
Alpha Exploration Provides Exploration Update

Alpha Exploration Provides Exploration Update

newsfile ·  06/11 18:41

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - June 11, 2024) - Alpha Exploration Ltd. (TSXV: ALEX) ("Alpha" or the "Company") provides an update on its exploration programs across its 100% owned, 771 km2 Kerkasha Project located in Eritrea.

加拿大阿爾伯塔省--(新聞稿公司-2024年6月11日) - Alpha Exploration Ltd. (TSXV: tsxv ALEX) ("Alpha"或"公司")提供了有關其在厄立特里亞擁有的771平方公里Kerkasha項目中,跨其全部持有的勘探計劃的最新進展。



  • Acceleration of exploration programs on three priority prospects across Kerkasha licence
  • 8,000 metre drill program more than half completed on Aburna Gold Prospect
  • 3rd drill rig en route to accelerate drill target definition at Aburna
  • Additional exploration drilling planned for Anagulu Copper-Gold Prospect
  • Drill targeting underway at Tolegimja Copper-Zinc-Gold VMS Prospect
  • Kerkasha許可證範圍內的三個優先勘探區(Aburna Gold Prospect,Anagulu銅金礦勘探區和Tolegimja銅鋅金VMS勘探區)的勘探計劃正在加速推進。
  • Aburna黃金勘探區的當前鑽探計劃已完成約5000米的8,000米倒循環鑽探(RC)和金剛石鑽探 (DD) ,計劃測試一些優先級最高的目標,並預計在未來六週內完成測試。 這項鑽探包括延伸今年早些時候發現的優質上料帶,這裏Alpha在鑽探孔ABD012和ABD013中分別遇到了18m @ 15.33 g/t Au 和49.5m @ 2.75 g/t Au點。 此外,一個氣動轉子 (RAB) 鑽機正在運送到現場,計劃在今年8月開始鑽探,計劃在迄今爲止定義的主礦化走廊內加速發現更多的淺層、高品位的黃金礦脈,計劃鑽探10,000米。 這些計劃工程將使Alpha能夠加速在Aburna進行鑽探目標定義,可能包括在今年晚些時候利用更多的鑽探來完全定義主要的礦化透鏡,作爲一項資源定義鑽探計劃的一部分。
  • 3rd在Anagulu金銅斑岩勘探區(“Anagulu”)和Tolegimja銅鋅金VMS勘探區(“Tolegimja”),Alpha計劃在H2 2024期間分別在高優先級目標上分別鑽探2,000米和1,000米,並在兩個地區合計進行10,000米的RAB鑽探。
  • Alpha總裁兼首席執行官Michael Hopley表示: “我非常高興地宣佈,Alpha現在已經能夠積極推進我們在Kerkasha許可證上的三個優先勘探項目。我們在2024年的重點是全面定義連接Hill 52、Central和Northeast Areas三個當前目標的3km長礦化走廊,同時,本年度Q3將有一臺RAB鑽機運抵現場,這將使我們在較大的7.2km x 2km Aburna勘探區的異常表面黃金地球化學特徵和溝槽的定義範圍內,以迅速且成本效益地方式生成和評估其他優先級鑽探目標。
  • “此外,我很高興我們將在Anagulu和Tolegimja項目上進行勘探,包括大量鑽探。我們將向股東報告公司在一個繁忙的勘探期間的進展情況。"

Accelerated exploration underway

Aburna - 鑽探目標

The current drill program at the Aburna Gold Prospect ("Aburna") has reached approximately 5,000m of the 8,000m of reverse circulation ("RC") and diamond drilling ("DD") planned to test a number of high priority targets and is expected to be completed within the next six weeks. This drilling includes extending a high-grade feeder zone discovered earlier this year where Alpha intersected 18m @ 15.33 g/t Au and 49.5m @ 2.75 g/t Au from drill holes ABD012 and ABD013 respectively. In addition, a Rotary Air Blast ("RAB") rig is being mobilized to site to commence drilling in August this year, with 10,000m planned to accelerate discovery of further shallow, high grade gold 'shoots' within the main mineralized corridor defined to date. These planned work programs will enable Alpha to fast-track drill target definition at Aburna, which may include utilising additional drills later in the year to fully define the primary mineralized lenses as part of a resource definition drilling program.

