with Accenture Plc to modernize financial services through data innovation. This partnership aims to enhance data management and analytics, combining Accenture's expertise in AI and platform engineering with BNY Mellon's extensive financial data services. The collaboration is expected to accelerate the development of innovative offerings in private markets and wealth management technology.

爲什麼這很重要:4月份,紐約梅隆銀行宣佈與埃森哲有限公司合作,通過數據創新現代化金融服務。此合作旨在加強數據管理和分析,將埃森哲在人工智能和平台工程方面的專業知識與BNY Mellon廣泛的金融數據服務相結合。合作有望加速私人市場和财富管理技術創新的發展。

Additionally, BNY Mellon reported strong first-quarter results in April, with adjusted earnings per share of $1.29, surpassing the street view of $1.19. The bank's quarterly revenue of $4.527 billion also exceeded analyst expectations of $4.388 billion. These positive financial results have contributed to the bank's stock performance, which has risen nearly 17% in 2024.


Price Action: BNY closed at $60.74 on Monday, according to Benzinga Pro.

價格行動:BNY根據Benzinga Pro的數據,週一收於60.74美元。

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照片通過Wikimedia Commons

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Pooja Rajkumari編輯