Alpha最近的解釋確定了位於Aburna的三個主要目標區;Hill 52、Central Area和Northeast Area, 可能包括相同的礦化體系,創建一個總目標長度最長可達3km, 並由一個主要南北向區域性斷層隔開,該斷層似乎使礦化產生了側向錯移 (見圖2)。 當前的鑽探計劃將集中於充分定義此目標,包括鑽探位於Hill 52和Central Area之間的300米“Gap Zone”(圖1)。

At the Anagulu Gold-Copper Porphyry Prospect ("Anagulu") and Tolegimja Copper-Zinc-Gold VMS Prospect ("Tolegimja"), Alpha plans to drill up to 2,000m and 1,000m respectively over high priority targets as well as 10,000 metres of RAB drilling over both prospects in H2 2024.

另外,公司計劃從今年Q3開始使用RAB鑽機進行鑽探。通過利用RAB鑽機快速鑽探許多淺層(不超過50m)鑽孔,將使Alpha能夠以迅速和成本效益的方式測試多項優先級目標,以及測試異常表面地球化學特徵和溝槽定義的巨大7.2km×2km Aburna範圍內進一步搜索高品位“shoots”的潛力。

Michael Hopley, Alpha's President & CEO commented that, "I am very pleased to report that Alpha is now in a position to aggressively advance our three priority exploration prospects on the Kerkasha licence. Our focus for Aburna throughout the rest of 2024 will be to fully define the 3km long mineralized corridor that links the three current targets at Hill 52, Central and Northeast Areas. Simultaneously, the arrival of a RAB rig on site in Q3 this year this year will enable us to rapidly and cost effectively generate and evaluate other priority drill targets over the larger 7.2km by 2km footprint of the Aburna prospect, which is defined by anomalous surface gold geochemistry and trenching.

Alpha的總裁兼首席執行官Michael Hopley表示:,“我非常高興地宣佈,Alpha現在已經能夠積極推進我們在Kerkasha許可證上的三個優先勘探項目。我們在2024年的重點是全面定義連接Hill 52、Central和Northeast Areas三個當前目標的3km長礦化走廊,同時,本年度Q3將有一臺RAB鑽機運抵現場,這將使我們在較大的7.2km x 2km Aburna勘探區的異常表面黃金地球化學特徵和溝槽的定義範圍內,以迅速且成本效益地方式生成和評估其他優先級鑽探目標。

"Furthermore, I am very pleased that we will be advancing exploration, including significant drilling, on the Anagulu and Tolegimja prospects. We will keep shareholders updated on progress in what is expected to be a busy exploration period for the Company."


Aburna - drill targets

Aburna - 鑽探目標

Recent interpretation by Alpha has established that the three main target areas at Aburna; Hill 52, Central Area and Northeast Area likely comprise the same mineralized system creating an overall target up to 3km in length and separated by a major N-S regional fault that appears to have laterally offset mineralization (see Figure 2). The current drill program will focus on fully defining this target, including drill testing the 300m "Gap Zone" between Hill 52 and Central Area (Figure 1).

Alpha最近的解釋確定了位於Aburna的三個主要目標區;Hill 52、Central Area和Northeast Area, 可能包括相同的礦化體系,創建一個總目標長度最長可達3km, 並由一個主要南北向區域性斷層隔開,該斷層似乎使礦化產生了側向錯移 (見圖2)。 當前的鑽探計劃將集中於充分定義此目標,包括鑽探位於Hill 52和Central Area之間的300米“Gap Zone”(圖1)。

Separately, the Company plans to commence drilling with a RAB rig from Q3 this year. The rapid drilling of many shallow (less than 50m deep) drill holes by using a RAB rig will enable Alpha to rapidly and cost effectively test a number of priority targets, as well as testing the potential for further high-grade 'shoots' over the very large 7.2km x 2km Aburna footprint defined by anomalous surface gold geochemistry and trenching

另外,公司計劃從今年Q3開始使用RAB鑽機進行鑽探。通過利用RAB鑽機快速鑽探許多淺層(不超過50m)鑽孔,將使Alpha能夠以迅速和成本效益的方式測試多項優先級目標,以及測試異常表面地球化學特徵和溝槽定義的巨大7.2km×2km Aburna範圍內進一步搜索高品位“shoots”的潛力。

Recent drilling completed by Alpha at Aburna includes assays received from five RC holes with results detailed in Table 1, below. Significantly, drill hole ABR124 that include 15m @ 2.25 g/t Au, was drilled from the eastern end of the Gap Zone where drilling is currently ongoing. Many drillholes recently completed by the Company are awaiting sample preparation at NABRO Laboratories Limited ("NABRO") in Asmara. Alpha expects a delay of several weeks in receiving results from these holes due to upgrading of mechanical equipment at NABRO. With the anticipated acceleration in the Company's exploration programs, Alpha is currently looking at options to transport an additional, self-contained preparation facility to Asmara from ALS in the coming weeks.

Alpha最近在Aburna的鑽探中完成的包括五個RC孔的檢驗結果在下表(表1)中詳細說明。值得注意的是,ABR124鑽孔中包括的15 m @ 2.25 g/t Au,是從正在進行鑽孔的Gap Zone的東端鑽出的。公司最近完成的許多鑽孔需要在Asmara的NABRO實驗室(NABRO Laboratories Limited)做好樣品製備,由於NABRO機械設備升級工程,將會有幾周延遲。隨着公司勘探計劃的加速推進,Alpha目前正在尋求應對這些潛在的延誤的選擇,其中之一是在未來幾周從ALS運輸額外的自包含製備設備到阿斯瑪拉。

Table 1: Gold assay intercepts from recent drilling at Central Area, Aburna

表1: 黃金開多區中部地區最近鑽探的化驗攔截

Drillhole ID Area Significant Interval From (m) To (m)
ABR124 Central 8m @ 1.09 g/t Au 5 13
15m @ 2.25 g/t Au 47 62
ABR125 Central no significant result 4 22
ABR026 Central 7m @ 0.65 g/t Au 5 12
ABR127 Central 16m @ 0.78 g/t Au 11 27
8m @ 0.94 g/t Au 31 39
ABR128 Central 8m @ 0.69 g/t Au 61 69
鑽孔編號 區域 顯著區間 從(m) 至(m)
ABR124 中環 8m @ 1.09 g/t Au 5 13
15m @ 2.25 g/t Au 47 62
ABR125 中環 無顯著結果 4 22
ABR026 中環 7m @ 0.65 g/t Au 5 12
ABR127 中環 16m @ 0.78 g/t Au 11 27
8m @ 0.94 g/t Au 31 39
ABR128 中環 8m @ 0.69 g/t Au 61 69

Figure 1: 300m "Gap Zone" linking high grade feeder zone in Hill 52 with mineralized lens at Central Area to the east creating a >1km long mineralized target


Figure 2: Hill 52, Gap Zone, Central and Northeast Area creating target mineralization up to 3km in strike length


Anagulu Copper - Gold Prospect


In April 2024, Alpha engaged the services of Federico Cernuschi PhD. ("Cernuschi"), a world-renowned copper porphyry specialist, to undertake a detailed mapping program and data review of Anagulu. From this program, it was concluded that the main porphyry target at Anagulu probably exists directly along strike and SW of existing drilling on the project by Alpha that includes 108m @ 1.24 g/t Au & 0.6% Cu.

2024年4月,Alpha聘請了世界著名的銅斑岩專家Federico Cernuschi博士("Cernuschi"),對Anagulu進行了詳細的地圖製作和數據審核。通過這個項目,得出結論,Anagulu的主要斑岩目標可能直接存在於現有的Alpha採礦項目上,即包括108米@1.24克/噸Au和0.6%銅。

Five high priority drill targets have been recommended by Dr. Cernuschi and the planned drilling will test strike extensions of the quartz-eye diorite which is the host of the copper-gold mineralization at Anagulu.


Tolegimja Copper-Zinc-Gold Prospect


Recent handheld XRF soil sampling at Tolegimja has established that an eastern limb of VMS mineralization likely exists and extends for up to 3km, potentially mirroring the existing 3km long western limb, and creating a folded VMS target up to 6km in length. The eastern limb also coincides with a major EM ("Electromagnetic") anomaly identified from work previously undertaken by Thani - Ashanti. The Company is currently undertaking further mapping and sampling at Tolegimja, including gossanous and exhalite targets typically associated with VMS deposits, with a view to commencing a 1,000m scout drilling program later in 2024.

最近,手持式XRF土壤採樣表明,Tolegimja的一個VMS礦化可能存在於東部延伸,並延伸至3公里,潛在地鏡像現有的3公里長的西部延伸,形成一個長達6公里的VMS目標。東部伸展區還與Thani - Ashanti以前進行的工作識別出的主要EM("電磁")異常相符合。公司目前正在Tolegimja進行進一步的地圖製作和採樣工作,包括與VMS礦牀典型相關的鐵鏽和呼氣巖目標,以期在2024年晚些時候開始1000米的偵察鑽探計劃。

Rotary Air Blast (RAB) drilling


RAB drilling is a rapid and cost-effective technique for sampling at shallower depths (typically down to 25 or 50m) below soil cover. RAB drilling uses a conventional single barrel technique, with compressed air (or a combination of air and foam) pumped down through a drill rod, to break up the ground. This form of drilling provides a mixture of crushed rock powder and chips (up to ~2 cm). The method should provide a rapid assessment of the ground at a shallow level where many mineral deposits are most likely to be detected.


Sampling, sub-sampling and analysis


Alpha engaged an independent consultancy, RSC Mining & Mineral Exploration (RSC) to develop a Standard Operating Procedure ("SOP") for both RC and DD drill sampling and sample preparation in June 2021 and all samples in this release use this RSC SOP which utilizes blank standards and industry standards which are inserted at the beginning and end of every sample stream (and every 20 samples within the sample stream) for all samples submitted to ALS Geochemistry, Loughrea, Ireland, ("ALS"), for assay. Additionally, field replicates are taken at a frequency of about 1 in 5 (20%) through mineralized areas.

2021年6月,Alpha聘請了一個獨立諮詢公司RSC Mining & Mineral Exploration(RSC)爲RC和DD鑽探採樣和樣品製備開發了一個標準操作規程(" SOP "),本發佈中的所有樣品均使用這個RSCSOP,該規程採用空白標準和行業標準,分別插入到每個樣品流的開頭和結尾(以及在樣品流中的每20個樣品),以進行ALS地球化學,愛爾蘭,Loughrea提交的所有樣品的測定。此外,實驗區域複製品是在礦化區每5個(20%)頻率取一個樣品。

Sample preparation was undertaken by NABRO Laboratories Limited ("NABRO") in their independent laboratory in Asmara prior to shipping to ALS for analysis. NABRO sample preparation methods follow SOPs developed by RSC. One-meter samples from both RC and DD drilling were crushed (to >90% passing 2.0 mm) and pulverised (to >85% passing 75 μm). Two scoop samples were taken from the pulveriser bowl: approximately 130g for laboratory analysis and approximately 150g for portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) analysis. The coarse and pulp rejects were stored at Alpha's warehouse in Asmara. The Company inserted certified reference material from OREAS () into the sample stream, while NABRO in Asmara inserted barren granodiorite material into the sample stream as a blank. ALS analysed all drill samples for gold by method Au-AA26 (50 g charge fire assay, AAS finish). ALS is independent of the Company and its quality management systems framework is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 or certified to ISO 9001:2015 standards.

在運往ALS進行分析之前,樣品製備由NABRO Laboratories Limited("NABRO")在其位於Asmara的獨立實驗室中進行。NABRO樣品製備方法遵循RSC開發的SOP。RC和DD鑽探中的一米樣品被碾碎(通過2.0mm,針對>90%)和粉碎(對於>85%,通過75微米)。從研磨杯中取出兩個舀子樣品:約130g用於實驗室分析,約150克用於便攜式X射線熒光分析。粗骨和膠體廢料存放在Alpha在Asmara的倉庫中。在樣品中插入了來自OREAS()的認證參考材料,而Asmara的NABRO則在樣品中插入無效花崗岩材料作爲空白。ALS通過Au-AA26方法(50克火試劑法,AAS)分析了所有鑽孔樣品以獲取金條。 ALS獨立於公司,其質量管理體系框架獲得了ISO/IEC 17025:2005認證或認證爲ISO 9001:2015標準。

About Alpha


Alpha (TSXV: ALEX) is an exploration company that is rapidly advancing a number of important gold and base metal discoveries across its 100% owned, large (771 km2) Kerkasha Project in Eritrea.

Alpha(tsxv: alex)是一家勘探公司,正在快速推進其100%擁有的大型(771平方公里)厄立特里亞Kerkasha項目的許多重要金和基礎金屬發現。

The Aburna Gold Prospect is an exciting new gold discovery covering a very large 7.2km x 2km footprint where recent drilling has established a high-grade discovery with grades including 18m @ 15.33 g/t Au, 49m @ 2.75 g/t Au, 16 m @ 14.07 g/t Au, 9 m @ 10 g/t Au and 23 m @ 6.74 g/t Au. The Anagulu Gold-Copper Prospect includes recent drilling intersections of 108 m @ 1.24 g/t Au and 0.60% Cu and 49 m @ 2.42 g/t Au and 1.10% Cu within a porphyry unit mapped over at a >2 km strike length. The Company is also advancing exploration of the Tolegimja volcanogenic massive sulphide copper-zinc-gold prospect and over 17 other gold and base metal prospects since listing in 2021.

Aburna金礦區是一個令人興奮的新的金礦發現,覆蓋了一個非常大的7.2km x 2km,最近的鑽探已經確立了一個高品位的發現,包括18m @ 15.33克/噸Au,49m @ 2.75克/噸Au,16 m @ 14.07克/噸Au,9 m @ 10克/噸Au和23 m @ 6.74克/噸Au。Anagulu銅金礦區包括近期鑽探與靶區的108米@1.24克/噸Au和0.60%Cu以及49米@2.42克/噸Au和1.10%Cu岩漿岩交叉帶,長度超過2公里。自2021年上市以來,該公司還在推進Tolegimja火山岩性大規模硫化物銅鋅金礦區的勘探以及超過17個金屬和基礎金屬前景。

The Company is managed by a group of highly experienced and successful mining professionals with long track records of establishing, building and successfully exiting a number of world class gold and base metal discoveries in Eritrea and across the wider Arabian Nubian Shield.


For further information go to the Alpha webpage at or contact:


Michael Hopley

Michael Hopley

President and Chief Executive Officer


Alpha Exploration Ltd.

Alpha Exploration有限公司。



Tel: +44 207129 1148

電話:+44 207129 1148

Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information in this press release, including the results of the Aburna drill program and how these results relate to the ongoing exploration at the Kerkasha Project has been reviewed, verified, and approved by Michael Hopley, President, Chief Executive Officer of Alpha and a "qualified person" for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中的所有科學和技術信息,包括Aburna鑽探計劃的結果以及這些結果與Kerkasha項目的進行中的勘探之間的關係,均已由Alpha的總裁兼首席執行官Michael Hopley進行了審查、驗證和批准,大規模勘探的"合格人員",符合43-101 - 披露礦產項目的標準。

Cautionary Notes


This press release is intended for distribution in Canada only and is not intended for distribution to United States newswire services or dissemination in the United States.


Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements and information herein, including all statements that are not historical facts, contain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking statements or information include but are not limited to statements or information with respect to future dataset interpretations, sampling, plans for its projects (including the Anagulu prospect), surveys related to Alpha's assets, and the Company's drilling program. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements or information can be identified by the use of words such as "estimate", "project", "belief", "anticipate", "intend", "expect", "plan", "predict", "may" or "should" and the negative of these words or such variations thereon or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements and information. With respect to forward-looking statements and information contained herein, Alpha has made numerous assumptions including among other things, assumptions about general business and economic conditions and the price of gold and other minerals. The foregoing list of assumptions is not exhaustive.


Although management of Alpha believes that the assumptions made and the expectations represented by such statements or information are reasonable, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements or information herein will prove to be accurate. Forward-looking statements and information by their nature are based on assumptions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information. These factors include, but are not limited to: risks relating to Alpha's financing efforts; risks associated with the business of Alpha given its limited operating history; business and economic conditions in the mining industry generally; the supply and demand for labour and other project inputs; changes in commodity prices; changes in interest and currency exchange rates; risks relating to inaccurate geological and engineering assumptions (including with respect to the tonnage, grade and recoverability of reserves and resources); risks relating to unanticipated operational difficulties (including failure of equipment or processes to operate in accordance with specifications or expectations, cost escalation, unavailability of materials and equipment, government action or delays in the receipt of government approvals, industrial disturbances or other job action, and unanticipated events related to health, safety and environmental matters); risks relating to adverse weather conditions; political risk and social unrest; changes in general economic conditions or conditions in the financial markets; changes in laws (including regulations respecting mining concessions); risks related to the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19 including, but not limited to, its impact on general economic conditions, the ability to obtain financing as required, and causing potential delays to exploration activities; those factors discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Final Prospectus; and other risk factors as detailed from time to time. Alpha does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


